Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


GBTtown posted a comment on Sunday 12th May 2019 6:58pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Fantastic story, sorry it was never completed.

Jon08 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th September 2016 7:08am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Just finished reading this excellent work, and enjoyed every minute of it. I amsad to note that no updates have been made since 2009, and I hope this tale has not been abandoned. It truly is an excelent wok with a unique perspective and I would love to see more and an eventual 'completed' on this tale. That is not saying I want you to end it now, but that I look forward to reading everything about your alternate universe and an epilogue. Hopefully a lot better one than in canon

Nytefyre posted a comment on Saturday 23rd March 2013 9:02pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Seriously enjoyed this story - wish there was more.

Thanks for posting... off to read GSP..

GBTtown posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 8:19pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

It is just OK. I mean it is the same story as "This is War" with a poorly described relationship between Harry and Hermione. I am a Harmonian and "I" think the other story relationship is written better!

Fic Chick posted a comment on Sunday 8th January 2012 2:41am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I like this story & hope you eventually continue it. However, I think I spotted a continuity error. In Chapter 15 Mr. Smith said, "...and Ranulf Malfoy secured the Hagrid family vote..." Then in Chapter 21 you said,"...check with Mr. Ledbetter to see who held the Hagrid family Right to Rule. Mr. Smith didn't know, and neither did anyone..." and, "When Ledbetter mentioned the name Hagrid as the actual family vote in question, Cranford Boom...sharply inhaled...The current holder of that Right to Rule had identified himself..."

Puffyboots posted a comment on Monday 28th March 2011 2:42am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I really enjoyed this story. The part of your writing style I most enjoyed was the attention to detail. It wasn't "a knife" it was "a Fairbairn", complete with a detailed description allowing me to better picture it in my mind. I've very much enjoyed this, and will have to check out your other work. I would also come back to read more of this story, if future chapters are posted.

Best of luck,


MrPowell posted a comment on Friday 14th January 2011 11:38pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

But... But... There isn't any more... *sigh* I hope you some day decide to update

the_elusive_snitch posted a comment on Thursday 21st October 2010 10:05pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I love this story, with its rich history and background. Hope to get an update sometime in the near future, as most of my fanficauthors bookmarks haven't updated in what seems like forever.

Eliew posted a comment on Sunday 5th September 2010 2:56am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Hi, just read through this awesome story a second time. Just curious though, you have mention briefly that Ginny own some sort of business as well through Harry's investment, but there was no further mention. Should I hop over to "Great Scotts" to find out what you have left out by accident? Thanks for any update

Ilonwy posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 9:09pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

This is amazing! I have now read both Great Scott Potter and the Granger Defence. To be honest I enjoyed this one even more. I love how you have incorporated Christian faith into Harry Potter. Your stories have shown what it truly means to be a warrior. Your writing is truly inspiring. You are most definitely my favourite fanfiction author. Please continue writing! May the glory of your stories be to GOD, and may HE bless you. posted a comment on Wednesday 14th April 2010 8:01pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Outstanding Story So far!!!! I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!

novaschamp posted a comment on Tuesday 16th February 2010 11:41am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I just finished readng through the entire story and can honestly I can't remember the last time I was so eager to read the next installment of a story fanfiction or not. Extremely well written as I am sure you know and you do an amazing job of bringing the history of the story to life. I really do love the background and the way you present the interactions of the politics as well as the mentions of the international students. I don't know if this is discontinued or not but if it is I want to thank you for what you shared with us and I will always remember this story as one of my favorites. Thank you.


Prongs1977 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd December 2009 6:14am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Do we know when we'll get more?

Shawn1 posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 3:00am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I hope you are going to finish this excellent story

Wolf470 posted a comment on Saturday 24th October 2009 4:06pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

This review is for all chapters : Well done, please continue this story. 10 out of 10 rating.

Howard J. Howe posted a comment on Thursday 22nd October 2009 2:30pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Hey are you going to update this or have you reached a road block?

Hope the muse jumps on you soon its a well written fic and deserves an ending.

Topkick502 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th September 2009 10:56pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

You're a talented writer, as I'm sure you're aware. I love the historical perspective you bring to the story and that you've developed characters that normally languish in the original author's and other's stories; especially the Grangers. Your back stories are interesting and engaging; not dry in the least. Many have a hard time seeing historical characters as real, but you bring them to life marvelously. The political aspect of your story is likewise engaging.

I don't generally write reviews, however, in this case, I wanted to say, job well done, thus far. Hopefully, you'll continue on with your story. It's absolutely wonderful to come upon a story that's well written, intelligent, well plotted, and keeps the reader wanting more. Thanks.

Matt Harris posted a comment on Tuesday 8th September 2009 9:15am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Just finished rereading this. A wonderful story.

Ron posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 10:28am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Are you going to be continuing this, or is it abandoned?

badboo posted a comment on Sunday 14th June 2009 9:08am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I have finally (!!) caught up with this story and it is soooo good. Thank you for the nice long chapters and the activity. I like St. Simon's and the residents that we've been introduced to. I like the Paladin program. Rich!Harry is a cliche but you are doing having him do things with the wealth and power that I don't recall before. I am looking forward to the introduction of the American and other counties Paladins. I especially like Ted Granger and the fact that he was able to convince that killing and murder are two different things - one of them acceptable; the second never acceptable. The characters within the Wizengamot are interesting especially Mr. Smith and Madam Sheets. You actually may be able to make Rita Skeeter a sympathetic character. There are so many more things that I have enjoyed reading the entire 22 chapters and undoubtedly forgotten most of them but they are still interesting and thanks for including them. Even the stometimes long-winded explanations. I'm the kind of reader that may enjoy seeing Harry go through a shopping spree but hearing about the detailed decriptions of the minot differences in the 14 new sets of robes he bought can get boring. So far, I have not been bored with your details. Some of the quantum mechanics are still abit over my head but that may be because I was reading it at 2am *smirk*.
So, hopefully, in the next couple of months you'll be able to upload the chapter dealing with the new school year.
Thanks for the great story!! I really mean it especially since I am not usually a fan of Harry/Hermione. But that pairing is favored over Harry/Ginny IMO