Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


misumo posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 1:55pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Sub. : Name for the shop

Something with the word 'Sartorial' meaning tailored, tailoring in it. like
CJ's Sartorial Pleasures / Elegance / Excellance / Palace / ???

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 10:31am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Outstanding chapter.


aemon_targaryen posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 2:53pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

I'm so very pleased that this story hasn't been abandoned. The thing I like about your Harry is that he's so much more pro-active than JKR's Harry-it's hard to admire a hero who simply reacts and never acts. It's interesting that your story was one of the few fanfics with a strong Christian imagery ingrained in the story, while in canon it seemed almost atheistic, until the last book with its Harry-as-Christ imagery and JKR's post-series comments. Speaking of which, I find that almost all of her post-series comments serve to diminish her work-before, we are left open to interpretation, speculation, debate, etc.; with everything being spelled out, the wonder and mystery of the series is gone-I guess that started with the epilogue, where it seemed that not much had changed in the Wizarding World, just that Voldemort was gone--it seemed almost more as a "F"-you to shippers not behind her canon pairings than a real "what happened afterward" type epilogue. She basically admits the weakness of the epilogue by going on in interviews and explaining what everyone's job is, that the wizarding world really has reformed(really really!), that everything is better now. It's like being shown the man behind the curtain-endlessly disappointing.

One thing I really, really like about your series are your ideas on relating quantum theory to magic; I find it fascinating and original, and in this case explanation is appreciated over canon, which has huge gaping holes in how it explains magic(i.e. not at all). It's a fascinating perspective on things, and reminds me of an adage from the sci-fi side of things-"To a primitive culture, any sufficiently advanced technology would appear to be magic"-paraphrased, of course.

I eagerly look forward to your next installment. I remain a fan of the Harry Potter world created by JKR, just not that pleased with how she chose to finish it.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 2:49pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

A most enjoyable chapter.
The explanation of how magic works was excellent and logical, as was the explanation of Hermione's psyche.
The relationship was handled perfectly too.
Keep up the great job!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 10:41am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Thanks, this was great! Her love of learning would definitely make her so excited about watching Harry deconstruct all those spells - geeky foreplay, right? I really enjoyed this update, and look forward to more as they become available. Unless you die a tragic and unexpected death, right?

oldman posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 8:37am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

worth the wait. You really are struck by quantum physics allowing magic, would you go so far as miracles?

You certainly aren't rushing the romance or the plot. But your solid base should make all the more amazing things possible!

Prince Charon posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 6:37am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Very interesting. For a name, how about Jordan's (or Clarinda's) Wizarding Apparel?

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 6:23am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Also a good chapter. I think I liked this version of this chapter better. The fluffy was more fluffy and the magic/science (vs business) more interesting--to me at least.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Arkeus posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 5:38am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Most Excellent, as usual.

Got to love your spell mongering and technical explanations. Though i have my own theories, they aren't based on things half as real as yours.

Thanks for sharing that with us.

Oh, and don't say that to "pamela" but couldn't you have left out the jane austen part? I have ot say i loath her books, becausei find her female main characters weak- the kind of weak that tries to pass as strong, and makes me ill.

Ah well, sorry for that :/

halhawk posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 4:29am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

It's great to see another chapter of this - can't wait for the next one! I love the way Harry made certain that Hermione could see Spell Mongering without telling her about it.

Clarinda's shop - with good advertising I would just use her name - but develop a slogan to use in the advertising - something like 'Future Fashions Now!' Could be used on the shop front/in the windows too.

Just a small Britpick (hope it doesn't offend you) - you refer to a muggle bookshop as 'W.H.Auden's'. I think you mean 'W.H.Smith's' - Auden was a poet.

Dragon1 posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 3:12am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

This is a brilliant Fic and I wait impatiently for the next chapter and wonder when Harry and Hermione finally get together...

Name for Clarinda Robe shop could be Rinda Fasionable Robes

Patches posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 2:51am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

This was really good. I like the fact that Harry is finding ways for him and Hermione to be together for "training" of different types. I think it is amazing that he was able to show Hermione that flying is fun in 3 short hours. That was great. Of course Hemione wanting to spend time with Harry makes all the extra training very helpful. It is always easier to do something if you get something out of it for yourself. Hermione is getting more time with Harry which is what she wasts.
For Clarinda's shop name I like "Clearinda's All Occasion Magical Wear"! You can add that to your list. Thanks for writing. I understand long delays between updates. I am just so glad that you have not stopped writing. pms

Kinsfire posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 1:17am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

I'll admit that my first couple ideas come to things like Clarinda's Classy Clothiers or simply Clarinda's Clothiers.

An excellent chapter, as always. (And I only just now figured out your wife's chosen online name, even after reading her equally excellent work. *headdesk*)

gadriam posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 1:07am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Fluffy, yes. Intellectual, yes. Great, hell yeah!

Beautiful characterizations all around. Clever, too.

Shopname? CCC. Clarinda's captivating clothes. Free WWW dispellment charm on every item sold.


Dervish posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 12:00am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Clarinda's Closet
Jordan's Designs
CJ clothiers
Clar's botique

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 11:39pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Interesting take on the elves. Their language skills (and lack thereof).

> Until that moment he had never considered the very real intellectual dilemma someone like Hermione would have faced to accept magic.
*raised eyebrow* Huh. You keep looking at things sideways (at least from my PoV). But your explanations make perfect sense.

Very good explanations on the tools. The Crafters' waste of energy isn't all that surprising (necessary, even, in your 'verse). The only question is whether the Crafters intentionally are wasteful of energy or if they are that way due to poor tools/methods.

Good arguments on Hermione's fear of flying.

Bringing them together nicely. Thoroughly enjoyed the chapter. Now off to read the "Great Scott" version.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 10:30pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Yes! Great to see more of this, and really interesting to see how Harry describes how his new form of spell creation works, as well as seeing Hermione open herself up to it, as well as Harry teaching her to fly. Overall, a nice, warm chapter here, and really got a kick out of it

björn nilsson posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 9:55pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Ithink a good name for the shop is The full paket

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 9:49pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Lots of exposition, but not a whole lot of actual fluff, more implied future fluff. And you'd best control Hermione if Harry turns her on much more (as he did with the indexing spell); they'll have to move the story to the other section of the site. <g>


Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 4:49pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

So glad to see this again. Still loving it and very much looking forward to more... especially your newest offshoot with Millicent Bulstrode.

Okay, as for the shop's name. I think something simple and classy yet different would best display the character of her store. Something like: Fashions by CJ or maybe just: CJ's - Discriminating Fashions for A Discriminating Wizarding World or lastly: Clarinda's Clothiers - Tasteful Fashions for Tasteful People.