Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:17am

Interesting, very interesting. I enjoyed both the events and the history related in this chapter. I daresay that Minister Fudge was more than a bit taken aback that Harry didn't lead the fight against that Order of Merlin for his idiot ambassador, but I suspect he's going to be lots more wary in the future. 'Twould be amsuing if the vote harry buys from Hagrid is one Delores votes; I'm sure that'd frost everyone on her side. I like it that Ginny's becoming strong enough, and smart enough, to deal with Harry's situation in a way that greatly improves her later chances with him. Ron, being the slow learner he appears to be, even in canon, still has yet to learn to keep his mouth shut. I'm not totally surprised that Hermione let something slip while trying to rein him in, he does that to people.

The situation with the Goblins gets more interesting with Bill Weasley's appointment and Harry's protection of Gultangk's life; I daresay that a Harry who survives his takedown of Tom will be in a quite enviable position in sevarl worlds, the wizarding one (assuming he can get his story out first before others spin things their way), in his relations with the Goblins, and, likely, in his relations with the muggle side of the British government (I loved Dr. T's conceit, in one story, that, for muggle-born or muggle-raised magicals, the Order of Merlin, First Class, came with a VC and a knighthood).

Finally, the discussion of magic and computers was fascinating. I could well believe the comments about Steve Jobs and the slams on MS (I use their stuff, but carefully and picking the OS *I* want, not the "latest and greatest".

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:12am

LOL, do like the idea of Jobs being a wizard, that came out of nowhere for me. Looks like the gang is making thier way forward, and interesting that Harry's power has increased as much as it has. I really look forward to Fudge and his cronies finally getting a good boot to the head, and hope that it doesn't end up dragging the British wizarding world down with him. The Goblins are getting to be even more major players it seems, and should be interesting to see what happens when they have to really protect Clarinda's shop, and how the Ministry will react to that, before Harry brings his own considerable power down on them. Very good chapter here, very well done.

Bob Officer posted a comment on Saturday 8th March 2008 12:23am

Note: Your "studybook" concept is closer to an program called "Hyperstack" which was bundled with an old Apple IIgs computer, Sometime in the late 1980s.

Nice Story even if I am just a late in finding it.

Patches posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 5:29pm

Wow! This is a great chapter. Harry really made some inroads into the Wizagamot! Ticked off Madamme Sheets and Fudge and Umbridge really well. He also made some good friends that were peers of his grandfather. That will deffinitely be a plus. I'm glad he has met the Tonks'. With all these people on his side it has to make a big difference it the progress of this war. It also helps that there are fewer Death Eaters in the world to help Moldyshorts! Now let's find out what the "Brigadiere" has planned for Steph Granger. I look forward to the next chapter. I really like the Paladin Unitverse and I am following both stories with equal interest. Thanks for writing. pms

Kafire posted a comment on Monday 17th December 2007 6:21pm

Dear Author,
I have been raised as an atheist all my life. Religion has had little to no effect on me, though I appreciate its value to those who use it. I also have been reading fanfiction for over 7 years. I hope this provides enough background for you to understand that this piece of art is one of the greatest works I have read in all my experience with fanfiction. While your characters are more introspective and superhero-like for everyday conversations, the plotline is well-planned and the dialogue flows seamlessly.
Not only is this a great story, but it has also provided me with a reprieve from my usual struggle with faith. Your way of revealing the actual positive effects of prayer literally made me stop and consider learning how to pray. Your use of Christianity is in no way overbearing, yet it is obviously integral to Harry's continued growth and maturation. For once, I can see faith as something not polarizing, but a subtly powerful aid to those who are open to it. Thank you for this beautiful tapestry of faith, power, and self-knowledge - I look forward to reading the next chapters.


Aaran St Vines replied:

Dear Kafire, Thank you for reading and reviewing, and thank you for considering the possibility of what I have written about faith active in a person's life. Faith has been a "powerful aid" as you've described it, in my life, and I offer a small portion of this tale to demonstrate the benefits to others - "offer" being the key word, not anything else. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions -

in-fanficauthors posted a comment on Friday 14th December 2007 8:22am

Very nice as always, though I think the Nuremburg Trails are a very nice stroll, but I agree, nowhere near as famous as the Nuremburg Trials.

