Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 12:02pm

Good chapter. I like the little ego boost + opportunity for violence for Centi at the end. :-)

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 11:30am

Back to normality, Harry Potter style.

I have to say, that without a doubt, this is my absolute favorite fluffy part of the paladin series.

I like Millie and really really like her in this story.

Still hating Dumb as a door and Snaperman, but thats to be expected.

I was secretly hoping for another wonderful fluffy installment and BAM! here it is!!!!

Thank you for filling this playground with such excellent characters.

Stanley Chalk posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 9:52am

I love this story. It has action, comedy, suspence, and even a question. What will happen next? The end of this chapter had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Keep it comimg!

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 9:11am

<I>My cousin looked at Millicent with obvious lust in his eyes and said, "Helloooo, Beautiful!"

That was unexpected.

Centi stepped forward and rendered him unconscious in one punch.

That wasn't at all unexpected.</I>


Great chapter. I still say DD has a lot planned out that he never told Harry and has no intention of ever telling him tho'.

oldman posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 9:05am

great to keep the surprises coming. How you keep three different versions in mind at the same time without major "anachronisms" I don't know. I especially like the elves multiple loyalty bit. Could be one very powerful ally not under Dumbledore's control.

DrT posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 7:57am

An excellent update, partially tying your worlds together. 'Centi' is certainly interesting, and of course I enjoyed her greeting to Dudley.

I think the best part, though, were the elves.


Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 7:45am

Wonderful part here, just great! Can just picture Millicent laying Dudley out like that. Really enjoyed the next confrontation with Albus, and have a feeling there'll be more before all is said and done, given that he seems unable to not hold his cards to the vest like he does. Harry is coming along nicely, and will be curious to see how Milli will be able educate him over the rest of the summer, and how things will go by the time they get back to school, as well as the continued difference with the rest of the school, along with the Paladins. Also, if Draco and Pansy keep their actions up, will be curious to see what eventually happens with those two, along with who might take their places.

Lufio posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 7:06am


Dudley making eyes
At Millicent? Next chapter's
Going to be fun.

-[ This storyline is slowly catching up with the other two. Glad to see more and more changes accumulating to differentiate them. Really looking forward to this infatuation of Dudley's in the next chapter. ]-

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 6:47am

What a terribly nonsensical bunch of characters that inhabit this specific universe.

Why doesn't Harry just go to Grimmauld Place and put it under the Fidelus or have Dumbledore do it, under threat of him leaving?

Instead you return him to the Dursleys and put him at the tender mercies of Dumbledore and Snape again. Sure that is cunning Harry used, in comparison to a rock.


Zevrillion posted a comment on Tuesday 18th March 2008 9:14am

Interesting story.

brad posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 11:15pm

Satisfying chapter, a good read. I thought you got the 'balance' of things done nicely. Rather than one long monotonous Harry-lectures-the-world rant we instead had lots of variety in this chapter. The sub-plot of Snape and his animosity and intentions towards Harry. Harry and the two faces of Dumbledore and their ongoing tug of war (which I felt was restrained and didn't go overboard this time). Harry's friends pop in. The surgeon's visit. Enter Dobby for some comedic relief (sometimes your Dobby irritates me, but again, this time his limited dialogue seemed just right). Then Bang! Another battle, totally unexpected, which put a big blip in the chapter (you do the action very well). And then the aftermath of the operation and the kiss (which was nicely done, not overly saccharine, and again introduced some humour). Enough variety and things happening, different issues, to keep things moving nicely.

I also liked your attention to detail regarding the surgeon's remarks about the mechanics of the operation. Sometimes, again, I think you go a bit overboard with the science, allying magic with the 'real world', like Harry's sometimes overly pedantic lectures on quantum mechanics and the like. Or maybe I'm being unkind, that's a few chapters ago (and in a totally different story, come to think about it! Although it's all Paladin Universe). But I thought the doctor's occasional references to Millicent's bone structure and the limits to what he could do (no waving a wand and turning her into an instant Veela) weren't overdone and fit well. Causing we readers to 'believe' even more in what was happening. Harry's decision to use a picture of Millicent as a baby, rather than using a ten-by-eight glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe / Claudia Schiffer / <insert favourite movie star> was a good, realistic idea too, which impressed me as both clever *and* kind; kudos to him (and you!).

And it was a lovely ending, Millicent giving back some comfort to her rescuer. Nice image you closed on, a very comforting and comfortable end to the chapter. Thanks!

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Thursday 6th March 2008 8:40pm


MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2008 1:46am

Excellent! I enjoy your writing but have not been a fan of the Paladin Program fics. This fic is the exception. Your interactions between the characters are so much more enjoyable to read when the PP isn't setting the stage.

anettemargarete posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 10:34pm

wow a great chapter and then this ending, oh my god. now the waiting begins anew.

hope to see more of this nice and witty and protective millicent in the next chapters. perhaps we get to see a bit about ron and his atttitude adjustment too?


Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 2:13am

I love your work, and this chapter is no exception. I like how you're slowly bringing things back on track after their ordeal and give them time to recover. The whole face reconstruction thing was very well done, and I liked Harry's blatant disregard for 'propriety' and Dumbledore's so-called advice.

The unexpected trouble Harry is going through with the potion makes me wonder what went wrong, but I have a hunch that whatever it is, there might be an eventual benefit or two. I'm looking forward to see what direction you'll take this after all the ramifications of Harry and Millicent's journey to Hogwarts have been resolved.


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 29th February 2008 8:29pm

P.P.S. That last scene is most definitely going to increse the intensity of Harry's & Centi's relationship and it's to be hoped that Ron matures mentally enough to accept it, otherwise I somewhat fear for his friendship with Harry; all things considered, Centi has been at least as good a friend as Ron has been. I like the way this story is evolving and I'm quite looking forward to the next chapter.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 29th February 2008 4:47pm

PS. A few further thoughts; I loved the prank that Centi & Harry played on the healers, though I suspect both found that there were some unexpected "side effects" they need to explore further.

I do have to wonder about Dumbles' intense concern over propriety, a concern so strong he sent Harry's friends into argue his case, rather than the health and well-being of a student. Oh, wait, said student was in Slytherin and therefore under Snape's "care" and not needing more - NOT!! Sometimes you can't help but wonder if Dumbles actually wants Tom to win.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 6:11pm

oh, my!! They are good for each other and that bond forged through shared danger, pain, and combat now becomes deeper as they share the pain of the Paladin potions; I suspect that Centi will be as strongly in opposition to anyone speaking against Harry as Harry is to those, even close friends, who speak against her. I found the visit of his friends interesting, Ron has clearly matured only physically and not psychologically (not sure what it'd take to properly affect him that way) while Hermione clearly has matured both ways and Ginny seems to have made some progress on both without being in the program. I can see there are going to be a number of adjustments needed across the board before matters play out completely.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 5:44pm

I was deleriously happy when I saw this update. I love this entire story arc, but must admit that this is my favorite. I do NOT like Dumbles in this one and I look forward to some nice confict... especially after Harry awakes. I hate the fact that Dumbles was, once again, going to do something against Harry's expressed wishes just because he thought it was the best thing to do. For such a self effacing supposedly wise man, he has an ego the size of Texas.

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 5:40am

Oh geez. So did Harry succeed in his shield to keep everyone out so he wouldn't get the Ending Potion? I also thought the reconstruction of Millicent went well and I enjoyed the confrontation between Harry and his friends. Ron still has a lot to learn.