Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Brigrove posted a comment on Monday 9th March 2009 3:56pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

The whole long first half of this chapter was frankly hard work. I felt like Ron trying to read through Hogwarts, a History.
FAR too much of the flashbacks and background story to the point when I began to wonder if you were ever going to get on with the story.
Only the fact that up to now this has been an exciting story despite the textbook style being used far too often stopped me from simply giving up. The chapter really needs a total re-edit.

Even the aftermath of the potions accident was drawn out - In most cases nothing much happened, but you took a long time basically telling us that.

The battle was okay, but it's impact was lost after ploughing through the earlier parts of the chapter.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 12:52am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Great chapter! The Battle on Privet Dr. reminded me of the one in 'Harry Potter Heir of Gryffindor' by Brent Braten (on, but over all, I think I liked this fight better. I will continue to read this great story.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 30th October 2006 4:38pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

I hadn't read this chapter(s) before now, and now I wish I had. It's an excellent chapter. :-)

The history of McG might benefit from mentions of her own Paladin experiences (you wrote she was one back in Chapter 5).

I enjoyed seeing the Paladin program and Spellmongering being more prominient.

I take it that nothing Harry can do (Pensieve memories or Veritaserum, etc) can 'prove' that the two aurors attacked him first?

Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us. I wish I had time tonight to read the next one. :-)

RiskyWombat posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 12:45pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

I have to say that while it's good this fic is difficult and frustrating to read. You jump plases and time so often that it disrupts reading experience, like Harry's fight where suddenly while Harry is fighting for his life you jump to Ginny in Mrs. Figgs house and i'm like what the f*** Harry is out there changing deady curses and you make us read Ginny having tea party (not literally, but...)

Then there is sections that doesn't seem to really add much to the fic like the long "ramblings" about the pasts of the three professors and Filch witch in the end could be summed up to say that they fancied each other.

Allthough it can be just that i'm so used to read fics that focus on Harry and company that i'm unable to really appreciate these parts that gives more depth to other characters.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 6:15am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Just a what-for, since I can't switch off my beta eyes: "As the Death Eaters still conscious looked on their emolliating comrade: - I think you wanted 'immolating'.

Great chapter, looking forward to reading the next two!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 11th September 2006 2:42am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Very good. Really enjoyed that.


Jay-F posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 2:49pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

it just occured to me that Harry could combine his spell mongering with his parselmouth to make spells invoked in the snake tounge. for one only he and voldermort would be able to use them and for another you could make them 'different' in some way, maybe make there be a 'reason' for the association of parseltoung and dark magic... just an idea...
Thanks for wrriting,

Gloria posted a comment on Wednesday 30th August 2006 5:01am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Hey, oh my god, this is an absolutely AMAZING fanfic! It's realistic, and makes it seem like you're right there in the story.
You've left me begging for more, so, I'm getting down on my knees, and saying please update!!!!

pstibbons posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 10:12am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Wow. The Sense of Impending Doom (patent pending) was brought out very very well.

And the two faculty couples! Erk. (That's a complimentary erk, btw.)

Luna's reaction was nicely in keeping with our expectations (the sweet letter she sent Harry about her excited dad exceeded expectations), but Ginny went to pieces surprisingy. Two minutes to say that Harry was under attack by Deez?

Nice battle description. Hope Figg can use a pensieve so the others can see it.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 3:47pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Shock upon shock on Aberration Day! Not only do multiple Paladin partners become Snogging Masters (and Harry Potter well and truly comes into his own as the first *Battle Master*), but Cupid's arrows find two Slytherins, a Squib, and the stern Head of Gryffindor House! It was surprising enough that Professor Sinistra is sucking the face of the Head of Slytherin and Potions Master Severus Snape, but Argus Filch loses his heart utterly and completely to *Minerva McGonagall*, and that the feeling is indeed mutual in all four cases! I've read Chapter Ten (posted on PORTKEY), so I won't dare comment on it here.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 31st July 2006 5:32pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

I just refound this story. I had read the first 5 chapters a while ago. I really like what you are doing with this story. I hope you will be able to make more regular updates to the completion of this story. Thank you so much for writing. I can't write but I sure like to read what all of the tallented writers come up with. Thanks again! pms

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 31st July 2006 4:45pm for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

O-kay...while the other Paladins become *Snogging Masters*, Harry Potter, thanks to the same contaminated Acceleration Potion, becomes the first *Battle Master* in a millenium, if not longer, much to the Death Eaters' regret (which, in some cases, especially that of Marcus Flint, is fatal). Wandless casting, silent casting, wandless silent casting, wandless silent *battle-spell* Mongering, ambi-casting (some of it silent, wandless, or both; ambi-casting is using *both* hands to cast spells at once) a word....*WHOA*. Such a display of battle magic has *never* been known to occur, in OR out of any Paladin Program....*ever*. While the only Light fatality is that of Hestia Jones, the Death Eaters are taken down, if not out, in all sorts of ways. Methinks that Crucios will be handed out like so many doorprizes to the surviving Death Eaters as a result of this *crusterfuque*.

Allan posted a comment on Monday 31st July 2006 8:46am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

Ok am sorry and while i haven't read Great scott I could swear blind you posted this chapter already

Crys posted a comment on Monday 31st July 2006 4:37am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

"Woodhenge"? *snicker*

Oh, I hope Dawlish and Williamson (and Fudge) get crucified for this . . .

Kissing synonyms?
tonsil hockey, tongue duelling, tongue dancing, face sucking, lip locking, frenching

Try also:
Second grouping down, the verb synonyms for "kiss"

Fun story

Judy L posted a comment on Monday 31st July 2006 1:46am for Chapter Eight - Aberration Day

I'm delighted to find more of your work and this web site. This surely is an exciting chapter in an excellent story - looking forward to more. I am intrigued with your blending of physical science and magic - I've seen parallels myself. Your story "Saving Luna Lovegood" is one of my alltime favorites. Thanks for sharing your talent.