I am anxious to see where you go from here.

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Thursday 13th December 2007 11:54am

Good ,I like the deep histery that go's back to 'Olive Hands time'. Also your use of finice, and venture capitel Tools to rase the magical business world up, Whitch seems sort of stagnant, at least compared to Muggles.

noylj posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 6:48pm

Love the story.
I am going to read this one until it ends, then read the Granger Defense. Trying to simultaneously read both just wasn't working.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 12:28pm

Another great chapter! Harry seems to be learning how to be a political mover and shaker quickly.

When is Ma-DAAM Sheets going to realise that if you want to kill Harry, or anybody with him, you have to send more then 5 or 6 death eaters? He'll just slowly weed down their ranks slowly, and then go after the 'big fish'.

Glad to see Harry meeting with the Tonks' that should be very good for the story.

Hermione was missing from this chapter - I hope she's not studying too hard in the library. Maybe we can see her next chapter?

Again, a great chapter. I look forward to your next installment.


soloven posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 6:51am

Great chapter, What happend to Ginny, Harry and Justin's Buisness breakfast. did it get canceled or did harry have 2 back to back.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 1:03pm

I enjoyed this, as always! I love seeing a politically savvy Harry.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 12:42pm

Good chapter. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 11:38am

Well, now, that chapter was quite clearly worth the wait. Several interesting scenes and some fascinating new information. I think Harry's maturing to where he's getting a much better handle on the variety of things he needs to do and master to properly accomplish his purposes. I think Fudge, Umbridge, and the rest of the Pureblood bigots had best be watching out, especially since he demonstrates such convincing abilities.

The last scene indicates that there's another player 'bout to enter the game, 'twill be interesting to see more on whom and what role they'll play.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 10:49am

Fabulous chapter. I love the politiking and fervor that Harry has created. I was soooo very much hoping that Sheets would draw her wand, it would have been rather humorous to see Harry defeat her with his one free shot.

I eagerly look forward to more and more people flocking towards Harry's banner and putting the pressure, both financially and politically, on those who would stand in his way.

I do have to wonder just why Dumbledore has not tried to exert his influence over the wizangamot over the years... but that is another kettle of fish entirely.

oldman posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 10:42am

Long time coming or that is how its felt; BUT worth the wait. You are really building up a very detailed world politically and almost making the death eater response as an irritating side line! How many dead at Harry's hand so far? So I wonder if you are going to give us some Voldermort thoughts?

STONEGNOME posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 9:38am

I appear to have bolixed my password so I can not do a signed review. This is a wonderful story. If this is as I suspect the beginning of a unit crossover I am even more delighted. The idea of some deatheater saying 'We have disabled the wards' and then hitting a muggle alarm system or better yet a mine field or Claymore.... I look forward to future episodes with only the reservation that I find my self rereading the story form the beginning. meciyssryh

Darian Barry posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 9:29am

At least I know why it takes so long for an update (I think). The chapters are, are longer than the ordinary, well thought out, chock full of information and action. Some have to be read twice to digest it all.
Even though I am sitting medicine, I thought for a bit about law, so 'some' of the legal things made sense, although quite complicated, it WAS business and contract law. I won't bother to comment on Umbridge. She would make a good road-kill, just as Rita should be stomped on and become instant beetle juice!

thefatadder posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 4:40am

Brilliant, Wizardmott, a quick fight and some business as well. fantastic chapter, and the next part cant come too soon.

Getting tempted to go back and start reading from scrach again!

Songoku55 posted a comment on Saturday 8th December 2007 7:35pm

I love this story!

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 10:02am

Loved the backstory on Hermione's parents. I half expected them to bag a couple of order members before they stopped.

The exploding clock was great. Accidental magic really isn't
shown much after they get their letter, but it should be common
for the first three years if not more.