Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines
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Author Notes:

This chapter and Chapter Seven in "Great Scott, Potter, This is War" are identical except for the sections intitled 'The Visit with Hermione' and 'The Visit with Ginny.'

Thanks go to my beta readers, bob_015 and Ozma.
Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Albus Dumbledore and Arthur Weasley were two of the few pureblood wizards to believe that Muggles got along quite nicely in the world without magic, although both readily agreed that magic made their lives much easier.

In the magical world theoreticians and researchers exist in rare number in all the fields studied at Hogwarts, but the main theoretical thinkers practice in the fields of medical research at such facilities as St. Mungo's, potions experimentations of various kinds performed throughout the world but mostly in advanced schools of magic, and Arithmancy Spell Crafters in obscure offices of most magical governmental research laboratories, like the British Department of Mysteries.

Spell creation is viewed as a very precise art, combining the most esoteric and complex arithmantic numerological calculations, ancient runes analysis and manipulations, and very advanced linguistic wordcrafting to create new spells or even modify existing known spells.

Muggles far outstripped the magical world in the vast numbers and types of theoretical and practical research efforts they labored in.

And yet, the two worlds, magical and Muggle, work and research in the same physical cosmos. That is, the laws of the universe - science, nature, and mathematics - all apply to magical and non-magical alike.

The Laws of Lift and Thrust allow an airplane to overcome the Law of Gravity. The magical laws governing the spells and charms applied to a Firebolt have to overcome the same Law of Gravity just as effectively. Many Muggles can explain the basics of how airplanes fly. Few magical folk can explain in like manner how the spells work.

In the year 1900, a Muggle German physicist named Max Planck observed the actions of electromagnetic energy acting in waves. He coined the word 'quanta' to describe the building blocks of energy and matter on a subatomic level.

From this, the revolutionary ideas of quantum theory and quantum mechanics entered the world of physics. The practical applications from these theories have given Muggles cheap but distrusted nuclear energy, microwave ovens, advanced telecommunications, laser discs, laser scanners, laser printers, laser anything and everything, and means of mass destruction that are unthinkable.

But Muggle theoreticians have not finished speculating on how quanta can help accomplish the unimaginable. And those in the research laboratories will never give up creating the "impossible."

At the time of this story, Harry Potter is in the summer before his sixth year at Hogwarts. It is 1996. In 1998, in three different research laboratories around the world, Muggles quanta-transported matter in a manner not unlike the way transporter technology works in science fiction.

In 2005, scientists with the Muggle technology company, Hewlett-Packard, proved that a quantum computer would be able to calculate more data in one molecule than any existing super computer could contain. In January of 2006, scientists postulated what structure would have to be created to contain a quantum computer.

In 2016 Muggles created the first stable self-replicating nanoparticles and quickly shared the discovery with the world in order to head off another molecular plague outbreak like the one that devastated Little America at the South Pole in 2013. By 2091, Muggles were regularly creating non-biologic objects out of the air, or "out of the quanta" as they expressed in that time.

In 2072 Muggles for the first time quanta-transported visible inanimate objects from one location to another, without destroying either laboratory. By 2109 non-biological items of less than two pounds were being shipped world-wide by Federal Express, the company that had invested $1.1 trillion dollars in the technology. By the year 2241, Muggles themselves regularly quanta-transported between home and work in major technology cities such as Bangalore, Cupertino, Minsk, New Redmond, and Milwaukee. (The Muggle governments of the world combined forces to bomb old Redmond, Washington, USA off the face of the globe in 2038, five months after Windows 2035 shipped.)

But in the summer of 1996, Harry Potter opened the journal, The Way of the Spell Monger by Telemachus Grind, and bypassed all of the research done by Muggles over the next two hundred and fifty years. He bypassed the decades of study a witch or wizard would go through before being chosen as an apprentice Arithmantic Spell Crafter with the British Ministry of Magic. Harry mongered his first simple charm in fifty-five minutes.

In that time Harry had mongered a little charm that popped an owl treat from the bag in his trunk to Hedwig's cage - actually it 'snapped' to the cage. It was a simple charm, figured from the beginning mongering chapter in the diary of Telemachus Grind.

However, since it was a diary or journal and not an instruction book, Telemachus did not explain that to train one to become a Spell Monger, the apprentice would have to be thirty-years-old at least, and would have proven his or her complete mastery in a number of areas of spell, charm, curse, jinx, and hex abilities. Then, after a year of watching the master Telemachus monger spells and charms, the apprentice would then attempt such a simple charm. However, Harry had completed the feat forty-three minutes after he cracked open the book.

In the more agreeable era for Spell Mongers before Telemachus, the better apprentices would accomplish such a charm after a few days of trying.

Telemachus Grind never married or sired any children. His mother was a Potter. Therefore Harry Potter was truly the heir and blood relative of the beloved First Master of the House-elves and the last Spell Monger. All house-elves revered him as Telemachus the Master.

The few in wizardkind who know of him at all refer to him as Telemachus the Vile.

Arithmantic Spell Crafters manipulate the math, history, runic expression, and language of a spell, charm, hex, jinx, or curse. Spell Mongers bludgeon, bang, anneal, cajole, forge, shear, and render the material of the universe to their will in order to produce a piece of magic for sale. Both result in the words and wand movements to perform magic, but they come at it from the opposite sides of the coin. One disciple is an obscure, esoteric profession that spends more time deciding what to name a research project than was spent imagining the number of angels that could dance on the head of a pin. Then they really begin to waste time. The other practitioner of spell creation, the long lost Spell Monger, would slam together a new piece of magic in a few hours or days perhaps, and sell it to the highest bidder or to the witch or wizard who had commissioned the fabrication.

Arithmantic Spell Crafters, Muggle scientific researchers, and Spell Mongers all have much in common despite their very different approaches.

For you see, it is out of the same quanta that Muggles will eventually learn to manipulate, that a witch conjures a handkerchief 'out of thin air.' It is by manipulating the quantum level particles of energy and matter that a wizard transfigures a match into a needle. On the quantum level, the energy released in a nuclear power plant, is the same energy that causes a feather to float up from a desk when Wingardium Leviosa is taught in Charms class. And it was through the quantum make up of all solids, liquids, and gases, that Harry Potter first Apparated to Hermione Granger's rescue - the matter that all witches and wizards traverse when they Apparate.

Harry Apparated through the same matter that all other witches and wizards do, but not in the same manner that they do.


On the evening of the multiple far-ranging dementor attacks, the day Harry's room was expanded, and before Dobby gave Harry the ancient book, Hedwig made a special delivery of the Evening Prophet to him. Lupin wrote that even though Harry did not subscribe to this late edition, he should find this particular issue very encouraging. It read:

Nine Dementor Attacks - Eight Repulsed!
Dark Day for Dark Creatures
This morning, spanning Great Britain, there were nine Dementor attacks. These evil minions of the returned He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named, were sent out to spread heartache, hopelessness, and fear - their specialties. But in eight of these nine attacks, fearless Hogwarts students left their normal holiday activities to defend those present. Each student cast a Corporeal Patronus!
That last sentence is not a misprint. Corporeal Patroni were cast by students as young as just finished second year, Dennis Creevey, and his brother Colin, soon to advance to his fifth year at Hogwarts. The two and their father were visiting a swimming beach near Bognar Regis on the southern coast of England, frequented by mixed Muggle and magical families. The attack began and both lads cast the charm most adult witches and wizard find very difficult - usually impossible.
Young Dennis had this to say: "I knew the second I felt the cold it was a Dementor. I did just what Harry Potter taught us to do. I immediately forgot all that was occurring around me and concentrated on the happiest thoughts I could think of. Colin and I had both been practicing like Harry said to. Because of that practice I was ready in a few seconds. Colin succeeded with his charm first, so I felt even more confident. Then I turned and shouted the words in the direction of the attack. Mine was a squid! I like squids. The giant squid in the lake at Hogwarts is a friend of mine."
Colin added, "I think we were both so glad to know we had succeeded in protecting our family and the rest of those on this beach - that fact gave us the happiness to see the attackers off. I've always been much smaller than most of my classmates. I'm glad my Patronus was an elephant!"
The father of the two young wizards proudly told us, "I'm a Muggle and I could not see the Dementors, but I gathered behind my boys like they had told me to. I could feel the cold and I knew something horrible was upon us, but I tried to keep it from my voice. I kept telling my boys how proud I was of them, and how much they meant to me, and how much I loved them." The father, bursting with pride, concluded, "Who could ask for finer sons? And who could ask for a finer friend for his sons than Harry Potter? God bless you, Harry, wherever you are."
At the wizarding enclave near Penzance in Cornwall, Alicia Spinnet, who recently finished her seventh year at Hogwarts walked out of the Pesky Pixie, a restaurant she and her older sister plan to open in just two weeks time. It is located in the heart of the old part of that magical community being renovated by a grant from the Ministry of Magic. Said Alicia, "My sister called that it was getting dark, but there was no forecast for rain and it was only 9:00 in the morning. I had a sinking feeling about what it might be. Then the chills confirmed what I thought. I quickly forgot everything and concentrated on my favorite memories of my family. I walked out into the street and cast my Patronus. It was an owl that swept away the Dementors quite handily." When asked if it was common training now at Hogwarts for seventh years to know how to cast that particularly difficult charm, young Miss Spinnet answered succinctly, "Not at Hogwarts last year, but Harry Potter taught me, so I did fine."
The Patil twins, Parvati and Padma, and their mother turned back an attack at the Magical Embassy of India in Edinburgh. Angelina Johnson flew out of her tryouts for the Holyhead Harpies, much to the fury of her coach, until Coach Kiltinham noticed Angela was leading her fully corporeal tiger Patronus against a group of dementors about to enter the stadium.
Lee Jordan, who recently finished at Hogwarts, was in Liverpool at the Royal Warlocks Shipping Docks, receiving a special shipment for his employers, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The Dementors appeared and the longshore-wizards ran, but young Lee cast a silver hippogriff that cleared the docks of the attackers. Cho Chang, returning seventh year at Hogwarts, turned back Dementors at Woodhenge, where she was doing research into Ancient Runes.
And pretty Miss Lavender Brown was shopping with her mother when Dementors attacked. She had just achieved seven O.W.L.s, including Outstandings in Defense, both in Theoretical and Practical. She demonstrated her skills in that subject when her silvery mink Patronus thwarted the dementor attack, after which, she promptly returned to her shopping. When asked about it she first said, "Well, the sale on makeup would be over shortly." When we clarified that we wanted to know how she had cast the Patronus, she looked at the reporter matter-of-factly and said, "Harry Potter taught me, of course."
On and on the stories of the eight defeated attacks have one thing in common. In all eight situations, those that halted the attacks gave credit to The Boy Who Lived for their ability to stop these dreaded creatures.
Only in Oadby, near Leichester, did a Dementor succeed in kissing two victims before MLE forces arrived. Apparently no Hogwarts students were in the vicinity...

Although Harry had again begun waking, chilled by nightmares where he relived his bad experiences, he had no bad dreams that night. He did deeply regret that a few souls had been removed in Oadby.


The next morning Hedwig's hooting woke Harry. She had a package wrapped in brown paper with a note attached.

