Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Jess1 posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 11:38am for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure


I can't wait for the next chapter... Voldemort has been pretty quiet lately....

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 10:52am for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure

Very definitely and interesting chapter. I loved the development of a new business combine and I suspect Justin's family is going to be rather surprised by the connections he makes.

The assist for Ron was quite the nice touch and the work around it even better. I, for one, like it that Harry and Hermione are taking their time on developing their relationship, deepening their friendship and working relationship, as well as tying up loose ends like Ton, before really moving into a much more intimately personal relationship.

The last bit sequence was quite inspired and it'll be interesting to see what eventuates from his being sighted.

Full_Pensieve posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:03am for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure

Sol and Stellar Lovegood - I like it. Luna comes around a little more easily than I would have expected, if only because her behavior seems rather ingrained in canon. I continue to be fascinated by the Mongering concept. You've also done a good job weaving the Aberration Day thread through the various characters. Brilliantly executed, as always.

Mike [FP]

Quizer posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 4:36am for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure

Wow. I absolutely loved the 'business' part of this chapter. We're really moving off into territory few fanfic authors ever choose to explore. I'm looking forward to see how Harry develops in the world of business and politics, and how the M.I.D. will be dealt with. ;)

Great job also with the part with Luna and her father. So now Harry has a dedicated publisher at his beck and call - should he ever need it. He probably will sooner rather than later...

The scenes unique to this strand of the timeline were also well done. I liked how the elves speak normally amongst themselves - I've not seen this done in a story before (though some have Harry teaching them proper speech).

Until your next chapter!


Alexis posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:56am for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure

God, I love this story! Very well done! I still don't know how you manage to write two different romances, but I'm loving it! (Of course, I love H/HR... LOL) Very interesting chapter and the stuff with Hermione's Dad at the end? Very curious indeed!

Awesome job!

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 10:22pm for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure

Oh, dear, Mr. Granger is in trouble, isn't he? An excellent chapter.


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 2:47pm for Chapter Sixteen - Business and Pleasure

"I hope it gives Printden his seventeenth heart attack. At twenty, he has to take a sabbatical."

That is a great line. :-)

Good chapter(s). Thanks for sharing with us.