Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


karekid2006 posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 6:43am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

ha ha funny end

arwen posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 10:03am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I really like this story :) The only complaint I have is that Harry looks like a complete idiot so far. I mean, I get that he's just a kid, but seriously. He is SOOOOOOOO clueless!

kyoshi posted a comment on Wednesday 27th February 2008 3:34pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I'm sorry you go into mundane facts about bit players in the scheme of things that don't really matter. I have to skip 5 to 10 paragraphs at a time to find something interesting. If you could cut down the length of a story to about half it would be about right.

The Favorites Tracker posted a comment on Saturday 10th November 2007 6:30am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program


FYI: The following paragraph is repeated twice:

Finally the elder wizard spoke. "Harry, could I ask you to expand your efforts with the Defense Association on a more formal basis this coming year? It will be demanding, but I believe I can make it possible for you to help many more people than you were able to last year. You will need a more official recognition of your efforts at the very least. What do you say, Harry?"


m4rk6 posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 5:39am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Er yeah...

So I was enjoying reading, until I came across the exclusion of Luna and Ginny. I've grown attached to the 'Ministry Crew' and I thought that was what I was going to find in your fic...
Guess not.
Plus I kinda hate reformed Slytherins, but, had the fic included all six of the ministry group in the Palading program, I would have swallowed my distaste of snakes and read on.
I'll check out the Great Potter Scott fic and see if the ministry group train together. :)
Don't get me wrong, its a good fic, just not my cuppa tee. :P

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Monday 21st August 2006 2:59pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I think you should check some of your facts. You place the Saracens in northern africa, they were infact from northern arabiam, and it is infact true that muslims in general during the crusades were called such, the muslims that invaded Spain were more commonly known as Moors.

I was also curious why you would have dumbledore use the term Moslem, while somewhat dated, it is still considered offensive.

Otherwise, great chapter.

John8 posted a comment on Sunday 30th July 2006 1:46pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

An excellent story, but near the end of chapter 5 there is a loophole that I noticed. It says that Vernon's appointment is at 8 in the morning, but the scene therafter is at 8 at night.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 12:40pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Very good chapter. I do hope this isn't one of those stories where Harry and Hermione get together in the last chapter. Hate those.


Alexis posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 1:19pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Wonderful chapter! I did notice one mistake - the paragraph beginning with 'Finally the elder wizard spoke.' is actually in there twice. I think that the Paladin Program is awesome and I think it's really neat that you are writing this h/hr and h/g. I'm an h/hr girl at heart, but I think it's a great idea. *laugh* Thanks for this one!

Frank Cadena posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 1:56pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

A very good chapter overall. Just a few mistakes you have to fix. You repeated the two paragraphs where Dumbledore asks Harry to expand the DA. Also, you wrote that Remus was unable to create a corporeal patronus. In PoA, Remus demonstrated that his patronus was the Full Moon. (A silver orb.) Those two were the only mistakes I could find that was obvious. I'm too lazy to nitpick. As lazy as I am to sign in to review :) Keep up the good work and I await the next chapter.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 11th April 2006 1:31pm for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I love your Dumbledore...especially that last bit. Great so far, although it's a bit confusing trying to keep up with both read it all or not to read it all, that is the question. But then I'll miss out on something. Grrr!

Aaran St Vines replied:

Harry and Dumbledore will have difficulties along the way.   They will not break ranks or
be improbably simpatico.

I am attempting to draw out the distinctions between the chapters.


Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 11th April 2006 9:16am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

... that is a rather evil place to stop you know.

Aaran St Vines replied:

I am not opposed to a cliffie at all.

Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 5:43am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Finally, some definition to the Paladin program.
A few notes:
Harry's reluctance to allow Slytherins into the program was a bit interesting.
Ron's reaction was nice to see as well.
The most poignant moment was with Mr. Granger and Harry's promising to not spare Hermione if need be. Nicely done.

Good work. Anxiously awaiting more!

Aaran St Vines replied:

The difficulties and benefits of Slytherins in the Paldin Program will be developed over the course of the tale.

Sacrifice in war is horridly tragic and yet, sometimes necessary.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

shlager_5321 posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 9:40am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

great story so fat
update soon!!

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 8:24am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

Percy Weasley wants to apologize (which explains Penelope's owl), and Ron is worried about offending Hermione. As bad as Ron is at Potions, he actually thinks that POTIONS are easier to understand than women.

Aaran St Vines replied:

The fairer sex can be confusing, even to those of us married for such a long time.   I'll be very happily married 25 years in December.

Ron can be quite sense, but he'll have his moments.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 6:43am for Chapter Five - The Paladin Program

I recently came upon this story and have been enjoying it immensely but I do admit to being a tad confused on one thing in particular. What exactly is the difference between "The Granger Defense" and Great Scott, Potter, This is War!"? I have not Read "Great Scott" but they seem very similar in form and story.

Keep up the excellent work.


Aaran St Vines replied:

Perhaps you've found that Great Scott and Granger Defense are H/G and H/Hr.   They start similar, but diverge quite a bit at times.

You may want to read my three Parallel Universe Explanatory Drabbles.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.