Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


msgupy posted a comment on Saturday 31st July 2010 9:04pm

Well it's coming up 3 years since an update on either of your stories. Is all well? I see that Aaron's stories are also not updated recently. Are you just taking a break? If you are not writing due to personal crises I do apologise for harassing you. But if you are intending to finish your stories I would love to hear.

ucdneo posted a comment on Friday 15th May 2009 6:08am

I absolutely love all of your P&P stories and I keep checking back here in the hopes that you'll finish this and Lasting Impressions. What are the chances at getting an update?

Queberjeque posted a comment on Friday 10th April 2009 2:08am

I love your stories, after the first time I read them, I started reading other P&P fanfiction. Are you still writing? I keep checking back in the hopes that one day there'll be more to these wonderful stories. Your portrayals of Elizabeth and Darcy are terrific and the plotlines are better than the vast majority of works out there.

Dorothee posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 4:56am

I just want to ask when you will continue this story and "Last Impressions". Both of them are rather good and I would dearly like to read more.

Tink Cook posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 11:15pm


I really don't think that this is complete, is it?

It doesn't seem to be and we want to see more.

Please post an update soon!


Tink Cook posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 1:31pm

Are we ever going to have any more of this wonderful story?

I recently posted a question on another site about "Looking for a Story" and proceeded to post the only part I could remember; which was that Anne was at the Gardiner's and that she had some sort of addiction and Lizzy and Mrs Gardiner were helping her.

The reply I received was that it was this story but that it was unfinished. I then went back to do some quick reading and found out that they were correct. Then I noticed that there had been no updates since October. No wonder I forgot this scene.

I love this story and dearly hope that it has not been abandoned.

I have been reading all of the postings of "Lasting Impressions". This is another great story but I sincerely hope to see more of "A Fortunate Mishap" soon!

Tink posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 1:35am

Are we going to have any more of this story. I have enjoyed reading all of your P&P stories and would really like to see this one continued soon.

Please don't abandon it. It's too good!

berni posted a comment on Monday 28th January 2008 9:25pm

I would personally call Elizabeth Jane Austen's best heroine. The way you have made Elizabeth tease Darcy is very similar to her character and her teasing of Mr Darcy near the end of the book. Very well done!

chris25 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th January 2008 8:07am

I have two things to say about this - one about thjis story in particular, and one about the totality of your work here on this site, Mrs. St Vines. With regards to this story, I feel that I must note that the 'next' link from chapter five is looped back to bring you to chapter five. On the other hand as a whole your work is excellent, your characterisation marvelous and the only possible issue other than the above technical problem is that there is not an infinite plethora of work of such quality available. Very well written.

I also hasten to add that I will not beseech you for more work - my own writings are considerably behind schedule due to my exams, so importuning someone else to write when I cannot update my own, very poor in comparison, works would be most indecorous.

chris25 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th January 2008 8:05am

I have two things to say about this - one about thjis story in particular, and one about the totality of your work here on this site, Mrs. St Vines. With regards to this story, I feel that I must note that the 'next' link from chapter five is looped back to bring you to chapter five. On the other hand as a whole your work is excellent, your characterisation marvelous and the only possible issue other than the above technical problem is that there is not an infinite plethora of work of such quality available. Very well written.

Melferd posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 8:43am

This is the last of all your stories I have read. I started yesterday, and have been fairly useless to my family in my enjoyment of them!! I have never even wished to read Jane Austin fanfiction, in fear of what I might find, but your stories are all delight and wit. I look forward with impatience to the end of all those still in progress. Thanks for writing these!

Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 7:41am

And now I happily join the ranks of those waiting most patiently for MORE, please, thank you kindly :)

Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 7:20am

A very heartwarming chapter. Thank you.

Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 6:42am

I love about-to-blossom-Anne. And Papa is here? Already? 'scuse me. *hurries off to the next chapter*

Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 5:53am

What about Lizzy's sisters, though? *bites nails in anticipation*

(One very little thing - shouldn't it be clenched fists instead of clinched?)

Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 5:30am

You make me a decidedly happy reader with this mushy mush of mush. Thanks!

Vera posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 4:55am

Oh, what an utter delight! I love your use of language, Mr. Darcy's urgency, the sparkle in their eyes. Thank you so very much for writing and sharing. Days like these? I LOVE the internets!

Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Thursday 15th November 2007 5:22pm

It's nice to see that Lady Catherine's nastiness won't succeed! Between Darcy and his cousin Anne inheritance should be restored and the rest of the family will know exactly what she's capable of doing. It's also good to see that Bingley and Jane will be reunited and (crossing fingers) soon married! Thanks for another great chapter!

Prof. D. Kirke posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 1:19am

This is completely adorable! I've stayed up much too late reading it, but as your husband mentioned that you'd posted things here and that it was Austen Fanfic, I had to come read it. (This is my husband's account, actually.) You've managed to capture the mood of Austen very well. The only thing that I noticed is that the point of view changed frequently in the first chapter, but that became more natural as it progressed. I look forward to reading more! ~Marie

Sandra Leonie posted a comment on Thursday 11th October 2007 9:35pm


Thanks for yet another great chapter.

I love the reference to Jane's feelings "Half in agony , half in hope" from Persuasion — one of my fav books/movies…….

This was a great chapter for a number of reasons.

Bingley realising that his loss of Jane was in most part - his fault - he had been weak.

The Colonel - for standing up and informing his parents - just what his opinion of Darcy intended bride was.

And lastly - that the same future Mrs Darcy, was indeed a most remarkable woman, given her bond with the lonely/poisoned by her own parent (OMG) Miss de Bourgh.

Bring on thr wedding and bring on Pemberley,