Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Vilda posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2012 3:38pm

Well, it was nice reading this again but as we are three years later now... I guess finishing it will not happen.

GBTtown posted a comment on Friday 5th October 2012 7:27pm

Truly fantastic story. I really enjoy the background info and histories you have included that lead to current events. Look forward to your update and completion of this story. Umbridge fairly well gone, Fudge near disgrace, Sheets vindictive and mean. Great characterizations. Really like Father William too. Nice balancing character to Dumbledore's insane (yes, I really liked the part where he admitted his insanity) reasonings.

Tremma posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2011 7:38am

hi. this is a brilliantly complex and well thought out story that should be completed when you find a chance. please let us know if you are continuing so we can look forward to the complexities of [u]your[u/] harry potter world. please let me know if it is completed else where.

dianaanne posted a comment on Thursday 30th June 2011 5:15pm

Aaron, I wondered if you were planning to finish this or if it's completed elsewhere. I find your work refreshingly original and particularly enjoyed seeing Umbridge get her comeuppance.

David Thacker posted a comment on Sunday 10th April 2011 3:35am

This and the other one like it are both great but you might wish to let people know the total chapters for both here for they have miss read this chapter here and think that you are not going to update here or that the other sites have more chapters.

Chance Stone posted a comment on Monday 15th November 2010 8:06am

Excellent so far. Like many others I have reread certain chapters a dozen times and the whole story half a dozen times. A few things that seem really possible at this time.
1.) This is either a great prank to get so many people hooked and then stop writing both stories? (One that George and Fred would approve of)
2.) Something sadly has happened to Aaron that he is unable to ever finish this story or let his many many fans know what to expect, if anything?
No one seems to know anything except we have been waiting 21 months for any bit of anything news, a new chapter, a note, etc.
I wrote to Pamela St Vines a few months back to ask if anything had happened or any kind of update and have yet to date to receive a reply :(
What about the Beta readers? Do they know anything?

Chance Stone posted a comment on Monday 15th November 2010 7:47am

Excellent so far. Like many others I have reread certain chapters a dozen times and the whole story half a dozen times. A few things that seem really possible at this time.
1.) This is either a great prank to get so many people hooked and then stop writing both stories? (One that George and Fred would approve of)
2.) Something sadly has happened to Aaron that he is unable to ever finish this story or let his many many fans know what to expect, if anything?
No one seems to know anything except we have been waiting 21 months for any bit of anything news, a new chapter, a note, etc.
I wrote to Pamela St Vines a few months back to ask if anything had happened or any kind of update and have yet to date to receive a reply :(

dpwheels57 posted a comment on Saturday 16th October 2010 12:44am

Just finished your story. Love it, could not put it down. I love the details that you put in here. Is there or will there be a part two?????

Kal posted a comment on Tuesday 17th August 2010 3:10pm

Wonderful to reread this. I followed this back when it was on SugarQuill. :) Just wanted to say that you have a wonderful gift and we are looking forward to more installments. So much left, so many weaves and threads... Hope everything is going well!

magic53 posted a comment on Saturday 7th August 2010 8:42am

Really enjoying this story (and it's twin). They really make the shipping wars look silly in my opinion. If the story is well done, the ship is irrelevant. Just a quick historical note on the last chapter title. The actual quote is "a date which will live in infamy".

samsas posted a comment on Sunday 13th June 2010 5:48pm

Ahh now the hard part....waiting for an update!!!
Great story.

Kal posted a comment on Monday 22nd February 2010 3:58pm

I just reread this and wanted to say that it was a fun read and I for one am looking forward to your next installment. You have one of the best political set-ups so far that can explain some of the idiosyncracies of the Wizarding World. Awsome job!

mwinter posted a comment on Monday 15th February 2010 6:15am

Well I hope you update soon this is a great story. Its been about a year since you updated though. Are you going to continue it?

mwinter posted a comment on Monday 15th February 2010 6:14am

Been a full year. Are you going to update anytime soon? this has been a really great story.

Paul Crosby posted a comment on Tuesday 27th October 2009 12:56pm

Aaron where art thou?! This is possibly the greatest piece of literature I have ever read! And it not only goes unfinished, but has not been updated in a very long time.

I LOVE this story. It is ever better than the original by JK Rowling. What more can I say to encourage you to finish this story?

Your Harry Potter is the best, I love the way you have written him, especially in the Wizard House of Lords, did you call it the "Wizengamot"? We just like to go about imitating, "Mistah Potter!" because it is so exhilirating to see how he goes about changing the wizard world in his own utterly unique way, and how he battles the minions of the "Dark Lord". The Paladin program: a stroke of genius.

Your Harry is truly a Paladin with a heart of gold, and a spirit of utmost love for his fellow man.

PLEASE PLEASE finish this story!!!! I promise to read and reread!

Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Wednesday 21st October 2009 4:00am

Well, I have just reread this story for the 5th or 6th time.
It really is a frustrating wait for the continuation. But with quality like this, it is well worth the wait. And one can reread the story up to the current status, a labour worth itself.

But I would really love to see the next chapter.

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 17th October 2009 9:44pm

It has been a long time since your last update on this story. I know it takes time to do good work. Are you planning to update soon? I really like this story and I hope you continue to a conclusion. Thank you for writing. pms

kauri posted a comment on Sunday 20th September 2009 3:38pm

Truly fantastic, I've just reread the story, keeping myself refreshed in hopes that the new chapter isn't more than a month or two away, but brilliance takes time and I'm prepared to wait! :)

joeBob posted a comment on Thursday 10th September 2009 8:59am

"parallel angles"?!! Math-magic defies even geometry!

joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 9th September 2009 7:03pm

I'm enjoying these later chapters more. The story seems like it's getting better.

I'm an atheist and the religious elements do not bother me.
One thing that is glossed over is that any rational person in Rowling's world would be a fool to be atheistic.
(1) They have eyeball-evidence of forms of an afterlife!
(2) They have proof of an immortal-ish soul!
(3) They have demi-demons (dementors, etc.) and demigods (phoenixes, etc.).
(4) They have a bleeping higher power that actually speaks prophecies that are real!

It would be supreme stupidity, in such a world, to discount the possibility of full-fledged god(s).