Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


MrPowell posted a comment on Friday 14th January 2011 1:03am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

For the record, I'm loving what's here so far, especially the way you've incorporating Christianity into it.

scribbler posted a comment on Thursday 28th May 2009 6:46am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

This is the best chapter of this entire story, for reasons that are, to me, quite obvious. You've done a masterful job in showing Dumbledore as a real, frail, and repentant man and I have to admire the thoughtfulness you put into the dialog between him and Harry in the carriage. Great, great job.



Brigrove posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 5:28am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

loved the milicent bit and the final confrontation in front of Fudge.

I disagree with you on religion in HP. JKR has elements taken from religion, you have introduced the religion itself into the story and a religion which forbids anyting to do with witches or witchcraft. While it doesn't bother me enough to make me stop reading an otherwise great story, I find it a mildly tiresome distraction.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 11:15pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I know I've left a review before, but may I add another comment. The attack on Bulstrodes seems odd to me. Voldemort attacks those who oppose him -- Muggleborn, Halfblood, or Pureblood. He also makes alliances that are suitable to him, Giants and Werewolves, for example, that even on a generous reading are clearly antithetical to a true "Pureblood" agenda (note the treatments of Hargrid when he is found to be half-Giant and Remus when his being a Werewolf is outed). In canon it seems obvious that the only ones Voldemort fools with the "Pureblood agenda" is the Pureblood supporters he needs to accomplish his goals (note how they are taken by surprise that Voldemort is Riddle, a Halfblood, and how the Malfoys become reluctant supporters). I cannot see Voldemort ordering any of his supporters destroyed. He's covering up his Muggle father, why would he be so disturbed by a Muggle grandmother who is no longer alive ("had been" a muggle not a squib)? This vehicle for Millicent's joining Harry might work better if it is the action of Pureblood zealots who stumble upon the information and act without Voldie's approval (and so are subsequently punished?). Remember "a house divided against itself cannot stand; if Satan casts out Satan he cannot stand" (pardon the loose quotation).

Joel Aarhus posted a comment on Tuesday 25th November 2008 4:10pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

very good portrayal of religion not too heavy handed like I was afraid of when you introduced it, just realistic and logical.

Also most awesome "why Dumbledore makes stupid decisions" ever!

karekid2006 posted a comment on Tuesday 16th September 2008 11:26am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International


pav posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2008 8:05am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

Of course the HP universe must have a religion.It is rather sad fandom has not yet invented one.
I would like to say,as a historian to a fellow one,that it is not the beliefs and denominational and doctrinal matters that worry me about the religious aspects of fanfics.I just hope to see the compatibility of depicted society with its proposed faith.Any monotheism i know about is allergic to the concept of magic.Wizardfolk might as well be Christians,nothing wrong with that,but then,i am afraid,they would incorporate some specific teachings like muggles have no souls for example.There were times when medieval societies thought women have none so i am not imagining things.Christianity is gentle,universal and egalitarian while wizarding world is agressive,individualistic and meritocratic.I have no problem with story,my dear Author,these are just my purely theoretical worries.
Your novel is great and marvelous.It is my pleasure to read probably the best researched story of the HP fandom.

Rowan Mikaio posted a comment on Thursday 1st May 2008 1:22pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I have never understood people's problem with religion as a concept. I am no firm believer in any religion, but I do firmly believe that what other people believe is none of my business, and I've never been hurt by reading what other people say about their religion (though I have been greatly amused). I am agnostic, but I fully respect what you have done with your story, religiously and otherwise.
And anyway, to quote another author I respect, JK might as well have had Harry stand up at the end of the 7th book and say "Look at me! I'm Jesus" after the whole dying for everyone else bit and coming back and all of that other jazz. For there not being any religion in Harry Potter, I'm amazed at how much religious symbolism you can find.
I will continue reading this story because it is a good story, religious differences or not.

Megan posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2008 6:03pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I'm sorry that you & your work have suffered at the hands of small minded individuals. I emphatically disagree with them. Having religion in the story adds a great deal to the potterverse and in particular to your work. I look forward to finishing this brilliant story.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Friday 7th December 2007 7:32pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I will admit I'm not overly fond of some of the religious aspects of your tale, but that has more to do with my own negative experiences with organized religion than any flaw in your work. Indeed, the moments that touch on religion are quite tasteful, neither blatant nor overdone, not do they hammer the reader with attempts at religious conversion. In fact, I found your efforts far more tasteful and believable than JKR's (in my opinion) absurd Christ metaphor at the end of Deathly Hallows, a book that disappointed me on so many levels.