I felt this issue shouldn't wait until this afternoon.
The Evening Prophet rarely reports hard news,
except at the Ministry in London. Their field
reporters cover more fluff items. Kingsley has a
contact at the paper. He says that the senior daytime
editors are furious at your favorable coverage
yesterday afternoon.
I am sorry, Harry.

Inside was the Daily Prophet.

Fudge Declares Dementor Deterrence Ministry Success!
Ministry Selected Curriculum Cited
Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, today declared his school curriculum for Defense Against the Dark Arts a smashing success. "We worked long and hard last summer to create the DADA training system Professor Umbridge taught the Hogwarts students. In all modesty, I believe our efforts have been fruitful. To credit a student for this success, just because he wrote some letter! Merlin's teapot, to compare that to a year's worth of careful and caring teaching, honestly."
Former Professor Umbridge was unable to be reached for comment. She is reported to be on sabbatical on the island of Diego Garcia...

Harry was furious. But fighting Fudge in the press was never a winning possibility. The Daily Prophet had rarely been nice to Harry, but he'd been hopeful yesterday, when its less popular sister paper, the Evening Prophet, had continued doing what the morning paper had done right after Voldemort had first been seen.

Recently it had appeared that Minister Fudge had started acting more like he had the previous school year. Evidently the deadline for yesterday's edition had probably been right after the attacks and before the comments it had contained had reached Fudge's ear.

Harry looked at the clock and realized he was in his new bedroom. He then remembered the room was configured in kitchen mode as he could smell the bacon cooking. He hopped out of his bed and put on his threadbare dressing gown. He walked around the divider and saw that Dobby was not there at the moment. Harry walked over to the bacon platter and reached out to sample a rasher. What seemed like an invisible hand slapped his hand away.

Harry was startled and said, "Dobby, are you invisible?"

After two seconds, a scroll unfurled right before him. In a child-like scrawl, these words melted onto the page:

Harry Potter Sir is NOT to eat until Harry Potter Sir
takes the potion at precisely 8:12 this morning.

Harry chuckled and reached again for a rasher of bacon. This time the ' soft slap' knocked Harry across the room where he landed on a fluffy pillow that hadn't been there moments before.

The scroll drifted towards Harry and new words melted onto the page.

Dobby will iron his hands when he returns for this offense,
Harry Potter Sir, but, Harry Potter Sir is NOT TO EAT

Harry determined right then that he would have to talk with Dobby about punishment. If he had to have a house-elf, he'd be thunderstruck before that elf was going to hurt himself for making his master behave.

The potion tasted good. Great, actually. Harry wondered if Snape indeed had anything to do with its brewing.

Harry ate the delicious breakfast and lay down on his bed. He was required to lie there quietly for ten minutes. The first potion the afternoon before had had no physical effects, but Dumbledore had mentioned that it was a cleansing potion to remove anything harmful from his system before the actual accelerators were introduced into his body.

At eight and a half minutes into the ten-minute cycle following drinking the potion, Harry was about to rise from his bed in impatience, when a warm sensation entered his body, starting in his toes, and rushing towards his head. In ten seconds he was flashing hot and cold, bouncing on the bed like a giant hand had him on strings, and steam was pouring out of his ears and fingernails.

Harry locked his jaw in an attempt to ride it out. It wasn't actually painful, just... sort of silly and unnatural. Dobby was standing there and did not seem too concerned, so perhaps this was normal. What seemed like an hour later, but was only the one and a half minute left in the original ten, Harry calmed down and, as he drifted off to sleep (for only five minutes) he saw that Dobby was writing on a clipboard.

After his brief nap, Harry dressed in a loose fitting sweatshirt and matching trousers. Then a note appearing on his desktop caught his eye.

Mr. Potter,
You should begin your Potions revision
by creating these two potions before your
lunch break at 12:30. Full instructions will
await you in your Potions Laboratory.
A. J.

Harry did not know who 'A. J.' was, and the handwriting was not familiar at all. He asked Dobby if the house-elf needed to go outside to change his room's purpose.

"No, sir, Harry Potter Sir. House-elves is attuned to the house and can flow with the magic. Is why Dobby was present for all of the changes to Harry Potter Sir's room."

Flustered with Dobby's 'Harry Potter Sirs,' but having no clue how to stop them, Harry walked outside of his room and followed the procedure to re-enter his Potions Lab. His Aunt Petunia happened to be standing there when he walked out.

"I see your room is now painted a different color?" She had a not-exactly-pleased tone in her voice. After all, her house, her pride and joy, had been redecorated without her approval of the changes.

Harry realized she was not happy, but not angry either. He assured her once again that all would return to the way it was once he left for the summer. He reopened his door and the dark Potions Lab was revealed in small part to his aunt. Her eyes went as big as saucers and she scurried away, mumbling to herself. Harry smiled a bit and then quickly stepped in and closed his door. Dudley had entered the hallway and Harry did not want to hear any comments from his cousin.

Dobby was there and had 'changed his clothes!' The surprised look on Harry's face caused Dobby to cringe, fall to his knees, and cry out, "Please, Harry Potter Sir, Dobby didn't mean to offend Sir with Dobby's clothes. Dobby will change-"

"Dobby! Stop!" Dobby's clothing had changed back to the ugly dirty pillowcase the first instant he'd started talking, and Harry saw the house-elf cringe even further, so Harry calmed himself and decided to take a different approach. Speaking with what Harry hoped was an obviously friendly manner, he said, "Dobby. Please come and sit with me."

"But Dobby could never-"

"PLEASE-," Harry calmed himself again and started over, "Just humor me, Dobby, and please sit with me." Harry walked to his bed and called for more lights. The torches in that area brightened and he patted on the end of his bed for Dobby to sit.

"Dobby, I am going to tell you something that few know, and I want your solemn promise to not tell anyone... AND to not act on this information in any way."

Dobby looked rightly confused but held up his left hand, then quickly lowered it and raised his right hand. "Dobby swears to always keep Harry Potter Sir's secrets as is the way of all house-elves, and Dobby will further do whatever and only whatever Harry Potter Sir asks Dobby to do about his secrets."

"Good, Dobby, thank you." Harry paused and considered if there was any other way. Then he plunged ahead. "Until a week ago, I was always being treated like a poorly considered house-elf by my aunt, uncle, and cousin. They were not as bad as the Malfoys were to you, but they were bad. They punished me with long days of being locked in dark cupboards with no food, or a small amount of stale bread and water. My cousin hit me all the time. It has been this way all my life until I came here this summer."

Dobby stood. He stared into Harry's eyes. In about five seconds he'd turned red all over, including his clothes. Steam began to come out of his ears, and Dobby actually exploded, like a small fairly quiet bomb - quiet for a bomb that is. Two seconds after the explosion, and before Harry could really react with anything but surprise, the smoke cleared and Dobby stood there in the same condition he had been in before he'd started to turn red. Without saying a word, Dobby returned to his seat on the bed.

Harry blinked several times, gulped, and continued, "I didn't tell you that to make you angry, or make you want to hurt them. Things seem to be better this summer, particularly with my aunt. If she asks for your help, please give it to her, but don't do anything too magical until you clear it with me. I doubt she'll ask anyway, but just in case.

"No, I told you about my past treatment to try to make you see two things. First, I sort of know what you've been through in the past. I KNOW first hand about such treatment. I hate it, and I don't want anyone to go through that again. Particularly not one of my friends." Harry paused here.

Dobby's lower lip trembled. "Harry Potter Sir considers Dobby a... a friend?"

"Yes. Dobby, you are already a good friend, and we'll become better friends as we get to know each other better. This summer will be a good start to that. I really enjoyed reading that book you loaned me about Spell Mongering. Being friends with you pays off handsomely in many ways. I only hope I can be as good a friend to you as you are being to me this summer." Dobby looked like he would burst with excitement to tell of the greatness of his 'Harry Potter SIR,' but Harry rushed on.

"The second thing I want you to understand is that I know that I am now your master, but I became your master unknowingly, when I tried to protect you that last night in the Room of Requirement. Because I have been like a house-elf in a bad situation, you can understand that I don't want any house-elf to be treated like that. Now, Professor Dumbledore has made me understand that you need a master for your own good, and I really do need your help. I will be your master to protect you; I always try to protect my friends. But I do not like the role of master. So, I don't want you to act like a fearful subservient house-elf, afraid his master will hurt him. I will never hurt you, even if you do something really bad, which I don't expect you to ever do.

"I have never seen a really good master of house-elves, having only seen Lucius Malfoy and Mr. Crouch. So I'm going to tell you how I want it to be, so I can be a good master. First, I insist you tell me if I am being a bad master and I don't know it."

Harry paused for effect without realizing that was what he was doing. "Dobby, I guess I want you to be more like my assistant, as Professor Dumbledore described it. You will quite often know what is best for me, so to best serve me, I expect you to make me do the right thing if necessary. And if I don't want to do the right thing, you shouldn't be punished for making me do it. I should perhaps, but we won't do that either, will we? You just make me do right, and I'll eventually thank you, even though I might not at the time. Have I made this clear?"

"Dobby thinks so, Harry Potter Sir."

Harry decided that the title 'Harry Potter Sir' would probably have to stay, so more important issues might be accepted.

"First off, I don't like the way you were treated, like I said.

"Second, if you were to meet Lucius Malfoy, or anyone else who wants you to bow and tremble in fear, you will know that your master, Harry Potter Sir, doesn't want you to do it." Harry was struck by an idea to make his point better. "You think I am a great wizard, don't you?"

Dobby's expression exploded with admiration and warmth. "Harry Potter Sir is the greatest, kindest of all wizards." He blinked several times in delight to be able to say so.

Harry chuckled, "I'm sure you're wrong about that, but I do want to be the kindest wizard to you, and I want to be the greatest wizard I can be. So as the greatest wizard, my house-elf should be the greatest, and should be treated with a similar respect that you want for me. That's why I want all to treat you well, and that is why I insist on treating you well."

Harry leaned towards Dobby. Unlike most people who would have leaned back and away, Dobby leaned towards Harry also. "Dobby, it is very important to me, that YOU treat yourself with the respect and kindness you want for me."

Harry paused to let this sink in, and he could see Dobby's huge green eyes wriggle with the thoughts racing through his head.

"Therefore, I never want you to punish yourself, particularly for doing what is right for me, like keeping me from eating before my potion this morning. No more ironing your hands or trapping your ears in the oven, got me? And I never want you to hurt you. And if anyone else tries to hurt you, you are not to let them. Then you are to tell me immediately, all right?"

Dobby looked to Harry like he wanted to explode again, this time with joy. Harry did not want to face the fawning and groveling he expected to follow, so he changed the subject quickly.

"Dobby, that outfit you were wearing when I came in, show me again."

Dobby stood and said, "Yes, sir, Harry Potter Sir." He snapped his fingers and appeared in a tiny white lab coat like Harry had seen on Muggle doctor television shows when he was younger. Of course Dobby also had on a glowing purple sock and an alternating flashing-green and blinking-red sock.

"I like it, Dobby. Where'd you get it?"

"Harry Potter Sir gave me the socks," he beamed and blinked, "and Dobby made the smock, Harry Potter Sir."

"Did you sew it together or just snap your fingers and make it?"

"T'was a finger snap, Sir. House-elves has many capabilities beyond cleaning and cooking, Harry Potter Sir."

