Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


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GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 27th February 2009 4:07am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

I think you used Flamel's name too much, but that's just my opinion. I enjoyed the action, both the political and the Death Eater attack.
Too bad Florence didn't draw her wand, she needs to end up like her son, only worse. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't get too hung up on vengeance. But she's worse than Umbridge.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 11:30am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Outstanding chapter.


FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 3:11pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

I don't know if all the entries have been tallied for the name of Clarinda's shop, or if this duplicates someone else's idea, but what about 'Phoenix Fashions'? It would serve as a connection to the Light side through a Phoenix's natural affiliation, not to mention a symbol of renewal, as in 'fashions rising from the metaphorical ashes of outdated styles', etcetera. And it's a symbology that would cross over into the Mundane world, as the mythological Phoenix is reasonably well known there, at least within Western society.

Clarinda might even be able to design a few Senior styles and get Dumbledore(with Fawkes on his shoulder) to endorsae them. Fawkes might even be persuaded to act as the shop's SpokesPhoenix in return for a percentage of the net profits going into an educational fund providing clothing to needy Hogwarts' students. What do you think?

lr_williams posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 9:04am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

I'm starting to have withdrawal!!!! More Please!!

I've been wondering, will the grownup Harry ever see the Dursleys again. Will he try to make peace with Petunia.

Asad posted a comment on Tuesday 4th March 2008 8:51pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

I have reread this fic and I am surprised to see that there have been no updates in a long time.

Please give this fic some attention too amongst the numerous fics you are working on. :)

Megan posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2008 10:48pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Wow! The more I read the more I am impressed. Just the way that you explain all the ideas and concepts. I really have felt immersed in the story as if the HP universe was real and that I am a part of it. I believe I may have read some of your work previously but this one especially has blown me away. I could go on in this vein for ages before I even began to discuss the verious plots and sub plots. I can't wait to reread this one and pick up all the little clues I may have missed the first time round.

jakjakattk posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 5:03pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

You have a really great story going here, keep up the writing.

waiting for more,

lr_williams posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 9:41am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

As always, I'm enjoying your writing, very much. Very, very much. Everyday I check the website for an update, even though I have the email notice set. I enjoy the way you are portraying Harry as a relationship builder, even though he clearly doesn't appreciate how charming he is. Obviously, he'll have his detractors, but this collaborative effort is, at least for me, very rewarding to read. I know life is hard, but please don't make us wait too long.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th December 2007 3:46pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

You're very good at this. Sheets is going to wish Harry'd never been born, methinks.

Thank you for updating.

More soon, please.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Wednesday 12th December 2007 6:34am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Brilliant chapter!
So many threads, all fascinating, weaving and twisting together into a story of remarkable color, depth and style.
As a pro-Harry/Hermione reader, I much prefer this version to the Harry/Ginny one. Still, the format works with either, and I am reading both.
I look forward to the next update.

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 3:36am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Excellent, however where was the HP/HG


Hemotem posted a comment on Monday 10th December 2007 3:01am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

A good chapter thank you.



Infin1x posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 8:38pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

What you lose for very occasional long windedness you make up with originality, attention to detail and the scope of your writing.

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 12:53pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Harry has the papers, so he can negate any good PR Fudge tries, WRT the Thunderfire and the vampire negotiations. Too bad he didn't this time around, though good idea (politically) to have him hold off.

Interesting little note: The Chief Warlock is clearly NOT on Sheet's side. He smacked Sheets and Umbridge down multiple times.

The political maneuvering continues. More secondaries that are intrigued by Benedict's grandson that then stay because of who Harry is.

Tiller had a good point. Dawlish kept showing up just after raids. For damage control, probably. There has to be a proveable connection on that . . .

Glad to see Harry getting a legal connection. So long as he keeps making good choices in who to trust, that'll all go well. When he makes a bad call, it'll explode very messily.

Highly entertaining story you have going here. Looking forward to more.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 12:24pm for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

"That's a skill I've never wanted to acquire."

Now, -that- is a classic understatement if I ever heard one. You've got an excellent political chapter here and it's fascinating to watch how often attacks on Harry and his supporters/associates backfire on those who attack him. The ability of the Minister/Dawlish to be able to arrive quickly at Deeter attacks does raise a few questions. I reckon a formal investigation is going to find some interesting skeletons (has anyone checked Dawlish's arm lately?).

Good stuff that's well worth the wait.

warpwizard posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 11:20am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Good stuff. I need more action and excitement! Not that this didn't contain plenty, I just want MOAR! :)

Looking forward to see Harry's many simultaneous gambits roll forward. Chaos!

James Barber posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 7:18am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Excellent update, love the wizengamot scene and the fight at the old toad? was really cool, but I'm confused didnt he already fix his eyes or more than likely I'm just confusing this with other stories I have read!

Meg posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 6:34am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

As usual, so much in this chapter!!!

I really love Harry's time with the Wizengamot. And everything that ties in with your History of Magic. :)

I don't think I've ever read a story where Andi Tonks is also a lawyer.

Very enjoyable chapter. Like always, I'm looking forward to more.



Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 5:39am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

Wow, this story continues to draw me in, and makes me wish that this intrigue and mystery had been available in canon. You've got a Harry willing and ready to fight for his friends, the wizarding world that deserves it, imo, and agaist the old guard unwilling or unable to give up their old bigotry. I'm definitely keeping an eye open on the next part of this, Great Scott, and In the Eye, all of which have grabbed me more than the last few canon books did, to my own dissappointment. Looking forward to where you go with things with the Tonks', what the old members that are looking to hook with Harry will do, and Fudge's most spectacular fall from favor.

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 9th December 2007 2:37am for Chapter Eighteen - There's Fighting and Then There's Fighting

My, your Winengamot is even more complicated than mine! Lovely set of concepts. Well done chapter.


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