Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 8:40am

Nicely done. Now I'll have to see about reading all the other stories in this series.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 29th November 2007 7:03pm

Heh, and they thought he was a bit "different" before. I do like this more assertive Harry, though some things haven't changed and he still stands staunchly by his friends.

I don't think his professors quite realized the true level of his power or understanding and it seems to be quite disconcerting them. Add in his willingness to dabble with things that "public opinion" and "common wisdom" consider "evil" and the combination has got to really throw them for a loop.

I quite like the way he's willing to trade on fame, name, and fortune to help others but not for himself. I reckon Dumbles has just realized that he's created a most powerful wizard who is not going to be blindly subservient to him; he won't like that too much at all but doesn't have a choice.

It will be interesting to see the reaction Severus has to these last requests.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Wednesday 28th November 2007 8:29pm

Yay!! I honestly think I like this variation the best out of the three... though I think that everyone is being too easy on Snape... he assaulted Harry... and I look forward to him screwing up so that Harry can make good on his threat!

I think that Millicent will make an excellent match with Harry and look forward to that relationship progressing.

I love it and look forward to reading more.

jimnjoye posted a comment on Wednesday 28th November 2007 4:31pm

Great chapter! My only complaint is how quickly Harry is trusting Dumbledore and Minerva again. After all the valid points he made, I think there should have been a bit more time before he was so forgiving of them. I'm starting to like this story even more than your other two Paladin stories.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 28th November 2007 3:18am

Nice fight scene to begin this. The family nickname is good too. The portkey to finish it was superb, especially the way Harry did the incantation. Not totally convinced by the way that McGonagall reacted to Harry's attack on Snape and Dumbledore but the Centi parts were great. Also I don't think even Snape would suggest that Centi's face should be left the way it is, but otherwise good chapter. The fight was particularly enjoyable. More please.

Minor Brit-picks: I think you meant West Country rather than western counties, Professor not ma'am when addressing McGonagall and trousers not slacks

A posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 7:51pm

Please don't have Harry delay the potion - if the Potions are different for just Harry and Millicent then it would be far easier and far harder for Snape to deny the possibility of poisoning them.

Also, too much was done with Snape - and not enough with Dawlish and possibly the Minister being after Harry.

berni posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 7:24pm

awesome chapter! i have never read any stories with Millicent in it, let alone with her in the pairing. can't wait for more

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 4:08pm

Wow, I'd wondered if you were abandoning this story! I'm glad you haven't done so. Great chapter!!!

Kinsfire posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 1:26pm

This is a version of Dumbledore that is blatantly evil, in my opinion. I think that he still doesn't see that he is merely doing all these things because he needs Harry. He is very much of a mind, it seems, that if he had to kill everyone else in the Paladin program to make sure that Harry would succeed, he would moan about the necessity and then get someone else to do the dirty deed.

The Snape in this (I can't speak for the others) is definitely coming across as Voldemort's. He's going to have to do a LOT of talking to convince me (and Harry and Centi) that he's NOT a full DE.

Excellent job, by the way.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 11:47am

Good chapter.

I have to wonder where you're going with Snape, however. It seems completely unreasonable to me that DD & McG would be more upset with Harry than Snape when Snape attacked first and with a more dangerous curse.

And if Harry believes the case he's made for Snape be LV's spy, not DD's, then why would he trust potions from Snape?

So I suspect, since the Paladin program depends on Snape's potion making, that you're casting him rather like JKR--throughly horrible, but still 'Light'? Oh well. :-)

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Tumshie posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 10:38am

Excellent once again, just one point in the UK the word 'fanny' is slang for female genitalia, the type of bag you are referring to is known as a bum bag.

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 8:57am

Really great update. I loved seeing how Harry got himself and Millicent into Hogwarts. His forced discussion with Dumbledore regarding Snape was well written and Harry brought up several good points. Will he be explaining Spell Mongery to McGonagall and Pomfrey any better, so they can understand things? I'm really looking forward to more updates of this Paladin AU.

noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 8:06am

Maybe I've missed something, but don't forget your other stories...
This one is very good and doesn't trample over the same grounds to get to where we are.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 7:41am

Well, this was a heck of a chapter here, and first off, let me say that I actually felt good that Harry shamed the three professors like he did. Concerning Snape, as of now in this fic, I don't see the man having hardly any redeeming characteristics. I would wonder if he might have made a greater effort for one of the pretty girls, like Daphne Greengrass(though I know canon hardly says anything about her, and I guess that's more fanfic derived), but to put down someone from his house, right in front of her, well, he deserves little to no sympathy, imo. As for Albus, it appears that he's perfectly willing to follow the greater good, as lopng as it doesn't involve the people he doesn't want to involve. I hope that the wake-up Harry all but shouted in his ear will work out to the positive, as it seems to have done so for McGonagall at least, and Harry and Millicent, as you write them here, I find myself really looking forward to the two of them acting as a couple. Great writng here, and made me wish to see more in the near future.

olfrik posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 5:38am

Beautifully done. Please continue.

Jimbocous posted a comment on Monday 12th November 2007 2:37pm

Thanks for pointing me this way. Nicely done so far; I'll be looking forward to more on this one as well.

egret posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 6:32am

I've been very interested in this story - I just re-read it. I hope you continue it - I like redeeming Millicent. I hate JKR's tendency to make all villains ugly, especially because she's so conventional in her tastes. Anyway, I like the stories that treat Millicent as human, especially when they keep her back-story close to canon.

berni posted a comment on Thursday 27th September 2007 6:40pm

this is an awesome story!! so interesting! can't wait for more!!

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Wednesday 27th June 2007 2:39pm

Oh great update. I loved your descriptions of Harry and Millicent traveling to Hogwarts. How much resistance will they encounter now? And how will missing the potions affect Harry? I am looking forward to the next update. I love how different this is from the other Paladin AUs

in-fanficauthors posted a comment on Saturday 16th June 2007 5:17am

Interesting. I wonder though why Harry thinks that the DEs know that he is going to Hogwarts. Simply because he has not turned up anywhere else?

Does Harry not know Hermione's phone number? Could he have gotten to London faster than Hogwarts? Mongered a communication spell?

Please continue.