"Dobby, don't let this upset you, but I always hated that pillowcase Malfoy had you wearing. Now that you are mine, I like you in outfits like this. I don't want to give you clothes but I want you to have better clothing. Could I find pictures of a few outfits, or describe them to you, and then you make them for yourself? That way you could wear what I want you to wear without me giving it to you. Could we do that? Do you need fabric, or thread, or something?"

"Harry Potter Sir doesn't want to give Dobby clothes. Harry Potter Sir wants Dobby to have nice clothes!" He batted his eyes in appreciation. "Dobby doesn't need materials for himself, only if he makes clothes for anyone else."

"Well, Dobby, I need to get cracking on these potions. But do we have some free time in the afternoon? We could look at one of Aunt Petunia's catalogs and decide on some new outfits for you."

The journal appeared in Dobby's hands and he said, "Harry Potter Sir has time in the afternoon after his lunch and before Harry Potter Sir's visitors and afternoon reading in Defense books."

"I'm having guests this afternoon?"


The 'Visit' with Hermione

Harry confirmed that Dudley and his aunt would be out that afternoon. He ate the hearty lunch Dobby had prepared for him. It was much more than usual, even when Mrs. Weasley was cooking for him: four vulture sandwiches, which tasted a lot better than they sounded to Harry - a half dozen washed but not peeled raw carrots, two huge baked potatoes with half a stick of butter on each one; and all washed down with what seemed to be a bucket of tomato juice.

Harry and Dobby looked at a variety of his aunt's catalogs and magazines but they could not decide on outfits for Dobby.

At 2:17 the doorbell rang and Harry left his room to answer it. Hestia Jones went through a recognition procedure and then admitted from under a large Invisibility Cloak, first Mr. Granger and then Hermione.

Harry shook Mr. Granger's hand warmly and then turned to Hermione who had stood behind her father.

Harry and his closest female friend looked at each other for half a moment, and then they crushed each other in their arms as they started a very passionate kiss. In less than two seconds the powerful Ted Granger had both by the scruffs of their jumpers and pulled them apart.

Hermione's father chuckled and then laughed, "Well, Dumbledore warned me."

In a little over forty seconds Harry recovered from his temporary insanity, a few seconds ahead of Hermione.

"OH! Oh, Mr. Granger, I didn't- I mean I never... Sir, I don't know...." Harry was red and reddened more while he watched Hermione come to realize what had happened. She began a furious blush herself. She remained silent, but Harry continued trying to explain the inexplicable.

"Calm down, Harry. You too, Pumpkin. It's the potion. Dumbledore told you two this would happen, but you had to have the shock occur once before you could really understand how it affects you. You two wouldn't go at each other like this in front of me or anyone else. It's not in your nature even if you were sweet on each other. Ron is doing the same thing right now with Susan Bones. All of you young Paladin volunteers are having the same reaction with the ones you are 'visiting with. Learning to control this will help bring your emotional growth under control."

The realization of what they had done hit Hermione and she said, "Oh, Harry! I'm... so... embarrassed." And she turned away.

"Now, can I release you both without you running at each other?" her father asked.

They both nodded. He let go of their clothing, but remained cautious. She started to raise her hands towards Harry and her father batted it away. "Down, Girl," he stated forcefully and then laughed all the more.

"Now I have to remind you of all the things Professor Dumbledore told you would be happening." The dentist-turned-momentary-teen-psychologist explained that they were in their first 'surge.' The initial rush was over, but for a few minutes, they could relapse into it. He had looked at his wristwatch the second they had ended their irrational lunging. "In five minutes or so, you'll enter the hyper-rational time period. You'll find you're emotionally-detached from what just happened and can discuss this as if observing a laboratory experiment."

Ted Granger then asked the two of them several questions that made them concentrate on exactly what they were feeling at the moment. The questions had been designed not to stir up feelings or make anyone embarrassed by what had occurred. The answers helped the two remember all that had happened and how they had felt.

At roughly the five minute mark, Mr. Granger asked Harry, who seemed slightly calmer than his daughter, "Harry, what spell unlocks doors?"

"Alohamora. But what's that-"

"Correct! Now, Pumpkin, where can you find a bezoar?"

"What? Oh, DAD! A bezoar, let's see, um...-"

"She's not with us yet, Harry. Let's watch her eyes, they're supposed to..."

Hermione's eyes were flitting about they room, not really focusing on any one location. After a few more seconds, her eyes seemed to clear up and she looked first at Harry and then at her father.

She snapped up to her full height and said, "A bezoar can be found in a goat's stomach. It protects from most poisons and can-"

"That's enough, Pumpkin. You are both over the surge of emotions and the dangerous time when you could slip back in." He pulled a piece of parchment out of his back pocket and handed it to Hermione. "These are some questions your mother designed for you to discuss for the rest of the hour here. Now that you two are more than under control, I'm supposed to leave you to talk just by yourselves. I'll be nearby and stick my head in once or twice, but I'm told that's not necessary. These questions should only take part of the time, so after you're through with them, talk about whatever you please. I'll keep track of the time."

Harry suggested Hermione's father sit in the kitchen and have a pop or lemonade that his aunt had told him he could share with his friends.

The two classmates sat quietly for a moment and then Harry said, "I could hardly control it there for a while, but now, it's just like we always are with each other. Odd, isn't it?" He said it but didn't quite mean he felt just like usual.

Hermione too quickly agreed, "I know we should be rather embarrassed right now, we would be under normal circumstances, but I'm not. I can't find information on this Acceleration Potion in any of my books, or in the Black Library. It must be truly amazing." Hermione explained why her mother had written the questions. Mrs. Granger, who like Hermione could not stop studying, was not far from a Ph.D. in adolescent psychology - all done over the last five years, while working full time as a dentist during the school year.

Outwardly, now that Hermione was in analytical mode, she could objectively dissect what had happened as if it had not been her. Harry was not as academically inclined as she was, but found he had no problem concentrating on the questions, her answers, and his. He was barely able to discern that he was enjoying the slightly arcane discussion much more than he normally would have.

Being the hyper-curious young witch that she was, and needing no potion for that hyperactivity, Hermione asked Harry to go over every moment of his Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. Practical examination. She wanted to know how he'd made the Outstanding Plus. No one had ever made an O Plus on a N.E.W.T. examination. Hermione had a new goal.

With a few minutes to go on their hour together, they both rapidly and a bit nervously agreed that the time had been well spent trying to understand what had happened to them. Harry thought he could better handle the next rush of emotions when he visited with another girl later.


Hermione thought that she might be losing her mind during her visit with Harry. He was her best friend, even better that Ron. She was realizing as they were slowly deciding not to date, that Ron's friendship was a rare thing, and that he was not the muttonhead he appeared to be when he was really engaging his mind.

During her discussions with Harry in the last half of this first 'visit,' she was NOT really calming down from the surge of emotions drawing her to snog her best friend. Those emotions were supposed to be past after about five minutes, but surreptitiously glancing at Harry's wristwatch told her it had been over thirty-five minutes since the start of their visit, and she was still drawn to him, to his beautiful mouth and full lips - lips that were so soft and so firm all at once. She wanted to gaze into those greener than green eyes for an eternity, and then do it again.

Snap out of it girl, she though as she realized she was once again not listening to his side of the conversation. Oh goodness. How was she supposed to survive this process all summer if she felt this way every time she had a 'visit' with a fellow Paladin candidate?


For his part, Harry was concerned that he would be caught drooling over his best friend. How could any girl make a loose fitting cotton jumper and discreet blue jeans look so attractive? How could her knowing eyes be so richly deep brown that he would want to sit and count each and every one of the millions of golden flecks in each iris.

Bracing himself like a cold shower in the Quidditch changing rooms, Harry struggled in vain to pay attention to his friend's words. He thought that she too looked distracted and that she must be thinking about Ron and how nice it would be to be with him during this experience.

Harry realized that his emotions were out of control, and hoped that rational thought would return when the hour ended.

It never really did.


It was now 3:17, and Harry took Mr. Granger and Hermione to his room, now configured as a dojo. The dentist sent Harry ahead so the two students could be apart for a few minutes. He said that there had to be a clear ending point of their time together before the three of them could look at Harry's training facility.

Once up there, Ted Granger showed him how all of the machinery worked and went through with him the expected workout and exercise routines that Harry was to do in any given day. Dobby's journal would tell Harry what he needed to do, when, and how long, but now Harry knew how it all worked.

During these explanations, Harry and Hermione studiously avoided looking at each other.

Then Mr. Granger took what looked like a normal Muggle videotape from his bag and asked Harry where his magical player was. Harry did not know - he didn't even know if he had one, but Hermione spotted it under a stack of floor mats. She grabbed what looked like a smaller version of a Pensieve made out of metal instead of stone, and placed it on a small table. She had Harry tap it three times with his wand while his left index finger was in the bowl-shaped portion of the device. It grew a port for the tape. She told Harry that his index finger adjusted the player so that he alone could play any tape in it.

"Harry," Mr. Granger said, "Professor Dumbledore demonstrated this player to me. This particular tape will not only show you my own exercises for flexibility, agility, speed, and instant reactions, the tape is magic-ed... no charmed, to take you through the exact sequence of exercises you need to do each day, even though the routine changes each day. It projects above the player in semi-transparent three-dimensional shape, me going through everything. Have you ever seen or heard of Hsing I, Pa Kua, or Tai Ji?"

Harry had seen something called tai chi on a television program Dudley had watched a couple of days before. He raised his hands and started cavorting around, pretending to do karate chops and making odd noises like, "Awww-ooohh, HAA! Heee! Oof-"

Ted Granger had barely touched the boy, but Harry had flown six feet across the mat and fallen on it unhurt. The real surprise was that Mr. Granger was instantly right there next to him, helping him up. "Harry, I hate that cavorting around people do. We are not going to work with a specific martial arts form of combat, but Dumbledore has approved a program of flexibility and coordination training I developed and have used for years to help maintain my agility and flexibility edge.

"I run every day, lift weights almost every day, perform a number of different calisthenics, and each day I do the slow martial arts routine you'll find on this tape. These exercise machines I'll show you in a minute put you through all of the different activities needed except these specific flexibility and coordination exercises. Those you'll have to do on the floor by yourself. This tape will show you how. You just watch it when it plays in three dimensions and follow along. It is translucent so you can see through it and note all of the actions and movements. You'll soon be to the point where no one will be able to hit you like I just did." The dentist smiled, "Except me, of course."

Harry decided to take the challenge. Smiling in return, he said, "We'll see how long even you can do it, sir."

About twenty minutes before his relatives returned, the Grangers were back under the Invisibility Cloak and Harry assumed heading back to Mrs. Figg's. He'd not asked.


A monger in today's vernacular is basically a peddler, like a fish-monger. The phrase 'rumor-monger' adds a negative connotation to the word 'monger.' In its origins in Middle English, there is nothing negative about a monger of any type, but there is a commonness or lowliness about the word, that is also unmerited.

An iron-monger would travel around gathering together and selling metal items, and he would quickly bang out with hammer, chisel, anvil, shears, and axe, a roughly shaped or reshaped part or device. The speed of this fabrication brought about a crudeness to the item mongered, but it did not mean that the iron-monger could not with time, be as skilled or talented as any trained metal craftsman.

Spell Mongers had the added bad reputation of making any old nasty hex or jinx for anyone with the coin required. The high-browed witch or wizard who looked down on the Spell Monger, usually looked down on all around him or her, so there were no end of those who would gladly pay for a jinx to tie together the shoe laces of the haughty towdy, and the Monger had clear motivation to give a discount to the one wanting to hex the person who'd just insulted the Spell Monger.

