Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Cromi posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 2:13pm

Success once again. The only part that stops your story from being the best is that you leave us hanging so often, you cruel bastard =D

knightsbridge posted a comment on Saturday 20th September 2008 6:38am

The wait for this chapter was well worth it. This is an amazing story by an equally amazing writer.

While I look forward to more, I also realise what it must take to write two stories at one time, and have either of them make sese.

And you DO always leave us with cliffhangers to think about, yeah?


Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 17th September 2008 5:59pm

This is an excellent chapter. I really like the differences between the Granger Defense and this story. I like both approaches but I'll have to admit to being a real H/G fan. The way that Ginny reacted at the fight at Gringots was really excellent. She appreciated the fact that Harry needed to protect her but was also not trying to exclude her from helping. The fact that he mongered a spell to save her from falling was great. That was a really great scene not to mention that Harry finally told Ginny how he really feels about her. That was very well done. Thank you so much. I look forward to more double updates in the future. You do such a great job it makes me greedy for more but take your time. I can wait. Thanks again. pms

Rexnos posted a comment on Wednesday 17th September 2008 2:15am

I saw the attack coming the second I heard "Peace-in-our-time." Predictable as all get out, but I'm not complaining. Your action sequences are pretty sweet. Harry took out a giant with a giant flaming ballista bolt.

Neville was also a bad ass. Taking on about a dozen death eaters and a hulking giant with a blowgun. A BLOWGUN!

Too much to say... Glad Harry and Ginny are together finally, the sword of Gryffindor moment made me squee, and politics are amusing. That is all.


jdcox61 posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 2:09pm

what a great chapter, but fudge is just a cluster fuck. I laughed out loud just imagining fudge standing there shouting I surrender!

soloven posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 6:27am

just quick critique, in order to produce 16 generations in 216 years the AVERAGE age to produce offspring would have to be 13. while possible it is unlikely.

LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 4:22am

Good chapter.....
I would love to read about the wizagemont session after this attack and how fudge/umbridge/etc etc are handled.
Look forward to next update...

kauri posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 3:38pm

That, was an Amazing chapter, i really cant say much more than that :) I hope to see more on your idea about the House of Potter :D

Truly an Amazing chapter !


jewels posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 9:00am

Simply great chapter.

Carol Layland posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 8:41am

Hi Aaran, I was so glad to see this posting and as a Retired Teacher of both English and History I was happy to see the lessons of history repeated here. Tragically if one does not learn from history then one must repeat it and I thank you for this lesson in these so very dangerous times. The story is most interesting and so very well written it is a real pleasure to be following this story.>Carol

jimnjoye posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 8:08am

Great Chapter!! I hope Dumbledore begins to change his ideas about coddling deatheaters and would-be deatheaters. I'm surprised Hermoine was only using stunners, I would have thought her father would have made it clear to her that "Great Scott, Hermione, This is War!"
Good to see Harry and Ginny finally starting to show their love. Luna and Fred, though, took me by surprise. For some reason, and a can't think of a single reason why, I always pictured her with George if she was going to date a Weasley. Is this attack going to be an inspiration for Augusta to start paying attention to politics? An active Longbottom should be a formidable ally. You totally took me by surprise with the blowdart. It was a great idea. You had me thinking the deatheater and Neville were going to go at each other hand to hand.
I love your writing, and have been anxiously waiting the next chapter of In the Eye of the Beholder.

KenF posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 6:54am

I always wonder about Fudge. Is he a closet supporter of He Who Must Not be Sane, or is he just bought and paid or, or is he just completely stupid. Attacking the Peace Day event was both historically and literarily predictable.

I hope Patty is OK.

Thanks for the update!

ty posted a comment on Thursday 4th September 2008 12:37pm

hurry up and finish the next chapter already!!!
it's too gr8t a story to have to wait for!!!

Anthony May posted a comment on Tuesday 19th August 2008 1:35pm

Awesome! What a great story...please update soon!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 1:25pm

good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 12:33pm

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 12:08pm

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 12:06pm

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 9:38am

Very good chapter. I was in Vietnam in 1971 and 1972 and can relate to this chapter very much. War SUCKS!!!


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2008 5:01am

Good chapter.
