Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 25th August 2006 2:37am for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

I was thrilled by the use of the phoenix Pholx for Fawkes. Excellent chapter as always. This is superb. Willen's Wisdom & the olive-hand or wood-hand (as I suspect it will become soon) are wonderful ideas.

Graup posted a comment on Monday 17th April 2006 11:11am for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

Very much enjoyed the chapter. Too bad it ended so poorly.

I am sure at some point, Willen will find that Pholks will be able to carry him to destinations. I imagine he will heave a heavy sigh at the realization that he could have been with Constantia much earlier had he known this little fact.

Lufio posted a comment on Tuesday 11th April 2006 5:58pm for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

Hi. I was slightly confused by the disparity between Nerta and Ninato in their usage of the new "magik" terminology in this chapter.

You first had Nerta speak as if she and her husband were both familiar in the usage of the word "spell", but then you later had Ninato speak as if unsure of the word. So Nerta was the only one at the time she and her husband first met Willen that used the new words commonly?

- Nerta
"We both have to cast every spell as you call them - amazing idea, that."

- Ninato and Willen
"Magik is the New Way and a spell is...?"
"A spell is a piece of magik."

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.   And thanks for pointing out this disparity.

I'll go back and check this when I get the time.


Rick Gale posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 1:35am for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

I have spent the last 2 days reading your story with fascination. I felt a lot like Harry waiting to get back to Mr. Ollivanders’ to have him continue the tale.

You have done a marvelous job of providing a believable history of the beginning of ‘Magik’ and the use of the wand.

I look forward to reading the next chapter — and hopefully the conclusion of the story — the suspense is killing me!


Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing, and for your very kind words.

I hope the completion of the tale satisfied.


jaques posted a comment on Tuesday 4th April 2006 11:01am for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

this is the first fanfic with this story that i've read. it's a bit slow on some parts but a great read nonetheless. can't wait to read more.

Aaran St Vines replied:

I wrote this tale because NO ONE out in the fanfic world has even mentioned what happened back then, that I have found.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 4th April 2006 9:22am for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

Fascinating chapter and quite believeable. It's a delightful exercise in writing a pre-history.

Juan2 posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 3:06pm for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

great, great story. you are a very engaging writer - one of the reasons fanfiction is worth reading. and better than half of the crap one can buy in a bookstore these days...

i applaud your originality


Aaran St Vines replied:

This was a very complimentary review.

Thanks, and thanks for reading.

kittykatluver posted a comment on Sunday 2nd April 2006 4:03pm for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

Sorry. Forgot to log in! Anyway, who died?! No! I don't want anyone to die!

Aaran St Vines replied:

It hurt a lot to kill those I did, but life is tough, and it was a most savage time back then.  

I went Family Rating on this in comparison with what would have probably happened at that time.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

sunrisesunset posted a comment on Sunday 2nd April 2006 3:37pm for Chapter Six - The Wand Chose Him

You know, I never really thought about what it's like to see without stereoscopic vision...

Great chapter. Seeing Willen mature makes for a fascinating tale - and the reaction of Stellan proves just how much he's changed from the lame-eyed lad who left Loundon's Towne. You make a great storyteller, Aaran.

And now, could you *please* post the next chapter? According to the text on your main page, you've already completed this fic. I really want to see what happens! No fair leaving us with a cliffhanger... ^^

Aaran St Vines replied:

Your comments on this chapter were most appreciated.

I am grateful that you are reading and reviewing.