Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Gammaray posted a comment on Friday 8th June 2007 2:51am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

I'm afraid that immediately following your statement that Harry was baptised, and the idea that the christian church isn't the worhtless piece of propaganda-infested shit it, in fact, is, I ceased reading this story. If you bring religion into anything you write, you automatically ruin the story. This is a pity - it was going rather well, otherwise.

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Sunday 29th October 2006 3:48am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Like the comparative views from Hermione and Harry about there first visit. Shows a subtle growing of there developing relationship. On the flip side I really like the Ginny visit and they way she dodged him and caused him to hit the door and split his lip.

Really like Sirius's will. Its very real amounts and not the silly amounts that make Harry a billionaire. Considering that 1000 Galleons was enough to set up Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes and for there huge holiday before third year 45,000 Galeons is a lot money in the Wizarding world.

Like the back story for Harry's parents during his talk with Remus. I like stories of his parents that aren't all fluffy, its very real what is described about Lilly loosing a friend to the war.
Love this phrase; the proverbial unstoppable force about to meet the unmovable object. When talking about Lilly.

But I must say - like many before me - you look just like James, but with your mother's eyes. However you are so much more. You have the best of both of them in you."

Greatest compliement for Harry in the world, ever!

Really like the snippets from the "storyteller" because the bits about a possible future are interesting but the comparison between Quantum Physics and your term Quanta that is in essence is magic is frighteningly interesting and brilliant!


M. R. Moore posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 2:30pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

I actually had to look up Redmond, WA, I had no idea microsoft was based there. I thought it was rather funny because I've been saying for years that Billy Gate's is on the verge of being the most powerful man on the planet, but hasn't realized it yet.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 3:38pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Bad news for Dementors, and Harry Potter *loses* a record. When Harry Potter cast a corporeal Patronus at the end of his third year, he was the youngest wizard ever to do so; well, that record has been broken. Amusingly (well, for everyone but Fudge), it's Harry's Defence Association that gets the credit. It just does NOT seem to be Voldy's summer: four DEs die at the hands of Muggles, Dementors go a woeful one-for-nine, etc.

Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 3:42pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Even tho I find it funny that you decided to blow up Redmond, please not with to big a bomb, for I live in the state. LOL. Good story, and can't wait to read more.

goofy posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 2:04am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

great story so far, a very interesting concept of spell mongering, Please update soon

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 6:18am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Good chapter. It is time fr Harry and Hermione to hook up.


Grukal posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 10:43pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

I am very impressed by your work on these paladin series, and i look forward to read them until they are complete.

jessie179 posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 7:16am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

I liked it.

Alexis posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 2:27pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Fantastic chapter - you are great at getting your audience sucked into your world and taken along on your ride. I love the spiritual discussion between Harry and Remus and I think that Minerva finally hit on a way to teach ron there at the end. Awesome.

David Thacker posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 1:20pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Why dose have more chapters than you have here?

seraph7221 posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 1:08pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

This is great stuff...can we expect more soon?

Elizabeth Garcia posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 5:01am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

Well, this is my first review on this site. I read your story out of the whim of it, and I REALLY, REALLY like it so far. I like the background info that you have on Mr. Granger, it's awesome. :) Anyways, I just thought you should know I'm reading and liking what I'm reading. I guess... :/ I'm saying keep writing. lol. bye bye.

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 5:06am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

I like the story with Hermione as Harry's love intrest. Fro me, they fit better than Ron and Hermione.

Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 12:39pm for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir


Awesome! Out of courisity, when will the Paladin Program start going in full swing, and exactly when does harry start mongering spells in ernest?

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Monday 24th April 2006 11:10am for Chapter Seven - Harry Potter: Spell Monger, Paladin, and Heir

I really enjoy this story. I love this plot and hope that you update very soon!