Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Nytefyre posted a comment on Saturday 16th March 2013 10:03pm

I really enjoyed this Paladin story and the evolution of the relationship between Harry and Centi. It's interesting to see this character as more than a cut-out and definitely intriguing with the possibilities of her in Harry's life going forward. I liked the flight to Hogwarts sequence - the advice "show, not tell" is perfectly exemplified. So many hints of things to come with the house elves and spell-mongery are interesting and I'd love to see where it all went. Wish there were more.

Thanks for posting.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Monday 21st March 2011 1:48am

Hello, I totally love all your palladin stories and I sincerely hope that you are able to continue with them sometime soon. Your talent is inspiring and a joy to read. I love the differences and similarities between the different parallels. I hope that real life will allow you to return to us so that we may once again lose ourselves in your remarkable world.

lwj2 posted a comment on Sunday 20th February 2011 1:36pm

I enjoyed this, I hope you plan to write more.

Clell65619 posted a comment on Thursday 19th August 2010 10:05am

- I can't believe I held off reading this one for so long. I think it was because I was confusing myself between "The Granger Defense" and "It's War" and cut back to reading only Granger until the entire story is done.

- This is excellent and has perhaps the most injured Harry I've ever read in what happened to him in his flight with Millicent across the UK.

- I quite like the idea of Spell Mongering, your descriptions of the process create quite the visual image. Someday I may have to file the serial numbers off the concept and incorporate it into one of my stories.

- I'm quite looking forward to the next chapter.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 5th January 2010 1:05pm

Alas, we have reached the end of what you wrote. I'd like to read more; I enjoyed it, and liked the Harry/Millicent interaction. Hope you do write more soon.

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 5th January 2010 1:05pm

Alas, we have reached the end of what you wrote. I'd like to read more; I enjoyed it, and liked the Harry/Millicent interaction. Hope you do write more soon.

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Wednesday 30th December 2009 5:18pm

I notice Dumbledore didn't address any of Harry's complaints or accusations against Snape.

You pointed out something I've felt, that as a spy, Snape makes no sense.

Thanks for the story.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Wednesday 30th December 2009 4:04pm

You're certainly piling up the problems for Harry and Centi. Meanie.

Thanks for the story. It's caught interest, and I hope that you update it in the not too distant future.

Tom A.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Wednesday 30th December 2009 1:49pm

Finally got around to start reading this. I've always felt Milli got a bad deal just because of her looks.

Exciting spell-fight. Good job.

Looking forward to more.

Tom A.

kdsmashedpotatoes posted a comment on Monday 28th December 2009 10:43pm

This is a fantastic story no matter how many times I read it. I love the camaraderie between Harry and Centi, as well as the changes in Harry's life; while Harry is smart and super-powered, there are logical reasons behind every change (unlike most super-power/smart Harry fanfics out there).

I cannot wait for the next chapter. This is probably my favorite story in the Paladin Universe, mostly due to the unexpected pairing of Harry and Milicent, but also due to the events that are happening in Harry's life.

Keep up the good work, and have some fun writing the next chapter for your loyal fans. :)

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 8th November 2009 12:13pm

I think that an update would be excellent. I hope you don't forget us freeloaders who enjoy your writing so much.

noylj posted a comment on Saturday 7th November 2009 4:01pm

So, despite everything, the bastard has done nothing about Snape
Please update

Charles Newton posted a comment on Tuesday 30th June 2009 4:07pm

Excellent story; I've read one or two others that matched Harry with a pretty version of Millicent before, but nowhere as well as this story is going.
Excellent writing: the characteristics of the people seem natural and flowing. Hope to see more on this.

William Lack posted a comment on Wednesday 27th May 2009 10:02pm

excellent story looking foorward to more - I like the stories where minor characters in the books have more to them than meets the eye in fan fiction. So stories where Daphne, Tonks and Millicent etc come to centre stage are interesting to me....

nublar posted a comment on Saturday 11th April 2009 9:45am

Great story. I'm looking forward to more.

Vukk posted a comment on Thursday 5th March 2009 5:52am

I am up to chapter 14 at the moment and had a serious question. With Ginny being too young to be a Paladin, will she be one the next year or will there be some other method to make her more equal to Harry's age?

jovening posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 10:30pm

This is a fantastic story - I've only read one other H/M before, and it's not nearly as far along (they're still first years, and the author is sensible enough not to have 11 year-olds falling all over each other!). The Paladin Program is a great idea, and I'm enjoying Harry's face-offs with Dumbledore. You don't seem to have updated in a while - I'll keep this in my bookmarks and hope to see more soon!

Thanks for the read!

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 26th November 2008 5:46am

Great chapter. Dumbledore seems more than a little suspect in his actions, but than even in canon he made a lot of boneheaded moves that turned out to be a part of a long term programming course for Harry.

The Resident posted a comment on Thursday 20th November 2008 6:14pm

Thank you for another fine chapter. I know Dumbles will try to wiggle around his oath and the conditions Harry has set. I just hope that Harry and Centi will be able to spot and cope with any of his attempts. Keep up the great work.

brad posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2008 6:19pm

You know, that one sentence having McGonagall cause "the bookshelves to grow legs and pace forward about six feet" was excellent; really unique/innovative. Most people would just have a witch levitate the object. But not the transfiguration subject master! Transfiguration is so much a part of her I can well see - now that you've pointed it out - her using transfiguration, the first spell that springs to mind, for even tasks that have trivial alternative solutions.

Her using transfiguration to cause the armoury of Hogwarts (seen many years ago in Disney's "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" with Angela Lansbury) to rise up and defend the castle made sense, because that was the required goal. But for just moving a bookshelf? Great stuff!

> "I don't think I'll live through that, Harry, so I have no plans other than to train for battle and fight"

Oh dear. Although I must admit - am I evil? - the idea of a Centi who might want to pack everything she can into a short life, experience all that life can offer, living with Harry is ... interesting ... :-)

I'm finding it hard to swallow that the Elves have perpetuated such a massive hoax as 'speaking badly' for so long and so well that everyone in the wizarding world believes them to be simple-minded. I also fail to understand why the elves would want to do this. "accomplish more that way"? Hmmmph.

Everyone should do a G.O.S.W.O.T.A.L! I like Harry's plan at the end. Will we see all those goals achieved at the end of the story? Him ticking them off one by one? :-)