Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 28th January 2007 1:20pm

One minor typo, "...have no been killed..." should be "...have no more been killed..."

Beyond that, a quite delightful read. I especially loved the negotiations with the Vampires. *wicked chuckle* The good Baron really missed an elementary lesson in tactics, "Be sure you know your target in detail. 'Twas the details of who his target was that cost him." I'm surprised he didn't expect preparedness on the part of one who'd seen that much combat; but arrogance will get you every time.

clt_71 posted a comment on Wednesday 24th January 2007 9:49am

I don't review often, but when I do, it is usually something that has either really caught my attention or tickled my fancy. In this is both. I love this story. however, the last bit about the Wearwolf Relief Fund is just too hilarious!!! I howled (pun intended!) when I read that. Keep up the good work.

harryp123 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd January 2007 7:28am

Good chapter. Can't wait to read what the next one is.

Jarrod posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd January 2007 2:49am

I gotta say I love your concepts...from Spell Mongering, to the basic definition of magic to the different theories behind the spells. I believe I speak for us all when I say we want more.

Rich posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 9:45am

particually liked the interaction between Harry and the goblins and the business arrangements, kind of reminds me of This Means War in a very good way :)

Also enjoyed the authors note at the end, nice extra detail!

Please keep up the good work :)

knightsbridge posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 9:00pm

Great that out of the way first.
Having been top of my graduating class (chemistry, physics, unorthidox and advanced)prior to going into medicine, I am fascinated by your Spell Mongering theory and history lesson.
You have brought Harry from the scared little boy in year one to a man and a force to be reckoned with (and then some). Thank you for taking the time to flesh out the characters. I look forward to more great, and of course the next chapter.

KateHC posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 2:22pm

This chapter is amazing in its complexity. There is so much to admire and comment on but I particularily enjoyed all of the interactions with Gultangk.

Harry has indeed grown up. He knows what he wants to do and does not suffer fools at all.

PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 1:39pm

I absolutely love these stories!! (I'm reading both versions) Keep up the amazing work. I am astounded the level of detail you delve in to. Great, GREAT writing!


CootiePatootie posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 1:32pm

Harry grinned. His eyes positively twinkled. "So when I donate eleven thousand and one Galleons to the Werewolves' Relief Fund, they'll know exactly what I did with their money."

BEST line in the whole chappie; though I enjoyed it immensely. LOVE the history lesson at the end, though that's not unexpected, since Makers of wands... is just about my fav. fic from you so far (though I am really enjoying this one, too.)

I'm not reading the Granger defense version because I am at heart a total H/G shipper. Truly, I can see Hermione with an older Ravenclaw or even a non-Hogwarts educated wizard, but NOT Harry and definitely NOT Ron. But that's just me! :-)



Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 12:35pm

The majority of blue bits seemed to be the same in both, to me.

But still good, thanks for sharing it with us.

noylj posted a comment on Saturday 30th December 2006 9:29am

I REALLY don't care for this Hermy. I can see canon Hermy believeing in her books, but even she has to know that books are only as good as the authors. How she can have such an attitude to spell mongering, which should be very fascinating to her, is beyond me.

Jason9 posted a comment on Monday 25th December 2006 3:54pm

PUMPED to have the new chapter. This is one of my most eagerly awaited story updates. I love the direction you are taking with this, and espicially the characters involved. Your characterizations are spot on, and your OC's are fantastic. Can't wait for the next update, keep up the great work

kainboa posted a comment on Saturday 23rd December 2006 4:20am

great story so far, can't wait to see the next update

keep up the great work :)

jb238 posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 10:44pm

Fascinating and unique story! I like the scientific approach and the spell mongering. Also Harry getting closer to Dobby and Elfin culture and magic.

knightsbridge posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 6:46pm

This is truly one of the best fics. I have read...even though this chapter was a long time coming. I have told others about it; those who were looking for something new and original with no slash or other weird things that an HP character would never do (especially HP/SS slash), and yet authors seem to get off on it, as do many reader's.
Thanks for the update,
Happy Christmas and Boxing Day.

gallandro_83 posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 6:10pm


I want to start off ny saying this is a wonderful story that I enjoy wholeheartedly but wish that updates were a little faster in coming out.

I love the way you have broken down magic and can't wait to see just what else you will turn around in JKR's world.

I did however have one question as someone that wears glasses how come Harry hasn't tried to mogner a spell to help fix his eyesight? I could imagine it to be an odd charm to practice with since it is for self tranfiguration mostly but especially in Harry's circumstances I would think the benifit outweighs most risks.

Hope to see more soon.


Rich posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 11:47am

Brilliant, I come here to have a look on the odd chance of an update, and end up having 2 chapters to read.
Glad to see that things are still progressing to the same high standard, and really enjoyed it. (so much so its now almost 2am and i have an interview tomorrow (or should that be today.)

Really looking forward to the next chapter, and dont care how long it takes.

Matthew Terlich posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 7:40pm

Great story! Really enjoyed the update and some more explanation of mongery.


Jeff1 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 2:07pm

Yay!!! Thanks for posting another chapter. I have always thought that a Harry that thinks things through before acting whenever possible would be a dangerous person. Wonderful job portraying him.

anonymous5 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 1:21pm

I've been reading this latest installment and find myself enjoying it even more than the rest - definitely worth the wait! One little thing jumped out at me... "As she was speaking Tallow pulled out a picture of the historic site, as she spoke." A bit redundant. Spectacular chapter, though - thanks for posting it!!