Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


sylvelle posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2015 5:21pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Hate Microsoft much?

ty posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2008 12:13pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

whens the next update?!?!?!

Ciroth posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 7:45am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Wonderful story!!! Update soon!

DWA20 posted a comment on Monday 21st April 2008 9:51pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I just happened upon the story. I am enjoying reading it. I notice that it has been recently updated and that is what caught my attention. Thanks for the HP "fix."

Carol Layland posted a comment on Thursday 10th April 2008 8:00am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Fantastic!! You are finally bringing Hogwarts into the twenty-first century. I am so glad the I have my eyesight back and can come back and enjoy your writings. I do love this story.

Kal posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 4:22am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Thank you ever so much for an update. I continue to love your decription of Gringotts, the Goblins, and the various interactions of the factions. I agree that the "ancient and nobel profession of grave robbing" made me laugh out loud.
I like the fanon-versions of Ginny, and here is one of the best that I have read. She is intellegnt, mature, and has enough spunk and creativity to be a main character in her own right. Awsome work.
I am looking forwards to the resolution of the Snape and Malfoy issues. Will Sinistra being Snapey into a more reasonable mindset? Will Draco ever realize that he has to be a REAL Paladin and not the spoiled brat? Will Vector and co. take issue with spell mongering?
Have you decided on the names that you were fishing for previously?
I love the Squib in charge of computers -- even if they are Macs. Sorry to the others on this list, and the author, but Macs are not even possible to use in my working evniorment, so I am not a fan at all. On the rare occasion there is ever mac version for the programs that we use, it tends to send the system into a tail spin. XP is much more user frendly for hard core scientists and engineers in my experience. Though, Lennox is also a common choice....
But anyway (so much for my two sense) I agree with the other poster. Please be careful with the (over)use of the computers at Hogwarts. While it was interesting, well written, and introduced what will probably be a very interesting character, it still read somewhat stilted. I guess what I am saying is that the incorperation of technology is needed in this story for several political/social elements, but please be carful that you don't lose your magnificent character develpment that you had priviously. Nearly 1/4 of the chapter was the introduction to the technology, and although it did contain an interesting picture of American Wizarding society, started to feel a bit.... heavy.
I hope that this is not too negative, as I adored your new chappie and love to reread your work whenever possible. You have a fantastic sense of how to delveop characters into very demesional people for your audience, and your politics is wonderfully conveluted. :) Thanks, and I sincerly look forwards to your next installment.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 3:03pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

"I suggested he go into the ancient and honorable profession of grave robbing." Heh. I love that line.

I like the word "primaries"--many stories use "mundane" which is really not much of a compliment either. :-)

I'm guessing your a Mac fan. That's cool and all, but I hope the computer part stays fairly small--you have plenty of plot lines running around already. :-)

Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 2:14pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Another great chapter.

Harry is starting to remind me of Jessica Fletcher, the character from Murder, she wrote.

Where ever she went someone is murdered.

It's seems when ever Harry is out and about someone near him is a attached.

hptrump posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 10:10am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

So Ginny and Harry are not going to be together?

Antosha posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 5:29am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I'm very glad that you're continuing this—it's thought-provoking and thoughtful—from the infighting in the Wizengamot to the intricacies of Goblin-wizard relations.

I had two favorite bits, however. The first is Ginny's earnest and dead-on assessment of her position with Harry—about the only approach that would have done anything but scare Harry to death. I like what JKR set up in canon—that Harry and Ginny simply "understand each other." But it's certainly more dramatically interesting to have them work it out. ;-)

And of course, as an Apple user since 1985, I'm right there with you on the origins of the Mac, and the truth of Steve Jobs's old title: the Wizard of Cupertino!

oldman posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 2:40am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

great story worth keeping in touch for. please keep it coming. I too use a mac for all the reasons you imply!

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 3:28pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

As a mac user since the MacPlus, I couldn't agree more. Apple politics suck, but they make a great computer.
This paladin program seems to be moving along really slowly and Herms and the git don't seem to be getting any better.

nuclear death frog posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 1:00pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Continuity Error: in chapter 15, Isaiah Smith told Harry that Hagrid's father's name was Rupert, and that it was Ranulf Malfoy who somehow landed the Hagrid family vote.

Otherwise, the chapter is fine. Thanks for the updates.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:17am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Interesting, very interesting. I enjoyed both the events and the history related in this chapter. I daresay that Minister Fudge was more than a bit taken aback that Harry didn't lead the fight against that Order of Merlin for his idiot ambassador, but I suspect he's going to be lots more wary in the future. 'Twould be amsuing if the vote harry buys from Hagrid is one Delores votes; I'm sure that'd frost everyone on her side. I like it that Ginny's becoming strong enough, and smart enough, to deal with Harry's situation in a way that greatly improves her later chances with him. Ron, being the slow learner he appears to be, even in canon, still has yet to learn to keep his mouth shut. I'm not totally surprised that Hermione let something slip while trying to rein him in, he does that to people.

The situation with the Goblins gets more interesting with Bill Weasley's appointment and Harry's protection of Gultangk's life; I daresay that a Harry who survives his takedown of Tom will be in a quite enviable position in sevarl worlds, the wizarding one (assuming he can get his story out first before others spin things their way), in his relations with the Goblins, and, likely, in his relations with the muggle side of the British government (I loved Dr. T's conceit, in one story, that, for muggle-born or muggle-raised magicals, the Order of Merlin, First Class, came with a VC and a knighthood).

Finally, the discussion of magic and computers was fascinating. I could well believe the comments about Steve Jobs and the slams on MS (I use their stuff, but carefully and picking the OS *I* want, not the "latest and greatest".

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:12am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

LOL, do like the idea of Jobs being a wizard, that came out of nowhere for me. Looks like the gang is making thier way forward, and interesting that Harry's power has increased as much as it has. I really look forward to Fudge and his cronies finally getting a good boot to the head, and hope that it doesn't end up dragging the British wizarding world down with him. The Goblins are getting to be even more major players it seems, and should be interesting to see what happens when they have to really protect Clarinda's shop, and how the Ministry will react to that, before Harry brings his own considerable power down on them. Very good chapter here, very well done.