Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


LordLexx posted a comment on Sunday 5th January 2020 5:49pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

You're way to descriptive if your story. And Macs suck.

Brigrove posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 1:46pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

loved the comments about muddlesoft

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 27th February 2009 5:42am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I enjoyed the Microsoft Bashing. But I'm not much into the "Oh, isn't it cute to turn a famous, successful personage of note into a Wizard." In canon Wizards hide themselves thoroughly from Muggles (and muddling through is not necessarily an insult), so it's rather AU to have them running Muggle companies -- even in America.

Graham V posted a comment on Tuesday 20th January 2009 5:03pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I don't understand why people complain about the inclusion of religion in this wonderful piece of fanfiction. It doesn't bother me at all and I'm about as secular a person can get. But the Mac worship lol I don't know if I'll be able to read the rest and it's gonna kill me. So far the story has been amazing. Its more fleshed out and realistic then 99 percent of the Potter fanfiction I've read (and believe me I've read A LOT of fanfiction). I've found your depiction of the Potter universe to be more realistic and diverse in detail than Rowlings. Do you have any original works? I would love to read something from a universe that you had created on your own.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thank you for your kind words and for reading and reviewing. I am working on original pieces, but there is nothing out there posted or published yet. The closest thing to original work I have is my story, "Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC" that you can read here on It tells how the original Ollivander invented the wand, and brought what is known as magic in the Potterverse to the British Isles. It was an early work of mine, and I hope I'm a better writer now, but the story is unique. No one else in the Potter fanficdom has attempted to tell this tale. It might drag a little during the year the protagonist spends in the dungeon, but those who finish the story rave about it. More than one has declared it the definitive story of magic's origin in Potter/Great Britain. Thanks again for reviewing - - Aaran

Joel Aarhus posted a comment on Wednesday 26th November 2008 9:10am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I wonder what brand of computers you like the best? You are so subtle it is hard for me to tell.

pav posted a comment on Monday 18th August 2008 6:15am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I have a strong suspicion that since canon or at least PS is a parody on Eton the word behind the m-word is a forgotten derogative Cambridge and Oxford aristocrats used against those without an English public school experience.The cussword was troglodyte or trog or trogle.

Wolf550e posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 10:56am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

please contain your inner apple fanboy.

Aelita posted a comment on Thursday 1st May 2008 7:33am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Oh, please please update soon! This is a really good story and I can't wait to see the next chapter!

MOD posted a comment on Friday 21st March 2008 1:55am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Brilliant story! Eagerly awaiting the updates.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 9:16am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Very, very interesting.

Thank you for updating.

More soon, please.

Craig S posted a comment on Tuesday 11th March 2008 2:07am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I just read all of the posted chapters for this story, and wow, what a read! You have given this world as much depth (i'd say more in places) as JK herself. It is a pleasure to read your work, as it is very well written.

I can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks for sharing this with us!

Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 5:04pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Is this a chapter or an add for the Macintosh?

No offense, but I get enough popular media through the Internet, TV, and Radio, and I'm trying hard to figure out how this chapter is going to contribute to the story down the road... We already know that Harry is insanely powerful, and that he and Hermoine like each other. the teacher, while interesting, is (As far as I can tell) un-necessary to the story line, and a truncheon wand for Hagrid? how's he supposed to wave it in the correct pattern? A full fledged wizard might be able to force his magic to conform but... ya...

I'm not sure what I think about wand maker harry either. the scene felt rather contrived.


Maybe I'm just tired, but this chapter just didn't seem anywhere near your normal standard. take it from me, if you don't feel like writing, DON'T WRITE all you'll do is burn yourself out faster.


Edengrave posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 3:39pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

interesting if predictable image of the American wizards. Most authors go the same route for them. I am much more interested in wizards from older civilizations. the Chinese and other asians, the maya and incas, the modern Egyptians, and the Amerindians. looking forward to see how you represent them if they intervene in your story, and since technomancy is apparently an american specialty, what other specialties are out there.
Knowing what I know of Hogwarts, the size of its student body, and its curiculum, I was always amazed it was considered the greatest school in Europe, sometimes even the world, If Dumbledore's words are too be believed. Is the world really that small? they might have the most accomplished teachers academicaly, but the student body is nothing if not average. introducing diversity to the hp universe was an excellent ideao on your part. it's where canon failed in my eyes.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 3:05pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Whoops. Just put my short review on the wrong chapter. I was looking back to see where Sir Percival was mentioned earlier. :-)

Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 2:17pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Loved the bit about the computers.

Aw the good old days when Altavista was the number one search engine.

anettemargarete posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 12:49am for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

found a typo: Zauberer Nachrichten is the correct expression

exellent chapter by the way, i just love percival bilius weasley. poor ron, he is a vip over there and didn't knew it.


morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:48pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

This continues to be a most enthralling and entertaining fic, even though you had me feeling like Ron and Ginny with all the computer stuff. I'm an unabashed Luddite, so anything in this area will leave me bewildered.
Harry being so noble is going to drive Hermione berserk, and I look forward to reading how she gets around his misguided resolve. After all, she's not called the smartest witch for nothing!

gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:16pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

How much time did you actually spend, figuring out the Goblins? Damn, it's impressive. Excuse me while I faint in admiration.


There. All done.
Hagrid's Right to Rule. That was a kicker. The Order of Bertie Bott's was another, and they're equally funny and ...boding, i guess. I believe Umbridge would hold the Hagrid vote, as it's the least likely holder of the major players. I look forward to the review of Dawlish' actions, and all other Wizengamot scenes. Normally that kind of thing is boring in the extreme, but you make politics seem interesting.
Thanks for your efforts. They are much appreciated.


oso983 posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 7:51pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

Nice Work! I am looking forward to see how the americans will influence the whole story. I thought it a good idea that Glean still got the order of merlin. I guess, that the opposition has to win some fights. I am looking forward to the next update!

Infin1x posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 4:03pm for Chapter Nineteen - Coming to an Understanding

I am a fan of this story, the many original ideas in it, your attention to detail and your writing style in general but the entire scene with Cilla just felt off in some indescribable way I am leaning towards saying it's her dialogue but am not positive.