Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 12:19am

Once again I adore your detailed descriptions of how magic works and the advances of magic compared to muggle research. Harry creating new spells so quickly is incredibly amusing. I'm not offended by the godfather being literal idea, but I would say that at the time Harry was born, most children were still baptised and had Godparents whether their parents believed in the Church or not. It was simply what you did. It's an interesting idea but part of the problem is that the soul is simply the English term for the bit not covered by the physical aspects of the body. Most English people would look at you funny if you started talking about Life Force instead and probably imagine you were thinking about Star Wars. Excellent chapter as always. It's a well-thought out position for you to take, just one I can't entirely agree with, especially concerning Sirius.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 1:52am

If Ron is comparing girls to Potions, he must be feeling weakened from the oxygen deprivation caused by Hermione's kiss. Love the idea of her only snogging him properly when her parents walk in. Dumbledore making Vernon an offer he couldn't refuse is entertaining in itself. I suspect that Vernon's magical rise is just that. Great chapter.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 6:34am

That last line is the most perfect punch to the stomach. Absolutely superb chapter. Steph's story is fantastic. I still support my statement about you writing original fiction. I'd buy it if you made it even half as exciting as Steph's time in Vietnam.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Saturday 26th August 2006 12:47am

Just when I though Parkhurst was going to win my "character of the chapter" award, Draco does that. Wow.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 25th August 2006 10:05pm

2 great lines "the Boy-That-Always-Lived-Through-Everything-Thrown-His-Way" and "It sounded as if time and space were being insulted right there in her sitting room". They were just fantastic. Stef Granger being ex-SAS and kicking Death Muncher arse was superb, as was the backstory. "But Stef had told her to refuse to give up until several minutes after she had died" was so brilliant. I have to stop listing lines or you'll just get a massively long list of quotes with me going "wow" occasionally. Sylvia the SAS trained cookie baker with her decorator cum assassin husband is hilarious in itself. Poor Harry!

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 25th August 2006 9:08pm

Have to say you had me laughing my head off at first Percy and then Steph Granger (oh and thank you for not calling him Daniel). Clearly you aren't a golf fan. I like the use of background detail and will be fascinated to see where you take this. For the record, I chose the H/G form for 2 reasons: 1 is canon, which is nice to follow when possible as it feels more close to the books. 2 is the Weasley twins - if Hermione's Harry's girlfriend they don't tend to be so involved.

Lira posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 8:26pm

Interesting piece. I just read it through at one time. Will have to read the H/Hr-parallel story as well. Brilliant story, update soon, please! :)

elvin posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 4:01pm

i like your story so far, but the one thing that bugs me is lupin. He doesnt have shit to correct harry in when he abandoned him early on. sure lupin had a crappy life, but he could have at least gone by and said hello and made sure the dursleys didnt treat harry like shit. i geuss its just one of my pet peeves. anyway keep up the good work

Deborahsu posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 11:40am

Oh no! There's no more? If I give you some "sugar" (kisses) will you give us some more of this story soon? Please? Maybe a little "peck" or two? I can't "neck" with you--I'm happily married and I only do that with my husband ... "tangling tongues" is also limited to him ... but a "smack" on the cheek might be okay. :-)

cassikat posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 11:41am

I generally don't leave reviews, but I absolutely -had- to for this story. 'Great Scott, Potter, This is War!' is one of the absolute all-time best stories I have ever read - it's gritty, it's real, and extremely believable. The Paladin Program fascinates me immensely, and the way you handle the varied relationships (romantic and otherwise) is simply masterful.

Avidly looking forward to the next chapters :)

saugart posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 8:36am

You write:

the prodigy of a millennia before

You want millennium.

Thanks for an exciting chapter. I wanted to go home from work, but I sat here with my laptop and read for thirty-five minutes! Yow!

saugart posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 5:30am

Ginny always struck the right cord as to timing.

The word you want is chord.

Thanks for the story. I'm enjoying it, including your thinking about the nature of Lily's sacrifice. I was always wondering how Sirius wound up as Harry's Godfather, given that we never see him going to church in the books.

saugart posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 8:40pm

You write:

It has been a route of dementors.

You mean the identically-sounding word: rout .

Good for you for the story and for pimping for Makers of Fine Wands... . It's certainly a worthwhile tale.

Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 5:18am

Another great chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next... I loved that Harry fought an army of Death Eaters by himself...

I also loved that everyone was going on their true feelings, but doesn't that mean Harry loves Hermione, I thought this story "Great Scott, Potter, This is War!" was about Harry and Ginny, not Harry and Hermione?? Or was I wrong??

Please keep up the good work, and update soon!!

Tanydwr posted a comment on Monday 31st July 2006 4:34am

Great chapter. I liked the fight and the inter-species splinching.
As for snogging, I'm afraid that it's used because it's British. We snog - well, some of us do. Others get kissed by guys who think they're a washing machine, but let's not get into that.
Umm, occasionally the British 'pull' someone. That's generally at a party or in a club, involving kissing and sometimes groping, I believe. Not necessarily between partners, but good for drunken antics.
We don't use many words for it. 'Make out' is very American. I guess you could describe something as a 'pre-shag', but only if you want to be coarse. I'm sure you can work out what a shag is, other than a type of bird. Smooching is good. Canoodling is another good one, as it can be interprested as any other number of things. Then there's words like 'caress' and 'embrace' that can be manipulated into it (i.e. 'passionate', 'fervent', 'ardent', 'desperate', etc.).
Your British-isms are generally very good, and keep up the excellent work.
Lol, Tanydwr

Pascal Mauron posted a comment on Sunday 30th July 2006 5:43am

Dear Aaron,

I really like this story (your writing reminds me of Tom Clancy) and I was just wondering why you're still one chapter behind what's been already published at phoenixsong. Will there be any new chapters (i.e. after "Sanctuary") soon?

Keep writing!

knightout posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:31am

I would introduce myself, but for the sake of a review I'll stick with General, USMC Retired. I don't know where you got your intel on SAS or their training, but having trained both SAS and SEALS, you did them proud. Having served in-country both in Nam and in the middle east (old soldiers never die) you made the hair on my neck stand up, and remember things I hoped I never would. Believe it of not, thats a complement to your writing skills.

Paul Dueck posted a comment on Friday 12th May 2006 2:33am

Great Chapter, still my favorite author on this site.

Btw, is there a progress report on the next update?

- Paul Dueck

seraph7221 posted a comment on Thursday 4th May 2006 5:02pm

Master Vines,
I wonder how the new writing for this fic is going seeing as your chapters are very similar to the work posted at portkey which will cease to be a reservoir rather soon. As for this chapters and the others before it, while some bits are a bit much, for true this is one of two pieces of fiction that I continually seek out and read. Your plot and world are magnificent. Keep it up, I await your next offering.

Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 3:42am

That article from the Evening Prophet . . . It sounds too easy to refute. We had interviews earlier from the students who gave HARRY credit. What's to stop one of them who has no love of the Ministry from going into the Prophet and saying, "Fudge is full of shit. We learned NOTHING from Umbridge. Everything I learned was due to Harry, not the ministry's useless lackey."

I like Dobby here. Great imagery.

What the hell's a "vulture" sandwich?

"Mundungus Fletcher was forbidden to talk to the two without proper supervision."

"She ignored the fact that most of the researchers in the Ministry, with all of their resources, had been unsuccessful in discovering what she wanted to find."
Okay, THERE is the reason behind making him a Spell-Monger.

Fun stuff. Okay, off to read the Granger version :)