Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


daewos posted a comment on Saturday 5th April 2008 9:36am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

At the moment this is definitely in my top three stories - the characterisation of Millicent is wonderful writing. You have made her both strong and vulnerable, a great combination.

The end of this chapter was laugh out loud funny. Any chance she will do the same to Ron and Draco???

Crys posted a comment on Saturday 5th April 2008 6:57am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

> Okay, like my life needed another notch up on the Wizarding Weird-O-Meter.

> Centi stepped forward and rendered him unconscious in one punch.
> That wasn't at all unexpected.
Go, Centi!

> Back to normality, Harry Potter style.
That would've been a good chapter title.

Very impressive diatribe against AD. Everything was well-handled, from the words to everyone's reactions. Kudos for that. At the time, I was thinking that AD could easily get out of it if he wanted, but Harry addressed that later.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

oso983 posted a comment on Saturday 5th April 2008 1:16am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Nice, really nice!!!!!!!!!

Aelita posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 11:52pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

WOW! Please update this soon! I have never seen a Harry/Millicent story and I LOVE IT! Thanks so much!

morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 10:32pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

I absolutely adore your Centi - she's wonderfully real, so deliciously Slytherin and an excellent match for Harry, be it in battle or in love.
The scenes with Malfoy, Dumbles and then at the end where Centi slugs Dudders were all perfect, and added so much to the quality of this entertaining fic.
I've never read this pairing before, and now am a huge fan, and, as I detest Harry/Ginny, it makes for a great read.
Keep up the fantastic job!

Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 8:58pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Ahhh. My addiction has been releaved again. Thank you for this wonderful chapter. I'll anticipate the next, as always.

Patches posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 6:45pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Wow! This is quite an involved chapter. I am so glad that Harry insisted that Centi receive the works on the reconstruction surgery. Now she will feel a little better about her appearance. Ron's reaction was predictable and annoying in the extreme. But that is Ron. At least Hermione and Ginny tried to subdue him. I'm glad Centi was there when Harry had to go through the potion. That was rough. The fact that Harry has phsically and magically finished the Paladin Program is great. He never does follow the "normal" path. I'm not surprised Serverus was his usual charming self. A lot has come t light about Dumbledore this time. I'm glad Harry is pushing this time. I look forward to more of this story and I look forward to Centi and Harry working together and getting to know each other better. Thanks for writing. pms

Katey posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 3:55pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

This is wonderful. The deviations from the much MORE parallel Paladin Parallel Universe have made this story my favorite out of the three. The scene with the House Elves was fantastic, as was Harry and Centi's double-teaming of Dumbledore. You write the dynamics between Harry and Centi extremely well (and that right there is a sign of how well, since she's always been Millicent to me, no matter how much I've liked her as a minor HP character). They give each other much needed backbone--not to stand up to their rivals and enemies, which they do very well, but to stand up to their friends and Housemates. Fantastic. I've always liked a Gryffindor Harry Potter with a Slytherin girl simply because it gives him room to grow emotionally, and you've written that relationship so well. I look forward to more.

Matt posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 2:50pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

You note in the headers that this will be the "last chapter". If so, that is unfortunate as these are of a far higher quality than the main universe chapters--largely because the characters are asked to grow in ways that exceed JKR's rendering whereas your main stream chapters necessarily can only add to what she has done, given the relationships etc.
I hope that you do have a plan to take this story further.

jimnjoye posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 1:55pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Very good chapter. I like this story even better than "Great Scott, Potter" and "The Granger Defense". My only complaint is that you put both Snape and Dumbledore over a barrel (and even McGonagall), then you let them off without us getting a good explanation for their actions. It drives me crazy. Well, until your next chapter, keep up the good work.

bonnie posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 1:37pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Great chapter. I really like how Centi and Harry's relationship is developing and that She called the Headmaster on neglecting his responsibilities to teach Harry what he needs to know about his family heritage and his place in the Wizarding world

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 1:37pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Oh, what a great way to end a chapter. I love this story so much! It differs a bit from the other Paladin verse stories but that might be part of why I like it so much, along with the fact that I like rare pairings. I'm eagerly awaiting the next updates!

berni posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 12:27pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

very nice! Love Millicent in this chapter...

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 12:02pm for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Good chapter. I like the little ego boost + opportunity for violence for Centi at the end. :-)

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 11:30am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Back to normality, Harry Potter style.

I have to say, that without a doubt, this is my absolute favorite fluffy part of the paladin series.

I like Millie and really really like her in this story.

Still hating Dumb as a door and Snaperman, but thats to be expected.

I was secretly hoping for another wonderful fluffy installment and BAM! here it is!!!!

Thank you for filling this playground with such excellent characters.

Stanley Chalk posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 9:52am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

I love this story. It has action, comedy, suspence, and even a question. What will happen next? The end of this chapter had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Keep it comimg!

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 9:11am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

<I>My cousin looked at Millicent with obvious lust in his eyes and said, "Helloooo, Beautiful!"

That was unexpected.

Centi stepped forward and rendered him unconscious in one punch.

That wasn't at all unexpected.</I>


Great chapter. I still say DD has a lot planned out that he never told Harry and has no intention of ever telling him tho'.

oldman posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 9:05am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

great to keep the surprises coming. How you keep three different versions in mind at the same time without major "anachronisms" I don't know. I especially like the elves multiple loyalty bit. Could be one very powerful ally not under Dumbledore's control.

DrT posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 7:57am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

An excellent update, partially tying your worlds together. 'Centi' is certainly interesting, and of course I enjoyed her greeting to Dudley.

I think the best part, though, were the elves.


Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 7:45am for Chapter Five - Plumbing, Pledges, and Potions

Wonderful part here, just great! Can just picture Millicent laying Dudley out like that. Really enjoyed the next confrontation with Albus, and have a feeling there'll be more before all is said and done, given that he seems unable to not hold his cards to the vest like he does. Harry is coming along nicely, and will be curious to see how Milli will be able educate him over the rest of the summer, and how things will go by the time they get back to school, as well as the continued difference with the rest of the school, along with the Paladins. Also, if Draco and Pansy keep their actions up, will be curious to see what eventually happens with those two, along with who might take their places.