Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


LordLexx posted a comment on Saturday 4th January 2020 5:50pm for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

Apparation is the leaving Disapparation is the arriving. It's just generally referred to as "apparation". And your flashbacks are cutting into the story. I hope you ease back on them.

kyoshi posted a comment on Wednesday 27th February 2008 10:00am for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

All hand guns are illegal in Britain.
I really think you over did it with mrs. Granger being a martial artist extrodinare. I teach martial arts and it takes years to acquire the skill. regards kyoshi

anonymous5 posted a comment on Tuesday 30th January 2007 12:22pm for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

I just reread the first two chapters a year or three after my first exposure to them, and I still can't say enough what a wonderfully evocative introduction they are to the story. Of all the fics I've read, this would make the finest short action film. With all the emphasis on hand-to-hand, you wouldn't even need much in the way of special effects... just a few really well-trained fight coreographers! I adore what you've done with flashback scenes, too... they really help set the tone.

Okay, enough gushing. Thanks again for posting a wonderful read.

DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 2:44pm for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

This is grate I love it. Is Great Scott, Potter, This is War part two of this story? If it is why are you writting both at once? Anyway I am looking foward to the rest of this work of yours.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 2:59am for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

Very good, love it when the baddies get their tails handed to them. Liking this story more and more.


Alexis posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 11:56am for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

Wow! Great chapter! I'm really enjoying this story and glad that you have already posted several more chapters. *grin* I love that the muggles kicked ass! :)

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 2:05pm for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

Several DEs, armed with wands, vs. two Muggles, armed with a knife and a machine pistol. And the DEs lose, and lose *permanently*. Not merely *dying* Death Eaters, but very *dead* Death Eaters, killed by two Muggles. If Tom gets *this* piece of news, he's going to be handing out Crucios like door prizes for the next several days.

Aaran St Vines replied:

I don't like writing Riddle, but I might have to after reading this review.


MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 3:10am for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

and stabbed the sharpest end deeply through Pew's left eye socket.
-on every read, that is my favorite line in this chapter.

I feel the need to reread this fic after coming across too many where the Grangers are snuffed without so much a whimper.

For another fic of Muggles vs. Magic take a look at

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for being a long time reader and fan.

I have to imagine I would be able to fight back at least in some way.


Kinsfire posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 1:56am for Chapter Two: Defenseless? Not Defenseless at All

There occured the loudest Disapparation noise she had ever heard. It sounded as if time and space were being insulted right there in her sitting room.

This may well be the best description of a first time Apparation that I have ever seen.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for commenting on this particular bit of phrasing.

I was particularly proud of it, and you are the first to mention it in a review.

I am honored you are reading and reviewing.
