Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Gioia posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2014 1:17am

I still love your stories so very much! Thank you again for sharing your talent and hard work with us. Since P&P writers are able to publish their stories, please know that should you ever decide to go that route, I know I am not alone in my interest in buying a published copy.

megnicole posted a comment on Sunday 6th June 2010 11:19pm

Oh, I absolutely love this fic. Pride and Prejudice is one of my absolute favorite books, but I adore the changes you made. I especially like that you focused a lot on Elizabeth and Darcy feelings for each other, the original book doesn't actually have much of that.

Wendi posted a comment on Thursday 21st January 2010 10:47am

Thanks for writing this, it was wonderful!

Gioia posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 7:40am

This is such a beautiful, romantic story! I cannot begin to express how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's an absolutely lovely tale, with tummy-tingling, delightful moments, wit and abiding love beautifully depicted. Thank you again for the great job you did on this story!

From what I see, you only have two completed P&P stories. I know they represent an enormous amount of work, so I don't mean to sound as if I'm nagging. I merely wanted to mention that I'll be watching for your work in the future and hope to see more from you. I loved reading your tales!

TERI posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 7:16am




Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Tuesday 13th November 2007 6:05am

Many thanks for writing this! It was wonderful seeing how Elizabeth and Darcy reconciled and married! I could see the proposal becoming a well loved family legend with Peter and Emma telling it someday to Elizabeth's and Darcy's children. I enjoyed reading this very much!

Dorothee posted a comment on Tuesday 6th November 2007 5:51am

I just want to say thank you for you other story Happily every after which I read some days ago. I enjoyed it very much and I hope that you will continue with the other two stories which are WIP soon.

Susan posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 5:57pm

I just discovered this story and it was a wonderful story. I loved the interaction of all the characters, but especially Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam's budding relationship. Congratulations on a well written story.

Seritha posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 1:40pm

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! You are my new idol! I have never truly been able to read any Jane Austen fanfics because they don't give her writing justice but you have done a spectacular job and I loved reading it!

Seritha posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 2:17pm

Wow. Thats all I really have to say at this moment and two more chapters to go. If I didn't have school in the morning I would finish this tonight but I absolutely adore this. I mean, I don't know how to describe it but alas I will just say that its amazing and hopefully come up with a better response when I finish. You are truly talented.

Sandra Leonie posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 8:35pm


Sandra Leonie posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 5:04pm

The Colonel is wonderful - such a nice man.
Doesn't everyone wish for an Aunt like Aunt Gardiner..........

Sandra Leonie posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 3:45pm

I love Elizabeth and Georgiana spleeing like spoons - a very nice touch.
I notice Darcy (Fitzwilliam) (as The Colonel will always be Richard to me) - call Elizabeth by her christian name, yet she refers to him as Mr Darcy - I suppose that she will only refere to him as Fitzwiliam when they have an understanding - nice chapter.

lucyjay posted a comment on Thursday 9th August 2007 11:06am

I just found this story yesterday and have read all of it. It was delightful. I especially loved the children playing proposal. Very lovely story!

simplyinfatuated posted a comment on Wednesday 1st August 2007 9:54am

Excellent story! I was particularly amused by the doctor's name.(=

Tink posted a comment on Thursday 26th July 2007 11:16am

I just found this sight and have just finished reading this story. I loved it! I have read sooo many angst filled stories and it was so good to just sit down and read a really great story without every other paragraph being angst-filled.

I love your style of writing and can't wait to read your other JA stories. I'm sure I'll enjoy them just as much.

Thank you for your imagination and sharing it with the rest of us.


Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 17th July 2007 12:20pm

Wonderful! I loved it!

Jamie46 posted a comment on Monday 16th July 2007 12:58pm

Awwww. Reading this has made me start to think that I should probably try to read "Pride and Prejudice" again. I was probably too young the first time I attempted it, and my enjoyment of your story tells me that I might indeed like it if I tried it again a second time. Thanks for re-opening my eyes to more books :-D

Ishi posted a comment on Sunday 15th July 2007 9:18pm

Lovely, simply lovely. A wonderful ending to a wonderful story. You've managed to keep all the characters actually IN CHARACTER, no easy task, as I well know. I didn't want this story to end, I'm afraid *grins*.

Ishi posted a comment on Monday 9th July 2007 10:58am

Yet another amazing chapter. I love how you've incorporated Lady Catherine's indignant speech in, while still managing to keep Darcy from losing his temper, as we all know he would ^^. You've kept the family together, and that's very admirable, since family was important in those days. Also, I continue to enjoy your accurate portrayals of all the characters. You speak with their voices perfectly. I can't wait for an update!