Harry knew nothing of the bad reputation of Spell Mongers in the time of Telemachus Grind. Nor did he know of the feared reputation Spell Mongery had now because of Grind, the last Spell Monger.


Almost exactly forty-eight hours later, Ted Granger was almost as dizzy as he had been when he'd lost a lot of blood in a fight, and the adrenalin of battle had fully worn off. This time, the loss of blood had nothing to do with it. He'd used a Portkey moments before to arrive back at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. He'd lost count of how many times he'd used a Portkey in the last three days. He'd made three presentations that day before going with his daughter to see Harry.

Muggles couldn't use the Floo Network for transportation, but they could for communications. Fred and George Weasley took this fact as an insult to their ability to flaunt the limits of magic held by most as inviolate. Just telling the two, "It can't be done," or even worse, "You can't do that," was like waving an insult in front of a hippogriff. Something was going to happen and there were usually accompanying explosions and whatnot. But even those two had been advised to put that problem down on the list. They were at war, and there were more immediate solutions, inventions, distractions, and battle pranks to be discovered and sprung on unsuspecting Death Eaters. The twins kept lamenting that their new research facility had not yet been completed.

There was no practical way for Ted Granger to be Apparated or Disapparated. The first and only time so far he'd been Disapparated, had been the day he'd killed two Death Eaters in less than a minute. He'd been advised that it took three, or even more fully experienced wizards and/or witches to safely Apparate a Muggle, but with his family in danger, Ted had 'persuaded' Moody to Apparate him with the only two wizards available. He now understood just what a risk he'd taken when his daughter had chastised him for nearly fifteen minutes, showing him moving picture after moving picture of splinch accident victims. The safe number of Apparation-qualified magical folk needed to transport him in that manner was four - more than could reasonably be spared for such a task.

Though all magical people took the fact for granted, Ted was amazed that he could use a Portkey to go anywhere a Portkey could take a 'magical,' as he called them. Ted couldn't activate the Portkey himself, but a magical could touch it with his or her wand and he could go by himself wherever it had been created to take him. (Saying "witch and/or wizard" was just too much to keep repeating, so the phrase, 'a magical' entered his working vocabulary, and slowly those magical around him began to use it too.)

The problem with Portkeys had always been their unavailability. Officially they had to be approved by the Ministry of Magic, every single one, before they were released. Illegal Portkey manufacture could not be detected - use of an illegal Portkey could. So, once again the Weasley twins used a variation on their secure Floo Powder technology, and created Portkeys undetectable in use. Just telling those two that it was officially illegal, was enough to inspire them to new heights of creativity.

Mundungus Fletcher was forbidden to talk to the two without proper supervision.

So Ted Granger went all over Great Britain setting up and explaining to all of those enrolled in the Paladin Program, just how all of the magical exercise equipment, and the exercises themselves worked. He did not visit with the few Slytherin Paladin volunteers, because, though they were trusted by Severus Snape and Dumbledore, waving a Muggle Death Eater killer under the nose of pureblood families was for the most part, too great a risk. Therefore, Ted had explained everything in full to Snape and had made the potions master demonstrate and explain it to him properly, before the dentist approved Snape presenting the physical fitness program.

The first meeting of the dentist and Snape would have delighted every member of Gryffindor, and most members of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as well. But they would never know - hopefully.

It had been a bad day for Severus Snape. He'd just lost a particularly ticklish argument with the parents of a rising seventh year Slytherin who'd been expressing a serious interest in being an Auror since her third year. She had been preparing for it, and now that the Paladin Program was the only Auror Academy-approved method of entering that profession, her parents would not allow her to accept the clause that purebloods, half-bloods, and Muggle-borns were all to be treated as equals. He'd had such high hopes for her, in spite of the fact that her uncle was known by him to be a Death Eater. That's what made the argument so ticklish... and fruitless. The Slytherin head felt like Dumbledore tied one hand behind his back with the ideals and aspirations of the Paladin Program, and Snape's need to continue to appear as a Dark Lord spy at Hogwarts tied the other hand.

His only goal, and it was a noble goal in spite of himself - he thought of it as only pragmatic - his only goal was to rescue as many Slytherins as he could from the Death Eater recruitment efforts of their friends, families, and closes associates.

In this foul mood, the potions master arrived by Floo at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, the present domicile of the Granger family, a moment before he met Ted Granger. Snape had heard about the 'Granger Defense' as it was being described, and he'd been glad that the family had not been harmed, though he'd never admit it if possible. He walked out of the fireplace dusted himself off before looking around, and saw the headmaster and a stranger huddled around the kitchen table poring over Muggle books, magazines, drawings, and photos, none of which were moving of course.

Ted Granger knew immediately who this person had to be. Hermione's description had left no doubt - neither had Ron's. His daughter had really tried to objectively inform her parents about Professor Snape. She'd bent over backwards trying to build a case for respecting the man and his accomplishments. But she had also told of his prejudices and actions toward her, Ron, Harry, and the rest of Gryffindor. In his life as a soldier, Ted Granger respected the fighting abilities and accomplishments of a number of people he disliked. This man before him was going to have to prove himself in many ways before any collegial feelings could be generated by this father of a Gryffindor. His immediate thought was, "Not to my daughter, you won't."

Professor Dumbledore said, "Ah, Severus, I want you to meet Ted Granger. Ted has just agreed to train all of our young Paladins on the proper use of the exercises, exercise equipment, and other physical fitness aspects of these intensive two months."

This startling and upsetting news just hit Snape the wrong way. His migraine headache was throbbing and he'd not had any of his relief potion with him. Ted had risen and tentatively held out his hand. This was too much. "Who will respect a lowly Muggle with nothing to accredit him other than being a murderer? He can be stopped by anyone prepared to do this-"

Hoping to make his point, with his usual tact, or lack thereof, Severus had pulled his wand and had casually sent a weak stunning spell towards the man before him. He then looked back to Dumbledore to further express his point. The spell hit a chair and not its intended target. There was a blur to the side and before Snape could consider any other action, his wand flew across the room and his arm was wrenched behind his back. The point of a blade was drawing a trickle of blood from his neck.

"The next time you draw your wand on me like that with no explanation or warning, you'd better take it more seriously, because that's what I'll do."

For the first time, and just for a second before Dumbledore cleared his throat, Severus knew fear for his life outside of the presence of Lord Voldemort. He thought that this irrational Muggle might just kill him.

"Ted, please don't," said the head of the Order.

Snape's fear increased when he realized that Dumbledore did not know what the man holding his life's blood might do.

Granger hurled the man in his grip away from him, towards the table beside Dumbledore. When both wizards turned back toward Ted, they saw him holding Snape's wand over the fire.

The Death Eater slayer said, "Professor Dumbledore. If you hold me in such low regard that you think I'd kill a valued member of the Order of the Phoenix without just provocation, then I shouldn't be considered in any way able to help you in your cause. My wife and I will leave here immediately. I only ask that you allow Hermione to stay here and remain at Hogwarts for her education."

There was a stunned silence.

Dumbledore said one word. "Apologize."

Professor Snape started, "I'm not sure I will accept-"

"No!" said Dumbledore sternly. "You will apologize, Severus, for attacking him first. Now that I think about it, Severus, you are lucky to be alive. Looking at this from Ted's eyes - an unknown wizard appears out of nowhere, draws his wand, and sends an unknown visible spell, a red beam of light, at him. He could have killed you. Had he done so, I would have argued the case for his innocence before the Wizengamot, and I would have won."

The potions master was shocked by these words, but the headmaster went on. "Ted, I owe you the greater apology. I cannot honestly say that when I asked you not to harm my foolish friend here, that I was not thinking you might really kill him. I would like to think I was only asking you to release him, but a part of me thought of you as an unthinking killer. And for that I apologize. I am at fault. You have no way to know what is coming at you when a wand is pointed at you, and no way to defend yourself and your loved ones other than through extreme measures. Thank you for your restraint just now."

Ted Granger was staring at Dumbledore. But Dumbledore was looking at his professor. The look completely discomfited the younger wizard. Severus Snape was not one to admit even blatant mistakes to anyone he considered beneath him. But in that instant he knew that a very commanding Albus Dumbledore was demanding that he, Snape, apologize with as much genuineness and sincerity as possible. Snape did not want to know the consequences of disobedience.

"Mr. Granger... I... acted wrongly towards you. I am sure your daughter has told you of my less than... 'sunny' disposition... among other things. The headmaster has chided me before regarding this.... My attack on you was not meant to harm you, and it would not have, but you had no way of knowing that. I was using you as a demonstration object." Snape swallowed before continuing. "You are not an object." One more swallow. He was furious at this humiliation, but kicking himself for causing it to occur. One look at his superior convinced him the next three sentences were necessary. "I sincerely apologize. You have few means to defend yourself. Thank you for not seriously harming me."

The dentist tossed the wand to its owner. "I apologize for assuming you meant to hurt... and for cutting you." Ted turned to Dumbledore. "And to you, Professor, I had no call to accuse you-"

"I gave you that call, Ted." Those words hung in the air momentarily.

"And now," said Dumbledore, "shouldn't we work together on the plans to make sure we can achieve the maximum benefit for the students? That's our common goal, one we can all three wholeheartedly embrace. I'd like for us to be better comrades in this war than we are now."

Ted recalled those events as he'd made his last Portkey trip for a while, and grinned ruefully. He and Snape had become relatively agreeable associates over the last few days. When the headmaster was at Grimmauld Place, Ted had listened each time the potions master reported back to Dumbledore on the acceleration potion development, the delivery system, the measures he'd taken to assure quality control, and the daily effects on each student. Ted freely admitted that Snape knew his business.

For his part, Ted felt sure that Severus Snape respected him for his physical training program. Few wizards, other that Aurors, MLE agents, and Quidditch players, exercised in any way. Snape had a small training area in his personal quarters, and he regularly ran, lifted weights, and did calisthenics. That fact increased Ted's regard. That fact also increased Snape's regard for him when the potions master realized just how difficult it would be to demonstrate Granger's program, even though he, Snape, was in good shape.

The wall preventing cordiality cracked wide when Snape hesitantly asked, "May I have a copy of your martial arts flexibility tape? It will make a proper addition to my physical routine." The small metal Pensieve-like player that projected Muggle tapes three dimensionally were a new invention known only to those involved in the Paladin Program.

Granger had traveled with his daughter to a few of the locations where Paladin Program participants congregated to hear him, and had gone with either Professor McGonagall or Professor Flitwick to the other locations.

The dentist and father reflected back on the visit he'd had with Harry Potter. It had been the first 'visit' for the young man and his daughter. He'd seen the compulsion that had driven them together to smother each other with heated kisses. At the time he'd assumed that was just how it would go for all of those on the potion and visiting with a member of the opposite sex. But he'd seen his daughter start a 'visit' with Ron Weasley the next, and though they'd gone after each it was simply not the same craving that powered it.

Hermione would not countenance a discussion of her possible romantic interest in Harry. She and Ron were still sorting out their feelings for each other, and Ted admired the single-mindedness of his daughter in completing that before going on. But since the 'visit' between her and Ron, she'd told her parents in private that night, that she and her red-headed best friend would be just that - best friends. When his wife had attempted to broach the subject of Harry as a possible boyfriend, Hermione had squelched the subject brutally and adamantly refused to go near it in conversation.

