Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 9th September 2009 11:56am

This chapter hit the spot nicely.

razor_M posted a comment on Saturday 29th August 2009 10:23am

I admit that I'm not a religious person, but i don't try to push my beliefs on others. You made a very good point, and I thought it was amusing.

mwinter posted a comment on Tuesday 11th August 2009 8:34am

Any new chapter any time soon?

Hawklan posted a comment on Sunday 26th July 2009 3:13pm

i just finished reading this story and it was a good read. I really liked how Harry tries to change the wizworld and can't wait to see how he handels hogwards now. Sadly your last update is a few months old so I just hope you havn't given up on it.

Andellmere posted a comment on Friday 3rd July 2009 6:35am

I like this story and will start reading the Granger Defense in a day or two...

I have only one thing to say about the ending of this chapter... 'GRAAAGH!'

I look forward to your next update with sincere gratitude for writing a good story

Dehvokan posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd June 2009 9:10am

I love this story. It has such a diverse, well written plot. The political conflict is so much better than the usual; either quick revolution or seemingly futile struggle.

I applaud your ability to interweave so many interesting ideas and plot threads. The introduction of foreign paladins promises to be particularly entertaining.

I eagerly await the continuation.

Belcris posted a comment on Tuesday 12th May 2009 2:05pm

I love it and can't wait for more. I've even postponed writing my own stories just to finish reading it. :) Chris

AlphaPhi posted a comment on Monday 13th April 2009 11:59am

Quidditch coaches could use a StudyBook for a Playbook and also to keep track of players on the team and the competition. Could be called CoachBook. The others could be BBook for Business, MinBook For Ministry, SearchBook for research, RecipeBook for potions and recipes, and so on...

HJP posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 2:16pm

just wanted to say this is my favourite fic i have ever read. Wondering on wwhen u plan to update next

Concealed Convict posted a comment on Wednesday 11th March 2009 7:06am

I'm sorry, but I'm going to be brutally honest. I didn't read a bit of the chapter and only skimmed over most of the stuff about history; it really isn't needed. That's only my opinion and I've enjoyed the rest of the story so far, but this chapter was boring.

Thanks for writing

Concealed Convict posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 5:46am

I, for one, am Christian and I am pleased to see that you have managed to work the subject into your story so well. Bravo! Anyone who doesn't like that can find something else to read. The one thing I see wrong with this story is calling the DA the PD. I'm presuming you know that it stood for People's Democracy in N.I. and was a student group which was often involved in violence. Even though they were targeted more than they attacked they are still synonymous with violence and equality. I'm not sure what aspect you were going for, but I thought that, although I don't have a problem, there are people who would.

Thanks for writing
Keep up the good work
Don't let anyone dissuade you from including Christian views

Concealed Convict posted a comment on Wednesday 4th March 2009 9:25am

The only organisation that can rival the US Navy Seals!? The SAS are better; there is no doubt. Even statistically they are the best trained and most effective with the highest success rate in the world and that's not including black ops (deniable operations that never happened). Although admittedly the SBS (the "B" standing for "Boat") carry out most of them. Sorry, I'm a Brit and felt that it was my civic duty to point that out. Anyway; it's a good start and I can't wait to see where you go from here.

Thanks for writing
Keep up the good work

FrequencyQueen posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 8:46am

I really like your story, especially the spell mongering. I can't wait till you have Harry and Snape interacting/reacting with each other. Should be exciting.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 22nd February 2009 5:16am

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

kauri posted a comment on Wednesday 18th February 2009 3:03pm

Truly amazing chapter, i can't wait for more :), keep writing and keep up the work!

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 7:47am

The weather forecast inside Grimmauld Place called for immediate lightning and thunder.

My compliments, that's truly a classic line of understatement. I liked this chapter and the way things are evolving in all aspects of Harry's life, personal, professional, political, et al. I suspect Fudge and Sheets are becoming more and more upset with him and that generally leads to errors, which can be capitialized on. The next few chapters should be most interesting that way.

Meanwhile, Ron *really* needs to learn to keep his brain fully engaged before opening his mouth, he might get into far less trouble that way.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 11:02pm

This is great. I am glad Harry and Ginny had a good talk after Harry's treatment after the battle. They cleared the air about a lot of things between them. I look forward to them having more time to spend on their relationship. I think it is great that Arthur has more votes than anyone in the wizagamot. He deserves it and I think it is great that Umbridge has not only lost the votes but is going to have to pay Arthur back for 7 generations of not having his right to rule. That was great. I'm glad too that Arthur decided to go ahead even after Fudge said he would fire him. It works out to Arthur's advantage with the per diem paid by the Wizagamot. Ron, of course, had to make a complete fool of himself. I'm glad Harry told him off. Ginny got in her 2 cents very well and the Hermione and Molly did their part. I sure hope he got the message. It is about time. Thanks so much for the update. I really enjoy your stories. I will read the Granger Defense version soon. Thanks for writing. pms

Anthony May posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 2:24pm

Wow! It's been a long time but what a treat! I love the politics, love the romance, love the battles. This is truly a war, anyone important can be eliminated so security measures are tight. I love the Christian overtones. I love the way Umbitch was taken down! Love the way Fudge was thwarted and just LOVE THE STORY! The only hope I have is that Ron isn't seen as a jealous jack-ass. He's a great friend of Harry's and their being best mates is very important - it's a guy thing. Keep up the great work!

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 6:32am

Another wonderful chapter done. I truely wish that you could have this book published.
The way that you have upset the situation at the wizengamot is so very innovative that it smacks of just how it could happen in real life in a similar situation such as the House of Lords in real life England just about the time of the Magna Carta. So very well done.

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 4:46am

Annother epic chapter, thanks.