As slow as they are, I hope you continue updating this tale. You have combined many unique elements, as well as the occasional concept lifted from elsewhere (that you always give credit for). Just promise me that, in the eventual epilogue, Harry will not name his and Hermione's son Albus Severus....

Aaran St Vines replied:

Fenris my old pal. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I will name a child of Harry's Raven Satan before I'll name him Albus Severus. If there was nothing else to dislike about DH (and there was plenty) that name alone makes me wonder where the person that wrote the first five books went to.

Jimbocous posted a comment on Tuesday 6th November 2007 5:37pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I'd noticed your comments about religion in Great Scott and didn't respond, but in doing the reread in this one felt compelled to. Anyone who can't see the religious themes inherent in each of the JKR novels totally missed something. I know I was certainly amused by the fundies who railed again the HP-verse some years ago. While I'm certainly not a mainstream Christian, the belief in a higher power is so central to her storyline that any objections to Christian-themed topics in this universe are not only ignorant but ludicrous.
Having said that, I'm not sure what really motivated you to write the same story twice, with two different ships, except to show that you could. Regardless, kudos for an engrossing and enjoyable read so far.

Tira Misu posted a comment on Sunday 21st October 2007 7:17am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

Your authors note made me happy. It's your fic and you can put whatever religious references you want in it.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 3rd August 2007 7:09am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

As if Snape has ever been held to the Staff Handbook before :).

Cameron posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 9:47am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

Just read the AN, and agree. I may not believe in god, or anything of the sort, but it is a good thing to see somebody put this sort of thing in a story. Love the story, and hope you keep it up.

Brad Crawford posted a comment on Wednesday 14th March 2007 8:02pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

wow an excellent story so far i cant wait to read more keep up the awesome writing!

sandrine Lupin posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 8:10pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I just want to let a small word about your work.
I really like this story it is a great idea and I'm not choked at all about your incorporation of religious things. (I think it is quite a good thing to have something you know confort you and give you self confidence even if God exist or not it's usefull, and perhaps wizard had understand that ...)
I read the story just this past two weeks (I'm french and I don't read english as fast as french) and I can't wait for the next chapter.
Tahnks a lot for that marvelous moments.

sanghamitra posted a comment on Thursday 8th February 2007 5:14pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

nice idea , the color coding, just had to read that part and done for this chapter. really reading so many fanfics and keeping them structured and making sure not to mix up one harry from the other, one dumbledore from other, more so for a reader like me who'd read anything so long its well written, does someting to the brain. I can practically think of a solution to problem many different ways now all at the same time, or hold a detail in my mind and still look at the big picture, and all thanks to reading fanfiction and trying to keep hold of Who's Which Harry Does what this week !!
Aint that Cool

Fernir posted a comment on Sunday 4th February 2007 3:42pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

Very nice writing.

I personally find your incorporation of religion a very powerful and refreshing outlook on the metaphysics and belief structures of the Harry Potter universe.

Keep up the great work.

Hesuse posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 12:52pm for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

Truly a marvelous tale! I must comment though, on the oddness of creating a spell. For example, how does a arithmancer figure out what wand movements are needed for a spell, and how one can tell the difference between a summoning spell with many runes, and a mongered one with minimal. In no way do I mean to critize you, but it would be nice to see more depth into the process.
On the religious aspect, I find that the concept of faith in the Potterverse is often ignored, and particularly like your portrayal. However, being a practicing Sunni muslim, I do wish that you would include aspects from other religions, such as Harry exploring the tenets of other religions. It seems odd that a person at his age would not explore two or three different faiths before choosing. Again, I do not mean to criticize, but having just one religion seems a bit off to me.

Keep up the good work,

Murgatroyd posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 11:30am for Chapter Thirteen - Harry Goes International

I've been quite impressed with this story. You've managed to make both romance and religion into significant elements, without allowing either one to dominate the story. For most of the fanfic authors I've read, the introduction of either one of those elements leads to it taking over the entire storyline within a few chapters.