But since the 'visit' between Hermione and Harry, and her time with Ron, Ted had seen a four other young couples begin their 'visits.' while performing his tasks to explain the physical fitness program. All were drawn to each other, but there was something much more to Harry and Hermione's attraction. It had been palpable.

In addition, low-grade Order of the Phoenix business was discussed in the house with the two youngest Weasleys present as well as his daughter. Dumbledore would often Apparate in for quick consultations with many Order members, and to see how the Grangers were adjusting to living in the magical world. Harry was often mentioned in passing, and Hermione was quick to bring up how her dark-haired best friend might be affected by anything mentioned. She and Ron talked about him regularly, as did Ginny.

Ted doubted that she even new about it, but there was something there between her and the boy who seemed to be the focal point of much Order activities. The dentist/former SAS captain admired the boy as well. He was what was impossible to teach in military training: proven under fire - proven many times as a matter of fact - and he had performed in a stellar manner. He'd even trained a group of similarly aged students to fight against some of the best the enemy had to offer, and these "school children" had done well. Very well, indeed.

After that last session of training new Paladin candidates on the physical fitness regimen, Professor McGonagall had left to go back to Hogwarts. She'd activated Ted's Portkey and he'd gone back by himself to twelve Grimmauld Place. He was there alone. His wife and daughter, and all of the Weasleys, had other destinations this day. All would return in time for a late supper.

Ted had developed quite the taste for butterbeer. He had two cool bottles in his hands and was about to go outside in the back garden to rest from the Portkey effects in the fresh air. Moody Flooed into the kitchen at that moment and they greeted each other. The two realized they had time together, so Moody joined Granger in his relaxation.

Neither were senseless chatterers, so Ted broke the silence with a subject they could both warm to. "You said that you once met Inspector Fairbairn, the inventor of my knife, before the war. Do you mind telling me about your meeting? He's vastly respected in the SAS, so..."

The British Ministry of Magic had granted formal independence to the Hong Kong Ministry in 1930. But they had maintained close ties during the next decade before the Muggle war. In Kowloon, right across the Victoria Harbor from the Hong Kong Island, there was a local Dark lord who was threatening the new government. In 1936 Moody, fresh out of Auror Academy, had volunteered to join a squad going there to help.

"I met Fairbairn when we joined his constabulary in a effort to end the connection between the Tongs and the Dark wizards there." Moody related the few details of interest from the meeting and their subsequent actions.

"He was remarkable, for a Muggle." Moody noticed that the dentist had bristled slightly at this remark. "Don't be insulted, Granger, I meant nothing by it. But many of us in the magical world never cease to be amazed by how you Muggles get along without magic. Author Weasley's enthralled by your technology for everyday living. I'm not sure I could begin to care less about that. Means nothing to me.

"No, I'm amazed by anything, magical or Muggle, that makes fighting evil easier. Going up against the Tongs in Hong Kong back then, and the Japanese spy networks - that was sticky and dangerous business. That knife was an equalizer in two ways - three ways actually.

"It was, and is as you've proven recently, an effective tool for parting bad guys from their miserable lives. In addition, that knife and Fairbairn's training with it, as well as other things he taught the locals, gave his constables a psychological edge, even more important than the substantial fighting advantage the knife and knife-fighting training gave his men. For the first time they thought of themselves as able to defeat the Tongs. And I don't need to tell you anything about psychological edges, do I?"

The two smiled at each other and tapped bottles in salute.

"The third edge that knife gave them in '36, was what I believe you call a psy-ops advantage. Their enemies began to fear those who wielded it, and an enemy that fears you is about to be beaten.

"Where'd you get your Fairbairn? It's an original isn't it? They're rare, I believe."

Ted Granger told of his SAS training and the knife fighting competition he'd won, and the right he'd received, because of that victory, to buy and wear any non-regulation blade he chose. Only those who'd seen combat usually received such permission.

"Found this one in perfect condition in a pawn shop of all places. The arm sheath's not original, but it's well made and quite useful. Of course I knew what I wanted right away. A Fairbairn, legend has it, was worn by David Stirling, the founder of the SAS. Some say there are slightly better knives designed for fighting since that war, but they're not that much better, and I believe skill can overcome advanced technology in many cases, particularly in a more up close and personal fight."

Moody interrupted, "Speaking of up close and personal, I overheard Dumbledore talking to Snape about his little run in with you. God's truth. Seems to me that arrogance is going to kill more wizards who are trained and should know better than any other factor. That's becoming more and more clear to me daily, as I think about it. I had my own comeuppance the other day."

Moody told Granger about Harry jumping on him in the bushes. They both had a good chuckle about that.

Ted said, "I spoke to Dumbledore and Lupin before my talk with Harry, but I didn't get to talk with you. How'd your time go with him? He's a remarkable young man, even for a wizard, in my uneducated view."

Moody related a brief version of his visit with Harry. He told Ted what he'd highlighted with Harry - the value of preparation, clear thinking about the strategic and tactical goals at hand instead of reacting emotionally, and a general hurrah for constant vigilance. Moody also related to Ted a small amount of the story of how he'd lost his eye and leg. He asked, "How'd your time with the boy go, Granger?"

"Similar only differently. I told him about the sometimes too high cost of doing what had to be done in war, and then doing it anyway regardless of that cost." Ted also told Moody a severely abbreviated account of his having to sacrifice a friend for the greater good.

They were silent for a while. Their combat camaraderie was similar to that which they'd each had with Harry, only their ages were much closer. Their life experiences gave them even more in common, even though from different worlds. They lamented the fact that they couldn't pour their experiences into the teens in the Paladin Program.

"Hold it," said Ted. "Why can't we?"

"What you going on about, Granger?"

Ted knew that motion pictures did not exist in the magical world like they did in his world. But he had been thinking about the martial arts flexibility tape he'd developed. He'd also thought about what Hermione had told him about a genuine fully functioning Pensieve.

"Could we gather our experiences in a Pensieve, and then edit them where needed, and play them for the students?"

"I 'spose," said Moody after a moment's thought, "mine for sure, I don't know about yours. But it will just be a view of experiences, not the experience itself. Potter, your daughter, and the other four have fought in real fights, but I don't think any of the others have, except for the dementor fighters, and that's not really at all like taking on a Death Eater."

They were looking at each other when the dentist's face broke into a smile. "Well, let's do like we did before I went to war, like we did in the SAS before any assignment. Let's make the most realistic environment for the Paladins that we can. You'll be at the school some from time to time, helping with their training, true?" Noticing the inquisitive look on Moody's face as the Auror nodded, Granger went into detail about his ideas.

Moody broke into a huge grin, which really looked odd with his magical eye spinning in excitement. "Granger, I like you. You're unorthodox, and that's just what we need to take advantage of the arrogance of our enemies. You proved it that day we thought we'd be rescuing you. If we get these kids to expect the unorthodox, the unexpected, the sudden attack - then, maybe they will begin to be unorthodox and sudden themselves.

"Death Eaters will never maintain constant vigilance because they are always the attackers, and they are much more stupidly arrogant than Snape."

Ted was as excited as Moody. "Hermione has described a wizard duel to me - you shoot then he shoots. That may be fine for formal dueling, I don't know, but in a fight, I always told my men to keep firing as fast as possible until no one gets up. 'Kill 'em all and let someone else sort 'em out,' that's what my old sergeant major used to say. Words to stay alive by."

They both chuckled. Moody said, "I might finally see the constant vigilance I keep harping like a Jarvey about."

After Moody had explained to Ted what a Jarvey was, the two kept chatting and plotting training tactics until Madge Granger called them for dinner from the back door of the house. They had an initial proposal for Dumbledore when he visited the next night.


Dear Harry,
I know the recent stories in the Evening and Daily Prophets probably delighted and bothered you. I am glad for the first and furious about the second.
The good news is that next Thursday the new issue of the Quibbler will be delivered. Father is very excited about reporting current event news, instead of the more fascinating news of yeti and heliopath sightings, and of course the Crumple-Horned Snorkack.
We will print your instructional letter just as you wrote it. We (I'm helping him this summer) will also try to print interviews with each of the Hogwarts students who successfully fought off Dementors. We've not been able to interview all of them yet. This type of reporting, the truth about events here and now, is why Father is excited. We think this might make a real difference. If just one in ten wizards or witches practices what you have taught, and that one in ten learns to cast a Patronus, this might protect all of England. Besides, shedding light on Fudge's lies about you, the school, and all of the goblins he has murdered also excites us.
I have not seen Father filled with such zeal since before my mother died.
For THAT, if there was nothing more - and I do owe you for so much more - I am truly grateful to you.
Your friend,
Luna Lovegood


Dear Harry,
I hope you saw the article in the Evening Prophet and I hope you didn't see the article the next day in the Daily Prophet. I was so sorry to see Minister Fudge and that vicious rag treating you like they did before You-Know-Who showed himself again. I hurt for your insults.
I am grateful that you sent the instructions you did. I know I wouldn't have been able to cast the Patronus without them. You were right - doing so in the DA and facing a real Dementor are two entirely different things. I almost didn't practice like you said to, but my mum saw the letter, read it, and I helped her with it. She isn't quite to where she can do a corporeal, but then she didn't have the best teacher in the world showing her how, like I did.
Thank you. Thank you so very much.

Harry was perplexed by the two letters in his hand. Cho's letter was in very neat script, almost as if printed by Dudley's computer printer. Luna's letter had a flowing cursive that was almost calligraphic in design. The letters from the two girls were different, and yet somehow similar to each other.

Analyzing their handwriting showed him nothing, and Harry wondered why the two letters, arriving at the same time, bothered him so. He had been interested in both girls - Cho for over a year, and Luna only for several hours.

He set Cho's letter face down and stared at Luna's. Then he reversed the process. Luna was still his friend. Cho had earlier made it clear that they weren't friends, and now this letter tried to reactivate a friendship that never had occurred, because Harry had tried for courtship first instead.

Harry placed both letters in a drawer.

He sighed and didn't even complete the thought, much less say, that he didn't understand the fairer sex, and doubted he ever would.


The 'Visit' with Ginny

On the day of their first visit under the potion's influence, the day that Harry and Hermione had kissed briefly, and then had blushed for several minutes, only her dad's instructions about the complex magically modified exercise equipment had completely distracted him from his embarrassment.

This afternoon he would at least know about his possible reaction, and he hoped to prevent another similar burst of uncontrolled desire. This afternoon he would be visiting with Ginny Weasley.

Harry realized she was dating his dorm mate, Dean Thomas, so he had to be careful with her - plus she was Ron's sister. But he also realized that he had known Hermione and Ron were now out in the open about their feelings for each other. And yet, Hermione and Harry had both gone at each other, leading with their lips. It had only been for a few seconds, but those were an irrational few seconds for both of them. And their yearning to snog had been right on the surface for several minutes while it dissipated.

Now Harry was going to spend the afternoon with Ginny. She was not on the acceleration potions, so she would not be irrationally tempted. He knew this was an opportunity to act even more stupidly if he wasn't cautious.

