Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:10am

It should be interesting to see Snape's reactions to these events, particularly after he finds out that Harry is an adult with all the rights and responsibilities that confers. It's one thing to go after a minor student; it's another entirely when the other party is perfectly within their rights and responsibilites to respond in appropriate measure.

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 9:54am

Interesting insights into the goblin association structure.

Remus is dating? Huh. I'm not following this story as closely as I should, but I don't recall who it is, or if we have even been told.

I notice that Harry keeps calling him "your precious Professor Snape". Good touch, that. Makes it clear that AD has a much higher opinion of him than anyone else.

> Or is your mercy for those leaning towards the Dark discriminating against those leaning towards the Light?
Oh, I like this line

*raised eyebrow* If every female Paladin who sees him tries to jump him, why didn't Hermione? And did whoever else it was in the Great Hall not see him?

Fun story. Now off to read the differences in the GD chapter.

Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 9:19am

What a great chapter, what Moony said was right, but he got one thing wrong, Harry would have done better if he was better trained in the beginning if Dumbledore train him in the beginning, as he knew that Voldemort would one day return, and would go for Harry... but he didn't do anything. Harry would have also tried harder in Occlumency, if he was told why he had to, just not being told that he had to... if it was me, I wouldn't do it without knowing why.

KateHC posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 4:26am

Wow! That was both long and densely packed. You presented a great deal of information in a lively manner. Thanks

Tracey1 posted a comment on Tuesday 21st November 2006 6:52am

I'm really liking this. Hope you update soon!!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 11:34am

Great chapter! Many thanks for sharing it with us.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 6:02am

The way the attack came in the hospital so soon after Molly's words of comfort was brilliant. Excellent chapter. I liked the way it was Steph who shook some sense into the lot of them. Father Martin is an interesting character. More please.

Glurb posted a comment on Friday 27th October 2006 6:30pm

That is high quality material, as usual actually. (I even wonder if I really need to bother pointing that out, that's so obvious)

I particularly enjoyed the explanation you gave about Occlumency, and the way you can hide your thoughts to a legilimens ; it was brilliant.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Judy L posted a comment on Friday 27th October 2006 9:05am

Your updates are always worth waiting for. The conflict between the Arithmantic Spell Crafters and the Spell Mongers reminds me of my own mis-perceptions of the differences between MD's and DO's - or the other salesmen's view of Professor Hill in The Music Man. I always look forward to the physical science and the philosophic/spiritual wisdom in your stories.
Thank you for brightening my day.

zac posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 4:38pm

Such a beautiful blessing and so relevent to Harry's situation and life.

taxzombie posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 3:07pm

Very powerful. Extremely so. Superbly written. Deep and thought provoking. Mr Grangers talk with Harry is brillently done.

angie2 posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 1:34pm

Hay just to let you know ch.8 has Chapter Nine - Aberration Day on the text

chris mudge posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 1:31pm

Very nice chapter, but I am wondering what the point is about posting two identical stories? The diff between this and Granger is so slight as to be nearly non-existent. I know that you said that in your disclaimer but it still seems kind of pointless.

taxzombie posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 1:04pm

This is the one part of the story I have a problem with, that Dumbledore only made small mistakes and Harry figuring he made larger ones. Dumbledore's track record for getting things right or doing the right thing, to put it bluntly sucks at best. How can I say that?
The Dursely's, I rest my case.

Other then that minor blip, which is required for the storyline I find this a marvolous tale and quite pleasing to rea.

brat1234 posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 12:28pm

This chapter is bril.

Keep up the good work

CootiePatootie posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 11:37am

Great update...and of course I *do* like the little H/G moment there! :-)

Love the spell-mongering explanation; hopefully the others can get their heads out of their bottoms long enough to think rationally about it. Spell-mongering is dark just like parsletongue is dark. Gurk. (speaking of parsletongue and dark, have you read the story Herpetology? It's by Persephone Kore and Andrea13; found on Schnoogle:

It's great.

Anyway, I like your fleshing out of Fr Martin, and the prayer and advice are marvelous. The blessing of Aaron is one of my favorite Biblical prayers.



Michael Olbrich posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 6:09am

Both versions say: "My friend Hermione Granger gave me this album of photos from my years at Hogwarts."
That should be Ginny for "Great Scott..", right?

Tanydwr posted a comment on Sunday 22nd October 2006 9:49am

Umm, this is more about your updates than anything else. They aren't showing up on the primary authors page, and they aren't coming up correctly on your updates column. I read chapter 12, but I can't find chapters 10 or 11. Also, nothing's coming up on the chapter index after this chapter.
I hope you can get it fixed! This is an awesome story and I want to read more!
Lol, Tanydwr

laurie posted a comment on Wednesday 4th October 2006 1:51pm

I owe you quite a few reviews as I've just read all your works over the last several days! I really enjoy your style and the thoroughness with which you research - it really sets you and you work apart from many other fanfiction writers who are unable to achieve the depth you have.

Your piece on Olivander's Fine Wands has become so ingrained in my brain that I'm having trouble remembering it isn't canon. :)

I'm now waiting expectantly for the next update of "Great Scott Potter, This is War".

Please, please, please say that you have not abandoned this story (just noticed it had been a while since it was last updated.)

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 2:14am

I was shocked and pleased by the notion of Filch being a handsome young man admired by McGonagall. Superb idea. The increasingly panicked letters from Hopkirk were wonderful, though I do feel terrible for the owl that died. Fantastic action scenes. The backstory is just one part of this that makes it so enjoyable. Excellent story. More please. Two main British terms for kissing: pulling and snogging. Don't ask me why.