Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 3:01am

I like your story. Your history about the SAS in Vietnam is right on. I myself was in First Air Cav. and attached to the ROC White Horse Div. So from time to time I met a few others that where not US military, Vietnamese or ROC. Always never ever any news people.
Anyway to the point I really like your version of Harry Potter, and look forward to read how it grows. I’m still impressed by your history research in this one and the one about Olive Hander to 'Olivander maker of fine wands'

furbee posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 12:39pm

My complements on the story. it is both well written and imaginative. the only advice i can see is try not to jump a stroy around to often as it will lead to confusion for the reader. the worst thing with reading a book is to not understand the story line. otherwise a marvelous read and i can't wait till the next update.


Paul Dueck posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 12:05pm

Great Chapter. You are one of my favorite authors and I enjoy your attention to history and detail. The idea of this story is something I have pondered myself and cannot wait to read more.

Thank you so much for this chapter, it really made my day.

Paul Dueck

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 7:59am

Was that the sound of Falling Dursleys? I would oh, so LOVE to point out that Vernon's sales technique sounds rather *magical* in its success rate (especially considering how bad he treats his underlings). Could Vernon be, unknown to even *him*, a *w-i-z-a-r-d*?

Aaran St Vines replied:

Vernon is as un-magical as common mud.   He is in a post of importance, so he has to have some abilities.   Making his toadiness a means of serving clients well is the less complimentary means I could find to see Vernon rise to his present post.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 12:05pm

Very interesting so far. Lots of development of other characters, especially the Grangers.

Not much about Spellmongery or Palladins yet, though.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

More developments ahead.


Ron posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 10:33pm


I have read both this and "The Granger Defense", or what is available of them, on Portkey and Phoenixsong. I have to say that you've created a very enjoyable AU HP universe, and hope that you will continue with this, bringing both stories to a conclusion.

The stories are well-written; grammar, punctuation, and spelling are much better than most fanfics, easily on a par with the better authors on THIS site.

LOL, to paraphrase from two of my favorite movies: MUST WRITE FASTER, MUST WRITE FASTER!


Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for being a longtime fan and for this review.

Several things are happening to let me return to more regular writing in a few weeks.

I might slow down to a fifty hour week at work.   Just imagine.


Sssith posted a comment on Friday 24th March 2006 6:48am

I started reading this story about a year ago it seems, at Thought it was abandoned and then I saw it once again appear but this time at Now you are here, with a slightly changed version.

I would be lying if I did not say I am frustrated by all the moving. Can I expect to see a new chapter and progress beyond what is posted at sugarquill?

You're story is enjoyable and shows a lot of promise but I am worried that I will never see that potential fulfilled.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing, and thanks for being a follower of this tale. I am less than an hour from sending a new chapter to my beta, one that has never seen the light of day on any site. This tale is dead at SQ. It will reactivate at PS within a week to ten days - my beta had to quit and a new one needed to be assigned. Here at FFA it will be numbered a bit differently, but it should be synched between PS and FFA in a few weeks at most. Thanks again.

Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 1:06am

Hmm... This chapter seemed less 'Virtually Identical' and more 'completely' Identical...

Well, I'm willing to bet that the next one will have more easily noticable changes

Aaran St Vines replied:

The first few chapter have few differences.

They begin to differ about chapter five, and diverge quite a bit as things progress.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

John Davis posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 1:08pm

I hope that you will finish this story. It looks as if it has a large amount of potential.

Aaran St Vines replied:


Here at FFA I am in an environment where I know this tale will go forward to completion.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 1:22pm

Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks again, David.


Rich posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 10:25am

Glad to see this story starting up again, used to read it over at the sugar quill and was dissapointed to see it stop there, But here it is starting again :D

cant wait for more!!!