Harry walked to his visit. He would meet Ginny at Mrs. Figg's house because Uncle Vernon was at home that afternoon, going over his new Range Rover with the Owner's Manual, to better understand the details of his new vehicle. Vernon knew everyone would be fascinated by the little tidbits of knowledge about the vehicle that he would share over the days, weeks, even months to come.

Harry rushed up the steps and rang the bell. The door opened and no one could be seen from inside. Harry stepped aside so that Bill Weasley, Harry's minder for the afternoon, could go past in his Invisibility Cloak. Harry followed him in and closed the door.

Bill was folding his cloak and Ginny stood there, not six feet away. Like a miniature crazed bull elephant, Harry snorted and rushed at her with his arms opened wide. She dodged under his right arm easily, moved to where her back was to the door, and looked wary - even though she had a smile on her face. Bill had circled in the wrong direction, following the sound of Harry's snort, and looked where Harry had been. Harry had time for one more unrestricted lunge at Ginny. He ended up splitting his lip on the door as she ducked his advances again. He fell to his knees as he grabbed his lip, and came to his senses. He was sure he was turning brighter red than even Ron in full bloom.

"Gin-ne, Ahm sho shor-ree," he apologized with his hand on his lip.

Bill stepped in between the two and pulled his wand. Harry had a moment's fear of big brother retaliation before the Gringotts curse breaker cast a healing spell and a pain relieving charm on his lips.

Bill stood there and used the time to teach Harry the words and wand flicks to the two spells he'd cast. "First aid spells often come in handy, and you should have been taught at least a few by now." After five minutes, and after Harry had calmed enough to answer an academic question, Bill left. "Little Red, just sit here on this end of the couch, and if you need me, tap on the window. I'll be right outside under the cloak, sitting on the porch. I'll leave now. The visit today will last one hour."

Watching Bill leave, and blushing furiously, Harry said, "I'm sorry, Ginny. I prepared all the way over here to behave, but the second I saw you... forgive me?"

"Harry," Ginny said drawing his name out like 'Harr-rree,' "I knew that'd be your reaction. Mrs. Granger warned me, and so did Dumbledore. I'm only allowed to help 'cause I'm so good at dodging boys' swinging arms. My brothers have chased me all of my life." She had a very light touch in her voice throughout this declaration, and it calmed Harry. "Besides, I know that with these potions, you might have greeted Mrs. Figg that same way."

Hoping to lighten the mood with that last comment, Ginny instead frowned when she saw the stricken look on Harry's face. She quickly walked to one end of the couch, and patted it, and then walked and sat at the end Bill had suggested. They would be sitting together, but not too closely. She crossed one of her jeans-encased legs, and pulled out a sheet of parchment with the exact same questions that Harry had discussed with Hermione the day before. He tried to rush through them so he could leave the subject, but Ginny was thorough.

Harry thought about the encounter while he answered the perfunctory questions. He was solely guilty for this attempt at intimacy - not like when he had been with Hermione the day before. Because of his hyper-detachedness of the moment cause by the potion, he didn't blush when he made this connection, it wasn't possible, but he did wonder what Ginny was thinking.

After discussing the standard questions, Ginny refolded the parchment and said, "Tell me what's been going on with you the last two days. Wasn't Fudge horrid?"

About five minutes later, Harry realized that Ginny had admirably taken him directly into a conversation that had limited his embarrassment as much as possible. She was telling him about a visit with Luna and her father, Sol Lovegood, at the premises of the Quibbler. It was on the other side of Ottery St. Catchpole from the Burrow. She told a rollicking tale of serious journalism positioned right beside the most absurd ideas she had ever heard.

During their hour together Harry realized more and more that he valued Ginny's friendship, and felt like they might could date if it weren't for her going with Dean.

Ginny said and he almost missed it, "I asked to be put in the Paladin Program, and everybody in the room, except Professor Dumbledore, shouted "no" so quickly you'd've thought I wanted to raise Lethifolds in the garden. No fifth years."

Harry realized he admired Ginny, and that she was cute. If he were to look for a light relationship with a girl, Ginny would be great. And maybe they could eventually mean more to each other. But all of his thinking about potential girlfriends eventually came back to the fact that none compared to his non-red-headed best friend.

Harry sighed as he turned onto Privet Drive.


Harry had over two hours free on Friday morning after a brief exercise session, running on his treadmill. Unlike Muggle treadmills, Harry's had obstacles to jump over, rainfall, wet surfaces, sand, gravel, concrete, grass, mud, quicksand, and grasping plants - all could pop up on the running surface. It was all random. He could go for an hour just running, or turn the device on and be standing in a swamp or desert.

During this free time he and Dobby had planned to look at catalogs and magazines to pick out possible outfits for Dobby to snapfinger sew. Dobby knew no name for elfin magic other than elfin magic, which humans had given it. But for some reason Harry wanted to call it 'snapfinger magic.' Dobby liked the name also, so they decided that was the name they wanted to spread around the magical world.

The doorbell rang and, over three minutes later, his Aunt Petunia called up to say that he had company.

Instantly Harry realized that it was a long time to wait to call him if the visitor was for him. He was supposed to never have unexpected guests - Dobby should at least have the appointment in the Paladin Program journal. Wand drawn, Harry advanced down the stairs noiselessly in his worn-out trainers. He heard a familiar voice, Lupin's, and almost dropped his caution, but held up short. Remus himself had told him no one should visit unannounced. It was the time of morning that Harry's aunt usually fixed a pot of tea. She'd served the guests in the time it had taken Harry to retrieve his wand, close his room, and silently make his way down the stairs. Harry burst into the salon, wand drawn and pointed at the would-be Remus Lupin. Harry's gaze also took in what appeared to be Arthur Weasley and a small man that sat beside this Lupin.

Petunia yelped, and almost fell off of her chair. Somehow she did not spill her tea.

"Harry!" she said, "This is Remus Lupin, I remember him from your parents' wedding. And this is-"

"No, Petunia," said Lupin. "Harry's caution is warranted. I broke my own security measures by coming unannounced. This visit only became possible minutes before we arrived." The little man beside Lupin had not dropped his tea things either, but they shook noticeably in his hands. Lupin's hands remained right in front of him holding the teacup and saucer steadily. "How do we proceed, Harry?"

After a moment of deliberation, Harry asked, "What was the first thing you ever said to me?"

Remus seemed unsure at first, then he smirked and said, "Here, eat this, it will help."

Harry visibly relaxed, and slowly lowered his wand.

Before Harry could lower his head and mentally chastise himself for overreacting, Remus spoke. "Well done, Harry. Caution in the face of unconfirmed familiarity is a hard lesson to learn - but you proved yourself this morning."

Changing the subject quickly, Remus turned and said, "As delightful as it is to see you again, Petunia, Harry's schedule is very tight today, and we are going to need all of his free time for discussions of a confidential nature. I am sorry to say, I will have to ask you to exclude yourself from them. But, if it suits, I'd love to come back and visit with you?"

Usually Harry could read Petunia's reactions almost instantly with his years of attempting to avoid what might upset her. He saw a fraction of a moment of pique - then curiosity and nosiness about the subject of the meeting - and then a return of her manners. But there was something else - perhaps the disappointment of not seeing more of Remus? Could that be? Yet again Harry had realized there was so much more to his aunt than he had seen living with her all these years.

She rose and spoke, "Of course Remus. I understand; duty calls. Harry has a schedule when he has 'visitors' during four days of the week, I believe. Please come back during the afternoon schedule when I am here. We can have tea while Harry and his guest sit here in the salon. The teapot is here; may I serve anyone before I leave? Harry?" When everyone shook their heads, she continued, "Please call if you need anything." Then she left the room.

Remus cast a Silencing Charm on the room and said, "I don't mean to assume your aunt will eavesdrop, but I did make our visit sound mysterious."

"No," Harry said. "I'm sure her ear was pressed to the door as quickly as she could set down her cup and saucer."

Harry, Remus, and Mr. Weasley greeted each other warmly and then Lupin said, "Harry, this is Silas Knobloch, a wizarding solicitor specializing in last wills and testaments, particularly wills with minors involved and any other sticky issues. Dumbledore recommended him. Mr. Knobloch helps Hogwarts when such matters affect students during the school terms. Arthur is here to act as an official witness."

"It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Potter. And an honor to serve you." The professionalism of the little man became apparent to Harry when he noticed that Mr. Knobloch did not glance up at his scar.

Remus said, "Fudge has signed the papers exonerating Sirius. He is now declared innocent of all charges and a warrant has been issued for Peter's arrest. There should be a notice of it in the Daily Prophet very soon."

Harry sighed in relief as if he had been holding his breath all this time. His eyes moistened slightly and he looked Remus in the eye.

Remus had a similar look of relief. "I know, Harry, me too." They were silent for several moments and the solicitor couldn't even be heard breathing. Finally Remus said, "Proceed please, Mr. Knobloch."

"As you may have guessed, Mr. Potter, you are one of the beneficiaries of this will. Before you sign anything I must explain certain details and ask you and your future guardian certain questions."

Knobloch cleared his throat and continued, "The last will and testament of Mrs. Berthamina Nott Black was finally settled by the clarification of the issue of Sirius Black's innocence. All of her earthly possessions go to the Black Family Estate, which would go to Sirius Black, were he still alive. The Black Family Estate is a complex legal entity in itself that goes back for centuries. It has its own protective magic as an entity. Had Sirius Black no will, or had he created a typical will, his worldly goods and possessions would have been distributed to that estate and dispersed from there.

"The Black Family Estate had in its make-up certain requirements that would have stripped from Sirius' will, most of his intended disbursements and wishes."

At this moment Knobloch cleared his throat again and became uncomfortable, Harry thought. The solicitor looked to Lupin who nodded and then the little man continued. But before doing so he did look at Harry's scar. "Mr. Lupin assures me I can trust you with this slightly unprofessional comment. I am someone who also helps with Professor Dumbledore's, shall we say, non-academic activities."

Harry immediately knew that this little man either was in the Order of the Phoenix, or assisted them in legal matters at the very least - probably the latter, Harry thought. He nodded to show that he understood.

"To put a particular point on it, Mr. Potter, Sirius Black wanted his will to do good in many ways that the Black Family Estate, would have prevented. The estate would have prevented almost all except a few minor bequests made by Mr. Sirius Black. The Estate would have given everything to the only other two Black Family Estate heirs, Narcissa Black Malfoy and Bellatrix Black Lestrange. The estate would have precluded the only other direct line blood relations, the Tonks family females, from inheriting anything.

"However, Sirius Black's will, was designed by him to not only negate, but to dissolve the Black Family Estate. Minister Fudge's decree, and the signing of the various codicils and other paperwork by the three major individual recipients of Mr. Black's largess, will cause the end of the Black Family Estate as a magical legal entity. Sirius Black's will was a brilliant piece of legal work that any legal professional would be proud of. It was even more remarkable for one who had never studied law. I will make sure its tenets and processes, stripped of all personal references of course, are available to those who want to deconstruct other such Dark legal instruments."

The solicitor calmed himself and seemed to Harry to change his demeanor into one of a more official and standard mode of address. "When the three largest individual recipients sign, that is those individuals who receive inheritances above five thousand Galleons, then the various institutions Sirius Black wishes to endow, will receive their disbursements as a matter of course. Most of the money in the numerous Gringotts vaults goes to a number of charitable organizations. St. Mungo's will have a new research wing, and their medi-magic school will hold several new chairs of teaching. One of the largest endowments will go to create a wizard and witches orphanage, not only created for those known magical children left behind by their parents' deaths, but it will also be chartered and funded to seek out those Muggle-born who are magical and orphaned, to bring them into our world before they receive their Hogwarts letters.

