Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 12:08pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Good chapter.


kutekess posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 6:45pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I love your story - that last line was really funny! But when Harry read the OWL results, Marchbank commented he had 3 poors - which he didn't. His results gave him 1 poor. Is that a typo?

Emily posted a comment on Sunday 1st April 2007 11:46am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I'm going to continue reading, because this is an interesting I have not seen before, but it seems that there is a lot of extraneous information in these chapters. If everything you write about comes to play later in the story, this is going to be a story of momentus proportions. As it stands now, though, it seems like you're writing a lot of extra details just to fill out your chapters. Normally I read carefully, but I find myself skimming this story.

Other than that, like I said, I enjoy the concept and I'm curious to see where you're taking this. I just wish it were a little more...concise.

taxzombie posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 3:07pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Very powerful. Extremely so. Superbly written. Deep and thought provoking. Mr Grangers talk with Harry is brillently done.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 1:52am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

If Ron is comparing girls to Potions, he must be feeling weakened from the oxygen deprivation caused by Hermione's kiss. Love the idea of her only snogging him properly when her parents walk in. Dumbledore making Vernon an offer he couldn't refuse is entertaining in itself. I suspect that Vernon's magical rise is just that. Great chapter.

Dragen posted a comment on Thursday 13th April 2006 1:53am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Great Story... hope you update soon as I would like to know what happens next.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 12th April 2006 4:11am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Oh, brilliant fun, that conversation between Harry and Ron! I really do enjoy reading both stories...

Aaran St Vines replied:

I am glad you are reading and enjoying both.

Thanks for reviewing.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 9:00pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Excellent chapter. I love cliffe's with Dumbledore! He is so cool when others, especially muggles are trying to be inconspicuous. Petunia could hide behind the couch but I doubt Vernon could.
I understand Harry's reluctance about having Slytherins in the D.A. but What about the "signed agreement" that Hermione came up with for the first D.A.? The one that spelled out that they had to sign a loyalty oath? Is there going to be a loyalty oath this time? I look forward to your next update. Thank you for writing. pms

Aaran St Vines replied:

Dumbledore has his own standards that apply to acceptance - his requirement of fairness to all.   The DA will not be a secret club.   There will problems regarding this.

I started this pre-HBP. I was hoping for a Dumbledore we will never see in canon.   This is my attempt at that Dumbledore.

Thanks again for reviewing.

PJ posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 8:55am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I tried reading this... made it all the way to halfway through chapter five, but I just can't read anymore. Dumbledore has made so many glaringly stupid decisions and yet here you have Harry still following him like a good little puppy.

Aaran St Vines replied:

In chapter nine Harry and Dumbledore start to have problems.   They'll not breech their relationship, but it will experience some strains.

I need Harry to be going forward as best he can, and that will be with Dumbledore's help under basicly normal circumstances.

I hope you rejoin me.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 11:32pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Very interesting.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 2:34pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Nice chapter.

Did Harry's OWLs report get messed up, though?

The comment at the bottom says he had three Poors, but only one appears above and his score in Potions Practical is listed as "Exceeds Expectations Acceptable".

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 3:01am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I like your story. Your history about the SAS in Vietnam is right on. I myself was in First Air Cav. and attached to the ROC White Horse Div. So from time to time I met a few others that where not US military, Vietnamese or ROC. Always never ever any news people.
Anyway to the point I really like your version of Harry Potter, and look forward to read how it grows. I’m still impressed by your history research in this one and the one about Olive Hander to 'Olivander maker of fine wands'

furbee posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 12:39pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

My complements on the story. it is both well written and imaginative. the only advice i can see is try not to jump a stroy around to often as it will lead to confusion for the reader. the worst thing with reading a book is to not understand the story line. otherwise a marvelous read and i can't wait till the next update.


Paul Dueck posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 12:05pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Great Chapter. You are one of my favorite authors and I enjoy your attention to history and detail. The idea of this story is something I have pondered myself and cannot wait to read more.

Thank you so much for this chapter, it really made my day.

Paul Dueck

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 7:59am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Was that the sound of Falling Dursleys? I would oh, so LOVE to point out that Vernon's sales technique sounds rather *magical* in its success rate (especially considering how bad he treats his underlings). Could Vernon be, unknown to even *him*, a *w-i-z-a-r-d*?

Aaran St Vines replied:

Vernon is as un-magical as common mud.   He is in a post of importance, so he has to have some abilities.   Making his toadiness a means of serving clients well is the less complimentary means I could find to see Vernon rise to his present post.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.