Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 2:03am

Interesting thought: The timing of those phone calls is WAY too perfect. What if it wasn't them calling at all? AD is more than powerful/subtle/manipulative enough to pull such a thing off with nobody the wiser.

Tonks's clothing changed with her? Uh . . . I hate to nitpick, but that isn't canon, is it?

Anyway, to end this with a positive: Another great chapter! On to the next one :)

Todd Rodgers posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 6:02am

Oh this was wonderful -- I especially appreciated the nod towards LoS and the godfather premise, and I find it interesting how you show Remus as a doubter.

I had been curious about how Steph and Snape would see each other -- I am not disappointed, though I probably would have hurt Snape more, considering what Steph knew about Snape. Drive the point home, so to speak.

But I think probably the best set in this particular chapter was having McGonagall latch on to the best way to reach Ron. Teachers have to do their best in a classroom setting to reach the most students, but with individual teaching they get to focus on how the student best learns. Finding out about what makes Ron tick is a great line of questioning and learning how to make it fascinating to Ron is simply brilliant.

I really enjoy this set, and look forward to more.

Eugene posted a comment on Monday 24th April 2006 2:54am

Great chapter. Both Great, Potter, This is War and The Granger Defense chapter seven have the visit with Hermione so I dont see any difference between them.

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 24th April 2006 1:34am

LoL Hermione and Harry kissing and all lovey dovey because of a potion, that part was funny... just as funny as the letter's that Harry got from Dobby, when he tried to eat his breakfast.

Finally, Harry noteic Ginny, I hope they get together soon.

Great chapter by the way and I hope you update soon.

Quizer posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 4:12am

You know, some things confuse me about the two versions of this story:

first, why did the names of the Granger parents change from 'Great Scott' to 'Granger Defense'?
I haven't seen any significant changes to their characters (if there are any at all), and I see no reason to believe that there shall be any significant differences. So why change their names?

second, why did you decide to write this story twice in the first place, with two different ships to boot? You don't strike me as the type who does this sort of thing to appease readers who cling to one particular pairing. What was your reason for splitting this story into two strands?


Quizer posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 3:46am

just a little note on something technical:
it seems that only the first four chapters are accessible from the drop-down menu, unless this is an error that only I have. Better fix it so that all six chapters can be selected.


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 16th April 2006 4:41am

Nice chapter, thanks.

I'm surprised that Dobby's the one to introduce him to Spell Mongery, but I like the way you've set up the relationship between Dobby & Harry so far.

Dragen posted a comment on Thursday 13th April 2006 1:53am

Great Story... hope you update soon as I would like to know what happens next.

Dragen posted a comment on Thursday 13th April 2006 1:09am

Very good story... keep up the good story, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 12th April 2006 11:06pm

Great start to the story... can't wait to see what happens next.

Aaran St Vines replied:

I am glad you like it.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 12th April 2006 4:11am

Oh, brilliant fun, that conversation between Harry and Ron! I really do enjoy reading both stories...

Aaran St Vines replied:

I am glad you are reading and enjoying both.

Thanks for reviewing.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 9:00pm

Excellent chapter. I love cliffe's with Dumbledore! He is so cool when others, especially muggles are trying to be inconspicuous. Petunia could hide behind the couch but I doubt Vernon could.
I understand Harry's reluctance about having Slytherins in the D.A. but What about the "signed agreement" that Hermione came up with for the first D.A.? The one that spelled out that they had to sign a loyalty oath? Is there going to be a loyalty oath this time? I look forward to your next update. Thank you for writing. pms

Aaran St Vines replied:

Dumbledore has his own standards that apply to acceptance - his requirement of fairness to all.   The DA will not be a secret club.   There will problems regarding this.

I started this pre-HBP. I was hoping for a Dumbledore we will never see in canon.   This is my attempt at that Dumbledore.

Thanks again for reviewing.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 7:22pm

Wow! Another masterful chapter. What a great way to explain to someone what war is and how hard war is to fight. The physcological aspect of your writing is fantastic. It really brings home to those of us that haven't been there just a little bit of what war is and how it affects those who fight it. I was old enough to go to Vietnam in the late 60's but because I was a woman I didn't have to go. So many of the young men in my senior class never came home from that "senio trip"! Even though I lived then I didn't have to go and fight. I will never know the horror of war but you helped make it a little bit clearer to me. Thanks for writing. pms

Aaran St Vines replied:

There is a glory in war, but it is a bitter fruit to eat.

War is the most brutal of necessary evils.   Tragically it's so.

Thanks for your kind words.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 5:50pm

A very good detailed chapter. I am so glad you are taking the time to spell things out. Some times writers rush through the explanations and leave some things to specullation. I like your style better. I certainly hope Steph is one of Harry's trainers. I looks like that is where you are going. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. pms

Aaran St Vines replied:

I tend to go too far in spelling out details, so I am glad you like it.

Once again, thanks for your kind reviews.


Sean Melton posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 9:26am

So far this is quite good, I'll have to read your other stories.

As far as this goes:

Methamphetamines are particularly vile, illegal hallucinogenic drugs

You're 100% correct except for the hallucinogen part... meth is primarily used as a stimulant; the fact that it turns everything it touches to sh*t is secondary. (of course, it could just be that Lupin has some ignorance of illicit muggle drugs).


Aaran St Vines replied:

Let's stick with Lupin's ignorance of Muggle drugs.   I sure don't know anything about them.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 9:13am

Very good. A great chapter with a new idea. Makes standing up for oneself more understandable. Thanks for a great new perspective.

Thanks for writing. pms

Aaran St Vines replied:

I'd like to think I wouldn't be defenseless, so I wrote the Grangers as I have never seen them.   I got tired of them being expendable.

Thanks for your interest in my tales.

PJ posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 8:55am

I tried reading this... made it all the way to halfway through chapter five, but I just can't read anymore. Dumbledore has made so many glaringly stupid decisions and yet here you have Harry still following him like a good little puppy.

Aaran St Vines replied:

In chapter nine Harry and Dumbledore start to have problems.   They'll not breech their relationship, but it will experience some strains.

I need Harry to be going forward as best he can, and that will be with Dumbledore's help under basicly normal circumstances.

I hope you rejoin me.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 8:11am

A good story. I look forward to more . Thanks for writing. pms

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for your interest and for reviewing.

Hope you enjoy.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 11:32pm

Very interesting.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 2:34pm

Nice chapter.

Did Harry's OWLs report get messed up, though?

The comment at the bottom says he had three Poors, but only one appears above and his score in Potions Practical is listed as "Exceeds Expectations Acceptable".