"There are many other smaller but still significant bequests for the good of wizard kind. The Black name will mean something entirely different in our world when the full extent of Mr. Sirius Black's will is known. Ninety-seven-point-two percent of the Black Family Estate, and the personal fortune of Sirius Black, which existed by itself, goes for the betterment of our world. Since there are no more Blacks, it is a beneficent end to a family not known to be public benefactors.

"There are minor's trust funds for four who are underaged, and they will receive control over the funds when they complete their Hogwarts education. Five thousand Galleons each go to trusts for Hermione Jane Granger, Ronald Bilius Weasley, Ginevra Molly Weasley, and Harry James Potter. There is also an investment of a thousand Galleons to go to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes for research and development and/or inventory financing.

The three Tonks, Andromeda Black Tonks, Ted Tonks, and Nymphadora Tonks, will each receive five thousand Galleons immediately. There will also be a few personal effects from the unplottable family home, and the Gringotts vaults that Andromeda will receive.

"To activate all of this there are only three signatures needed, those of the three primary individuals receiving larger inheritances directly from the will. And here I will read the exact words of Mr. Sirius Black from his will:

"'First, to my godson, Harry James Potter, in addition to the trust fund, I leave an additional fifty thousand Galleons to be added to the Potter Estate which he will inherit upon his majority. Harry, I cannot help but think you will play a pivotal role in this fight, if not the pivotal role. Knowing the gratitude of the wizarding world as I do, I cannot imagine you will exit that fight with anything to show for your efforts except a number of press clippings and an Order of Merlin, at best. I want you to feel the freedom to accomplish nothing for the rest of your life should you choose, after you see this war to its end.

"Also to Harry James Potter, I leave twelve, Grimmauld Place. It is to be used by the Order of the Phoenix until the war with Vol- er, You-Know-Who ends."

Harry felt sure the name, not the words 'You-Know-Who,' was written in the will.

"'At the end of the war, there will be made available twenty thousand Galleons to remake this home into whatever you need, Harry, to make it a warm and friendly place for you to live. Tear it down and rebuild it if you need to.

"'I also leave to Harry my flying motorcycle, which is hidden in one of my vaults at Gringotts and a thousand Galleons to misbehave with between now and the end of school. Harry, make the Marauders proud and do not consult Remus too closely on this matter. Please do consult the Weasley twins.

"Second, to my lifelong friend, Remus Lupin, I leave five thousand Galleons and thirty-five thousand Galleons to live on, and I mean live well on. I know your frugal ways, my old friend. In one year I want you to spend the five thousand on yourself - on new clothes, a decent flat or home, and other things to improve your condition, things you will say that you 'do not need.' Please allow Harry to help you. Andromeda Tonks will also be notified of this and requested to help you. If you have not spent this five thousand Galleons in this way by the end of one year, the other thirty-five thousand - intended to ease matters for you for the rest of your life - will then go to my despicable cousin, Bellatrix. Sorry to force your hand, old friend, but you know how you are.'"

Knobloch adjusted his glasses and looked at Arthur Weasley, "In a separate codicil, Mr. Black instructed his executor to handle matters in this way, Mr. Weasley. Please forgive us. As an agent of the wizarding legal system, I immediately give memories to a Pensieve to testify as to the veracity of the signatures on any document when I file said signed documents with the court. Your presence as a witness for the will was not needed. But Mr. Black wanted you here by covert design. So I will now continue.

"'Third, to my newer friend and distant relative, Arthur Weasley, I have come to know you well, but not well enough. I admire you more than you can imagine. You and Molly have raised six of the finest children I have ever met or heard of, and you have done it on a pittance. I know Harry has felt guilty that he cannot share his wealth with you when you mean so much to him. No, Harry has said nothing, but you know Harry, and you know that's what he is thinking. He has never said anything to you because he knows your character - a character I want him to incorporate into his life more than many of my own character traits.

"'Therefore, I bequeath to you, Arthur, forty-five thousand Galleons. Five thousand each I want you to give to Bill and Charlie. Five thousand Galleons go to Percy if he ever comes forward of his own free will and reconciles with you and your family. Ten thousand I want you to squander on your family over the next two years. Buy yourselves new wardrobes. Buy Ron and Ginny new Firebolt brooms. Take an extravagant holiday trip with your whole family, and you and Molly go on an outrageously expensive second honeymoon.

"'That leaves twenty thousand for you to supplement your wages and live well on in whatever you choose to do. If you want to tell the Ministry to take a long broom ride into the sun, please use this money to help re-establish yourself. Please be happy, Arthur, and be free of this one small, but real restriction on your life - money.'"

Arthur looked like a dust mote would be enough to knock him over.

Knobloch cleared his throat once again. "Gentlemen, you must all agree to these last wishes and sign these documents so the enormous charitable works described can begin."

All three signed, but Arthur's hands shook so that he was barely able.


Silas Knobloch and Arthur Weasley left. They had been there almost exactly an hour. The last thing that Arthur did, and he had been very glad to do it, was witness the signatures of the document that made Lupin the boy's guardian for the year and a few days left before Harry reached his majority. Knobloch was capable of providing legal witnessing services for this document like he had for the others, but Harry and Remus wanted Arthur as signatory in this case, and the solicitor certainly understood the personal significance.

The guardian and ward sat back and returned to their tea. Lupin had cast a Warming Charm on the pot, and it was just the temperature Harry liked it. However, judging by the amount of steam, Lupin's was noticeably hotter. A personalized Warming Charm?

"Harry, there was one small addendum to the will that addressed me, and it had nothing to do with the normal legal matters of a will."

Remus looked a little uncomfortable, and Harry didn't want anything to spoil this wonderful morning. But he thought in an instant that most of his best memories had thorns in them.

Lupin continued, "It was more of a personal request, by Sirius to finish an assignment given to him that he'd never really started."

Sounding almost like he was back in the classroom Lupin asked, "Harry, there are two incontrovertible facts that have impacted your life that I wish to discuss. The first is that your parents made Sirius your godfather, not your guardian. The second is the magic your mother used to save your life, the power that saved you from the Killing Curse and nearly destroyed Voldemort. Firstly, do you know what the difference is between a godfather and a guardian?

Harry frowned in thought. In a moment he said, "I'm not really sure. I know Sirius was able to sign my Hogsmeade pass. I just assumed it was the same as a guardian, I guess just made official by the church instead of the Ministry of Magic."

"That's accurate, Harry, as far as it goes. Those in both of these positions of responsibility act for the parents of a child if the parents are temporarily or permanently unable to act themselves. Wizarding law recognizes the role of a godparent as equal in all respects to a guardian. However, as you said, the church makes official the role of a godparent at the parents' request. Using this method, the parents place one more institutional requirement upon their chosen godparent. They are asking the godparent to make the godchild aware of the parents' beliefs."

"So my parents went to church? Why doesn't Aunt Petunia...?" Harry trailed off, not really understanding.

"Neither of your parents were raised going to church. As I recall your mother and aunt were taken there on Christmas and Easter when they were little, but regular attendance was not common practice for the Evans family.

"To understand how they came to this faith, is to understand in significant part how your parents reconciled the enmity between them that you observed when you viewed Severus' memories in the Pensieve. That was the lowest point in their relationship by the way, and definitely not one of your father's better moments.

"In the few weeks following our O.W.L.s, but before the end of the school year, your mother ignored your father completely - as if he did not exist. This was the opposite reaction your father had expected. All teenaged boys can be total prats about girls. You've probably noticed that you and your friends sometimes have no idea about what upsets or angers the fairer sex, true?"

Harry considered Ron fighting with Hermione and his own interactions with Cho Chang, and it took him less than a two seconds to agree with his new guardian.

"Never before, Harry, had we seen your father shaken by Lily's rejection of his advances - something she had done every week, often every day, for years. It caused a change in James. He pursued her in earnest rather than arrogance those few weeks and finally secured from your mother an agreement to give him a chance in the next school year to prove that he could change, grow up.

"A gentler, more serious James boarded the Hogwarts Express that September first, and Sirius, who had spent most of the summer with James and his family, did not object. Although I understand they nearly came to blows over the summer as James studied harder and prepared himself academically and socially, whereas Sirius only wanted to play. James even read a Muggle book called, How to Win Friends and Influence People, which Sirius never did stop kidding him about.

"But it was also a much-changed Lily we encountered that next year. Prudence Caulder had been a dorm mate of Lily's. Prudence was Muggle-born, and she and her entire family had been killed over the summer by Death Eaters - seven people including three children under the age of ten. The first war with Voldemort had been escalating over several years by this time, but this was the closest that it had come to any of us so far."

Remus looked away for a few moments, yet Harry, anxious for more, still remained silent.

"Lily was the kindest person I have ever known. Hermione is slightly more brilliant, but Lily had a wisdom and sense of purpose about her that... well, it made all of us, even Peter for a while, much better than we had been, or ever could have been. She came back to school in our sixth year with a mission in life. She wanted to discover the impossible. She wanted to stop the killing and stop Voldemort - by herself if need be.

"She ignored the fact that most of the researchers in the Ministry, with all of their resources, had been unsuccessful in discovering what she wanted to find. She was going to succeed. When she set her mind to it, your mother was indomitable - the proverbial unstoppable force about to meet the unmovable object.

"She made it perfectly clear to your father that she would talk to him only when they were in the library working on this particular project. She would be only polite to him the rest of the time.

"Your father agreed to these limited terms, much to our surprise. By mid October she had a grudging respect for your father as a student and a researcher - a hard earned concession. By November they were on friendly terms in all ways. Your mother's restrictions on James had apparently been lifted.

"Classes resumed after the Christmas holidays and James began including her in our circle of friends immediately. James and Lily did not become officially a couple until our seventh year, but by this time everyone felt that was their destiny.

"Don't misunderstand me; we probably pulled our greatest pranks over the next two years. But they were rarely aimed at individuals unless your mother approved them."

Harry raised both eyebrows in disbelief.

"Oh yes. By start of spring term in our sixth year Lily had basically become the fifth Marauder. Between her, and the improved James by her presence - and my efforts, which had failed before - we were able to convince Sirius to forego the personal assault aspects of our pranking, except for the truly worthy that even Lily wanted to teach a lesson. She joined us in our first joint prank of the new year, transforming everything green and silver that entered the Great Hall into red and gold, which worked quite well actually, but that is still another story.

"It was in late February of our sixth year that the two of them determined that they were not going to find the answers to stopping the killing in the Hogwarts library. Your father suggested they ask Dumbledore; they'd asked just about every other professor at Hogwarts but not him.

"Albus was delighted to help and started by reviewing their work up to that point. Though the three of them had known each other before, this started a friendship for those three beyond the headmaster/student relationship.

"Professor Dumbledore gave them a few other suggested avenues of study. But the one that both of your parents seemed drawn to, was what Albus called a bit of very old magic, 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,' which is a quotation from the Bible.

"When Lily and James asked where to discover more on that subject, Albus told them to go to church services that Sunday. None of us know there were such services at Hogwarts, and there weren't, but all students who wished to attend could take a special transit connection to St. Simon's Parish whenever they wanted to. The connection works just like a Floo fireplace, but the link between Hogwarts and St. Simons existed long before the Floo network was created, and it does not use a fireplace.

