Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 25th August 2006 1:26am for Chapter Five - The Ongoing Choice

Smith never becoming a popular name was hilarious. Celts don't surrender is a completely true statement. They may get beaten, they may be defeated, but they do not surrender. "Foolish heroics are all mine" and your introduction of the phoenix was superb. He was right to fear Willen's luck. The picture is good too. Line I loved most though was "say it like you're speaking to an older brother that you love dearly".

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 1st April 2006 6:02am for Chapter Five - The Ongoing Choice

What a fabulous story - I have been looking for some fanfic that was safe for my 10 yr old daughter to read - and this is not only safe but marvelously gripping and entertaining.
What a marvelous way to teach the history of the magical communities of Albion and of the crafts involved in having a civilization.
thanks so much and warmest regards

Aaran St Vines replied:


You've given me the finest compliment of all the reviews I have received across the internet for my writing.  

That you would read this to your ten year old, and still find it gripping, entertaining, and educational has rendered me speechless.

Well, I am never speechless, but you know what I mean.

Thanks som very much.

sunrisesunset posted a comment on Friday 31st March 2006 4:52pm for Chapter Five - The Ongoing Choice

Ah - amazing! I love this story!!

Ahem. Yeah, I just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading your unique story so far. It has this fairy-tale feel to it that draws me in without making me feel childish. The overarching story between Harry and Mr. Ollivander is certainly interesting as well - I always love it when people give us a closer look at a character that we haven't gotten to know all that well yet. Great twist with him being older than Dumbledore - didn't expect that.

Looks like things are coming to a climax! I can't wait for your next installment. ^^

Aaran St Vines replied:

I am delighted you are enjoying this tale enough to write such a kind review.

In my more canon-oriented stories, a few people say that I write better back channel than direct story.   I hope that's not too true.
