Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Brigrove posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 10:46pm for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

For once I loved the historical reference and it is SO typically Fudge

Great battle by the way

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 2nd March 2009 1:39am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Quite the amazing battle. Will it make Fudge change his tune? Somehow I doubt it.
I see nothing about the Weasley's votes. I'm surprised that Harry hasn't at least visited (or Owled) Tonks & Tonks to investigate the 10 generations. Perhaps I'm wrong, but that looks like too strong a foreshadowing for Miss Newcastle to be wrong. I'm surprised Harry is dense on this point.

Anton1 posted a comment on Saturday 24th January 2009 4:38am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

I love this story! I hope that you have not abandoned it and that you will post a new chapter soon. :)

hpssslashfan posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:43pm for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Wow , amazing story, I certainly hope you decide to continue it soon.

Rovias05 posted a comment on Thursday 6th November 2008 7:19am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

I think I might just love you. XD This is one of the single best fanfics I've ever read, and is only second (in my opinion) to Shezza88's excellent Denarian series - especially that bloody great battle. I just hope Fudge finally takes delivery of "The Shaft" in the Wizengamot for this, as the other reviewers imply. Keep going!

Laura Wagner posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2008 5:56am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

I have just finished reading through the entire story again over the last week or so and I wanted to thank you for writing such a wonderful story.
The only negative is too many subplots and how can that be a negative? :)
Looking forward to seeing what Ted Granger is up to since you haven't mentioned him since the blurb when he met the other two Officers.
Thanks again!

Anthony May posted a comment on Saturday 27th September 2008 7:50am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Awesome! I Loved it! Thank you. I cannot wait for the next update. You are a treasure, thank you for allowing me to see through your vision!

John Wilburn posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 12:13pm for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Dear Aaran,
I really liked all the action. I thought the punishment for the Death Eater at the end was very fitting. This story just gets better and better.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2008 5:44am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

*CHUCKLE& That phrase, "Peace in our time", is bound to worry anyone remotely familiar with muggle history. It's too bad Fudge is such an idiot, he could've done so much more good than he has. In the meantime, it's apparent that Harry's various efforts are paying off nicely as this was a far more dangerous move for the Deeters than they every expected and it shows that means for resisting and fighting them do exist; I don't think Tom's going to appreciate a populace that's slowly changing from sheep to wolves. I rather suspect that Harry's also stepped into quite a thicket by claiming Patron Protector status; I suspect he's going to upset several bits of social order in the process. Good for him.

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Monday 22nd September 2008 11:18am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Holy bloody wow...

WHAT a story!

WHAT a fight!

Both are absolutely incredible. I can't believe I haven't read it before now!

Can't wait for more - color me impatient!

pav posted a comment on Monday 22nd September 2008 1:37am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

An exceptionally good chapter.I liked the episode where you treated Russian DE mercenairies as good fighters.Mean bastards as russkies come they still are good in battlefield if discipline is kept.
Harry the Saviour is an idiot.Fudge and the rest of court camarilla will never forgive him their weakness revealed.This was a perfect moment to help some of his enemies to become the battle casualties.
I may not agree with some of your views but you are a brilliant writer and this is a marvelous novel in making.
P.S. Why oh why our hero is Harry I-Screwed-It-Again Potter once more.

jakjakattk posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 5:40am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Wow! thank you. that was the best I have read in weeks, but don't tell anyone else that I said that.
You didn't need a crystal ball to figure to that there was going to be a battle for the peace day celebration, just look at a shard of glass and listen to was that idiot minister was saying and you would have it all figured out. I must say that it was a really good battle though and with all of the pairs from the D.A. they would have been a force to be reckoned with.
I did have the question earlier in the chapter about if you has lost some of your love for Hermione. I still seems that maybe their relationship might not be true, or maybe that you are planing to do "something" else with her. I hope that you are just giving them time to get used to each other or some other girlie such answer. LOL
I hope that the next chapter doesn't take as long but I will be here waiting when it is posted. Thank for sharing your story.

karekid2006 posted a comment on Tuesday 16th September 2008 3:00pm for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time


Lee Dickie posted a comment on Tuesday 16th September 2008 1:50am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

An epic chapter, well written.

John Wilburn posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 10:58am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

I really liked this chapter with all the action and the politics. I know that the magical world is behind the times, but do you really think Harry could really get away with what he did to McNair?

Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 6:05am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Excellent chapter! I continue enjoying this story greatly.

Crys posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 3:14am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

> Oh, the ignorant bliss of enthusiastic youth.
Can you say, "Foreshadowing," class? I knew you could.

Like the Phoenix Fashions name.

Nicely done pulling Millie into the story.

Pipe bombs at Gringott's. Good idea, but would LV with his magical superiority complex actually deign to do something like that?

Huh. Chopped off all of Hermione's hair. Let's see who comments (and what they say) about that later.

Was the huge American someone specific, or just a throw-away character?

Originally, I was worried that Harry would get into legal trouble for what he did to McNair. But if it's according the the Old Way laws . . . Of course, he'll get into different kinds of trouble with that.

Hmm. Now I'm curious what all Harry set for 10 minutes and 15 minutes. Just float around and re-set the portkey? No delayed Explosion Hex or anything?

Looking forward to seeing how badly Fudge screws up his attempts to spin-doctor this mess.

As always, fun story and eagerly anticipating next chapter.

Clell65619 posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 2:19am for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

- Good chapter. Like the notice said, what we've been waiting for. Thank you.

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 5:56pm for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

This is a fantastic chapter. Well worth the wait. I am so glad that Harry is learning more and more about the Wizagamot and being the head of a Three Thirty Three Family. Of course he is going to make mistakes. But he wouldn't be Harry otherwise. His interactions with Hermione early in the chapter were great. Of course Fudge is going to mess up even more. Only an idiot like him would bring so many people to Diagon Alley with no Aurors on patrol. Thank goodness Harry was there and so were a lot of DA members that he had trained. I would like to know what spell he used on the giant. And why was the giant 40 feet tall. That is bigger than any giant I have ever heard of in fan fiction before. I am really sorry that Penny Clearwater was killed. That is going to affect Percy most of all. Neville did a great job protecting his Gran, Ginny and the Minister. The idiot didnt deserve it though. I'm so glad Harry told Hermione how he felt. I'm just sorry that McNair hurt the little girl. I hope they can save her. I think Harry's punishment for McNair was appropriate. He deserved to be punished like that. I'm sure there will be repercussions. I look forward to more of both of these stories. Thank you for writing such great stories. pms

Kinsfire posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 2:58pm for Chapter Twenty-One - Peace In Our Time

Fudge has too much political capital - Harry will be in Azkaban before the month of September is out. Sheets and Umbridge will help him escape, if nothing else.

Still an amazing story, and I will still eagerly await the next chapter.