Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 6:42am for Chapter Four

I love about-to-blossom-Anne. And Papa is here? Already? 'scuse me. *hurries off to the next chapter*

Sandra Leonie posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2007 7:01pm for Chapter Four

Four fabulous chapters.
How will Mr Bennet react - I look forward to finding out.
I love D&E's growing relationship - who would have known the love they now feel for eachother......

lucyjay posted a comment on Thursday 9th August 2007 11:08am for Chapter Four

I loved having Mr. B catch Darcy resting his head on her lap. I am sure he will having something scathing to say about that.

Tink posted a comment on Tuesday 7th August 2007 5:16am for Chapter Four

Very good chapter but boy!...did you leave it at a very awkward point.

I like the way you brought in the problem with Ann's health. I hope her uncle will be called in to side with Darcy and everyone else. I can't wait to find out what Lady C's take is on all of this. Did she know.... or didn't she? I'm thinking she did. As overbearing as she is she probably just needed someone to control.

Can't wait until the next installment.

kristinhd posted a comment on Monday 6th August 2007 12:27pm for Chapter Four

I enjoyed this chapter and can't wait to see Mr. Bennet's reactions. Thanks for sharing.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Sunday 5th August 2007 2:00pm for Chapter Four

Poor Anne!
And I'm anxious to read more about Mr. Bennet. Gotta love him!
One serious nitpick (structurally-speaking) in the line about forgoing a formal dinner in lieu of an informal supper...this makes NO sense...s/b in favor of rather than in lieu of (which is a synonym for forgoing, really)...

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for catching that. It's been corrected.

Tarkas posted a comment on Sunday 5th August 2007 8:32am for Chapter Four

Trust Mr B to mak an entrance like that... [g]

Another excellent chapter, Madam Author, with lots of delightful characterisation. Colonel Fitzwilliam is becoming something of an enigma with his reactions to Anne's "illness"; despite his intentions, I can see him being caught by the "arts and allurements" of his utterly artless cousin -- or not, as the case may be. Whatever you may intend, that part of the story could go either way from here.

Meantime, E&D have to deal with a worried, and therefore likely to be querulous, Mr Bennet. I look forward to lots of verbal fencing in the next chapter as Darcy tries to establish both his bona fides as a husband for Lizzie and the truth of his claim that she returns his regard. Unfortunately, he can't provide the most concrete proof that he has -- namely, her responses to his physical demonstrations of affection. Still, he has allies in the form of all the Gardiners, and the children could well be the most potent of them all. The question is, will Mr B be prepared to listen to them, or even to Lizzie? I presume that we shall see next time.