"Your parents attended the services in secret that Sunday, not wanting to tell us. There they meet Father Martin, a Church of England parish priest of the Grey Friars Order. He had attended Hogwarts in the thirties and had taken his vows after the war with Grindelwald. In the darkening days of early 1977, your parents found Father Martin a beacon of hope. They told us where they'd been and invited us to go with them the next Sunday.

"I wanted nothing to do with God. If He existed, then I was furious with Him for my condition. The Wolfsbane Potion had not been perfected at this point, and each month was torturous agony for me, even with my Animagus friends keeping me company. I could not believe in a good God who had allowed this to happen to me, so I adamantly refused their invitation. Peter never said anything but was always sleeping in on Sunday morning for the rest of our time at school. Sirius laughed at the idea until your father told him about the several very pretty girls from Hogwarts who also attended services. Sirius laughed even more, but snuck out and followed your parents there the next weekend. He went for the girls but stayed for the messages Father Martin gave. Everything Sirius heard was in direct contradiction with his parents' attitudes and thinking, and that alone was appealing to your godfather.

"You'll have to talk to Father Martin to really understand what they believed and why they believed it. He's the one who helped them. He's also the one who married your parents and baptized you as an infant."

Harry looked up quickly. He'd been trying to imagine his parents and Sirius in a church service. But all he could imagine was Sirius laughing at his father playing with a Snitch. "I was baptized...?"

"Yes, and I did attend your baptismal service. I stood during the part where Father Martin asked if there were any others who wanted to commit to help raise you as your parents would want you to be raised. I stood at that time, so I feel it is my duty to honor your parents' requests.

"I have talked to Father Martin about you, Harry, and he has agreed to discuss with you anything and everything you want to chat about. He knew your parents in a different way than I did. They loved him and he, them. I hope you'll consider at least one visit with him, and then see from there if you want to talk further.

After your parents died, things were terrible, for me at least. After I came out of my depression, I sought Father Martin out. I've been meeting with him off and on over the years."

Remus cleared his throat and took a long sip from his cold teacup.

"Now, Harry, the other event in your life that I want to discuss briefly with you is how you received your scar - not that I know specifically how that scar occurred. I want to discuss the power that saved your life.

"I told you that your parents began to study in earnest the passage of scripture, 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.' They called that passage the 'love sacrifice.' Your parents didn't just go to church, they were what they called 'believers.' They believed that the love sacrifice would work because the one who spoke that passage sacrificed himself for that very purpose. That is the essence of their faith.

"Your mother proved the truth and power of that passage when she invoked it on your behalf. She and your father, but particularly Lily was positive the love sacrifice passage would make all of the difference in the world.

I'm not sure I can disagree with her logic there. You see, I'm sure that many have stepped into the path of one of Voldemort's Killing Curses. It only makes sense that someone would do so for a child, a family member, or a friend. The act, someone else taking the Curse, did not cause the near death of Voldemort in these many cases. I can only conclude that it was your mother's faith that made the difference. I have thought long and hard on it, and there is no other explanation in my mind."

Remus was quiet for several long moments, but Harry felt sure he was not finished.

"Harry, the fact that you lived destroyed my confidence that there is nothing or no one to believe in. That you lived gives credence that there must be merit to that scripture and your parents' faith in it. They based most of their beliefs on the principles they learned from their discussions with Fr. Martin. That's why I arranged for you to meet with him if you choose."

There was another paused. The new guardian seemed to be finished.

Finally Harry said, "Remus, this is a lot to think about. Perhaps you should set an appointment for me in a few weeks to talk to Father Martin. I want to mull it over for a while first, okay?" The elder of the two wizards nodded. "But it sort of makes sense to me. I think my parents passed on to me their belief in the 'love sacrifice.'"

It was Remus' turn to look perplexed. Harry said, "Think about it. All Gryffindors are nearly foolishly brave. But amid a bunch of Gryffindors, I stand out with my above-and-beyond foolhardiness that somehow seems to work. Hermione says that I always want to save people from getting hurt or killed. Well I do.

"Well, I think my parents gave me this drive to protect everyone when they did the 'love sacrifice.'"

Harry stood up and seemed so excited that Lupin did not interrupt him, but it was obvious by the look on the former professor's face that he wanted to.

Harry sat and said, "If I ever face Voldemort, and it seems like I will," he rushed to add the words that would draw attention away from the prophecy. "If I am going to face him, I need to prepare to do so. If I have to give my life to stop him once and for all - and please believe me, Iwant to live - then giving my life to end his would be an action on my part worthy of my parent's sacrifice. But I can't stop going to save my friends. I had to go after the Sorcerer's Stone. I had to go into the Chamber of Secrets to save Ginny." Harry paused for a moment and then continued, "I had to stop you and Sirius from becoming murderers in the Shrieking Shack.

"So, let's make sure I'm able to do whatever has to be done, and let's make my friends so strong that I won't have to worry about them - because I'll go to any means to protect them you know. There is no way I'll let them die. So let's get everyone stronger and smarter, and particularly let's get me stronger and smarter, a lot smarter."

After looking into his ward's excited eyes Lupin said, "Harry, I've been discouraged and despairing ever since Sirius died, about more than just his death. I have feared that there was no hope for the future. However, just now, hearing you talk, I could feel a spark of hope rise up in me.

Let me tell you what I believe, and I mean no disrespect to your parents' faith when I say that I believe in you. It's not religious by any means, but I just believe you are going to succeed in all of this. I hope it's not you who has to defeat Voldemort, it's probably Dumbledore, or maybe even Moody and a whole gang of Aurors. But regardless, I can just see the future with you alive in it and no fears about Death Eaters or Voldemort.

There'll probably always be Dark wizards from time to time, but you and your generation have a lifetime to stomp out this paralysis against action that permeates most witches and wizards and most of the Ministry of Magic. If most had more of the mindset of those you trained in the DA, those that stood up to those dementors the other day - if those types of people were commonplace, we'd never have had so many go over to Voldemort in the first place."

Almost abruptly Lupin looked at his watch and rose. He whipped out his wand and the tea things were cleaned and put away in seconds. He turned to Harry and said. "Well, your schedule has you eating lunch in a few minutes. But I must say - like many before me - you look just like James, but with your mother's eyes. However you are so much more. You have the best of both of them in you."

They moved forward simultaneously to embrace. Remus took out an Invisibility Cloak, and without a parting word, he made his way out of the door.


"Concentrate, Mr. Weasley! You're... not... concentrating!"

Minerva McGonagall sighed in exasperation. "Rest, Weasley. Cease striving."

Ron Weasley was in the same potions summer tutorial program that Harry was in. In addition, Ron had to be tutored in Transfiguration. Ron could always answer Professor McGonagall's questions, at least weakly, but he seemed to be making no progress at all on the practical matters. It was Ron's Practical O.W.L grade in this subject - an Acceptable - that was not acceptable for entry into the pre-Auror training curriculum this September.

The professor had been thinking for the last few days, that she either needed to take Ron past whatever was blocking his progress, or recommend that he be dropped from the program. She sensed that Ron was upset about such a possibility - the stress made him even less effective.

But the deputy headmistress had one last idea to try.

"Weasley, what activities at school do you perform your best in? What actual physical efforts do you excel at the quickest?"

Ron looked a bit confused, but answered after hardly a moment's thought, "Defense, I 'sppose, did my best on-"

"No, Weasley. Out of all types of physical activities, what do you most enjoy, what do you understand easiest and quickest?

The perplexed look on Ron's face deepened. There was an obvious answer as to what he enjoyed and understood fastest. "Quidditch," he answered sheepishly, and continued, "but that's-"

"That is exactly what I am referring to, Weasley. Even though you had to overcome your initial insecurities on the pitch as most do, why did you almost always know what to do, even from the very start? Why do you understand that game so well? What about the game, mentally, do you most delight in?"

Ron scrunched his face in contemplation. His voice told McGonagall that he wasn't sure, but the words were exactly what she wanted to hear. "It's a game of strategy, like wizard's chess. I know what needs to be done overall to start, play, and finish a match. I know where each player must go and what they must do, and I can see what will happen far in advance. I want to brain the coach of the Cannons sometimes-"

"Yes, yes. Chudley frustrates me too. Makes me want to change favorites."

Ron's eye's went wide. "You're a Cannons' fan?"

"Yes, much to my lifelong disappointment. Now, what specifically about Defense do you understand the best?"

Ron concentrated more easily this time. "What Harry teaches in the DA. It's not just, 'here's a spell.' He tells us what it does, how to use it and when - and he tells us how he's used it in the past in a real fight when he can. Oh, he tries to make it sound like he's making up an example, but we can tell when he's speaking about a real fight.

"I've been there with him in enough of them, and heard enough about the rest, to know that this is serious. I can see the battles unfold and take place, and I even see sometimes how things could have gone better. Not that I'd ever tell Harry he's done wrong. He didn't. We lived through that night at the Department of Mysteries, and he saved us. His training made all of the difference, and usually he's saved us in most of the stuff we've faced.

"But I wish I could re-fight that battle, now that I've thought about it- oh, that sounds stupid."

"No, go on, Weasley. I know what you meant."

"I guess it's why I also made an O on my Defense Theoretical. I didn't know the subject cold like Hermione and Harry did, but when I wasn't sure what an answer was, I just looked for the big picture. I just thought about what would be the best way, if I could plan out the fight ahead of time. I guess that's how I got enough answers right on that test. But what's this have to do with Transfiguration?"

Professor McGonagall rewarded her pupil with one of her rare smiles in a classroom setting. "I'm going to teach you the strategy of Transfiguration."

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Author's Notes -

Father Martin, St. Simons Parish, and the Grey Friars - The Grey Friars existed in Muggle history. They were one of many religious orders abolished by King Henry VIII. Father Martin, St. Simons Parish, and the Grey Friars in this context, are the creation of the author, Kokopelli, and used with his permission. His work, The Letters of Summer, is a quite marvelous read. He has created well-rounded new characters and a plot line, the likes of which, I'd love to produce.

My Godfather Theory - The nature of fanfiction is speculation within context of canon. We take what happened in canon and speculate on how something was done to create missing moments or create future events after the stories that have been written. This is a sixth year story started before HBP, but true to canon up to and including OotP.

I have speculated that Lily used a Christian idea to save Harry's life. Before you get all offended remember JKR claims to be a member of good standing in the Church of Scotland. She did not write anything about Lily's sacrifice---YET. It is highly improbable, given the direction of HBP that she will mention this, but remember, the word 'soul' is a Judeo-Christian concept. Other religions talk about the life force, the chi, or the spirit man to list three of many other ideas. A great deal of Book Seven will be about souls.

Destroying Redmond WA - My plot blurb about the governments of the world uniting to destroy what I consider the "Evil Empire," is very loosely based on a small segment from a book based on the Val Kilmer movie, "Red Planet." The bombing did not occur in the movie, but Peter Telep wrote a book of the same title released at the time of the movie. A similar idea was broached in the book.

Disclaimer--- What belongs to J K Rowling is J K Rowling's. Everything left is mine,
I guess, but remember the old adage: "There is nothing new under the sun."

However, that which is mine is copyright 2006 Aaran St Vines.
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