Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Full_Pensieve posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:03am

Sol and Stellar Lovegood - I like it. Luna comes around a little more easily than I would have expected, if only because her behavior seems rather ingrained in canon. I continue to be fascinated by the Mongering concept. You've also done a good job weaving the Aberration Day thread through the various characters. Brilliantly executed, as always.

Mike [FP]

Quizer posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 4:36am

Wow. I absolutely loved the 'business' part of this chapter. We're really moving off into territory few fanfic authors ever choose to explore. I'm looking forward to see how Harry develops in the world of business and politics, and how the M.I.D. will be dealt with. ;)

Great job also with the part with Luna and her father. So now Harry has a dedicated publisher at his beck and call - should he ever need it. He probably will sooner rather than later...

The scenes unique to this strand of the timeline were also well done. I liked how the elves speak normally amongst themselves - I've not seen this done in a story before (though some have Harry teaching them proper speech).

Until your next chapter!


Alexis posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:56am

God, I love this story! Very well done! I still don't know how you manage to write two different romances, but I'm loving it! (Of course, I love H/HR... LOL) Very interesting chapter and the stuff with Hermione's Dad at the end? Very curious indeed!

Awesome job!

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 10:22pm

Oh, dear, Mr. Granger is in trouble, isn't he? An excellent chapter.


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 2:47pm

"I hope it gives Printden his seventeenth heart attack. At twenty, he has to take a sabbatical."

That is a great line. :-)

Good chapter(s). Thanks for sharing with us.

Infin1x posted a comment on Friday 18th May 2007 12:29pm

Okay so this chapter is far from concise or action packed but both the cut version and the addendum were done excellently and as a nerd and history buff I thought they were both very well done and interesting. I have always wondered about the history of the names in HP and this is the best explanation I have ever seen. Any chance of the Weasleys getting their votes back? Maybe HArry getting Hagrid's vote. Your system of goverment here is going to provide tons of material in the future of this story.

fountaam posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 6:20pm


fountaam posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 3:17pm

I think the meeting in Dumbledore's office was too stilted. I think Harry would want more acknowledgment that the past was bad, and that there should have been a bit more emphasis on that in the beginning, rather than all at the end.

The what's done is done approach doesn't work if there isn't change.

Sim posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 9:51am

I'm not someone who reviews often, but this religion in the Potterverse thing has me wanting to jump on my soapbox, it seems. *amused smile*
I'll admit, at first I was annoyed when Remus started talking about James and Lily's faith. I have abandoned stories in the past when a fic has screamed off course into religious ravings after a good beginning. Most of the time I don't bother to leave a review, I just accept that I am not the intended audience and find another author.
...But as you can see, I haven't given up on this story*. I don't find that the inclusion of christian elements in your story over the top, or out of place. They push the plot along nicely, and are incorporated well. A few times I was initially annoyed at some of the references to the Christian Bible. Then I realised that I was pushing the blame for my ignorance to the wrong place, and opened a window so I could Google things as I went along. Now I've learnt something as well as being entertained by this fic.

*As an aside, I find the parrallel writing of two stories with two different ships a very intresting concept. I've not seen it before, and before reading this, I wouldn't have thought it could work.

Cameron posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 9:47am

Just read the AN, and agree. I may not believe in god, or anything of the sort, but it is a good thing to see somebody put this sort of thing in a story. Love the story, and hope you keep it up.

shadowtrey posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 8:59am

Allow me to start off first with a very simple statement. Ahem...

Woaaaaah, totally tubular, dude!


Moving right along now, I started reading this story last night, seeing as it's one of the few stories that I've actually never picked up from this site. Well, that and I'm an avid HHr reader, too. Probably one of the reasons why I'm not exactly partial to the way JKR's doing things, or to your "Great Scott, Potter, This is War!" version of the Paladin story. But that's beside the case.

This is good. I mean, it falls into a group of about twenty stories that I've either printed and distributed for my internet-less friends to have (how they've managed to survive, I have no clue, lol), or are planning on doing so.

I've only one question for you--well, two, actually. The first is straightforward: Can you share your love of history with a fellow history lover by telling me where you gather your information from? The second question is actually more a demand than anything, but take it as you wish. Would you please, please, please, please, PLEASE write more history into your following chapters? I'm enjoying this immensely.

Then again, that could be just because I've always enjoyed reading about history and the differences between faith and belief and science and magic. (I could get into an hour long debate about Christianity, Magic, Wicca, and Witchcraft, but that's neither here, nor now.)

I could keep going, but I think I'd rather not test the coding ability of whoever designed this site by posting practically a book in this review.

Best of luck, and if you need another beta'er, I can at least give you a more North Florida Country Boy perspective to things. Not that you really need it, but... yeah...

*grin* Can't wait to see what you pull out, next.


Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 1:52am

Very interesting.

On the origin of 'Dumbledore', I'm pretty sure its an old word for bumblebee, but I suppose that Mis-TAH Smith might not know that.

Thank you for updating.

More soon, please.

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 9:36pm

Excellent job with all the history in the main bit and then the expansion at the end. Nice. Good job with how harry handled hsi trip around the alley and then dealing with the jerk from the minitry. Keep up the greatwork, Cheers!!!

pattersonbj posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 1:41pm

Hello, Aaran.

You should put the "addendum" back into the main story. It adds depth to the story, and, I'm sure, will make the later chapters clearer. Besides, it was an interesting read.

warpwizard posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 9:45am

Good stuff, nice meaty chapter. Interesting historical information too.

Dorothy McComb posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 7:34am

Very nice. Very complex and well thought out. I'm looking forward to a little less talk and more action, but I know why this sort of thing is necessary. I'm also looking forward to Harry finally getting a chance to explain things to Hermione about spell mongering.

Just one little canon nitpick: you wrote "The Meadowes family line ended when Benjy died on a mission with your father during the first Voldemort war. So also died out the Fenwicks with the death of Dorcas." It was Benjy Fenwick and Dorcas Meadowes, not the other way around.

DrT posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 6:43am

Well, I found the chapter interesting, at least! Much more complicated, but equally believable, than the system I used in a few stories.


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 5:48am

An interesting chapter that contains some interesting and enjoyable scenes (Molly's letter didn't hurt, either). This reader rather enjoyed the extended version though I can see where some might not. I can name a couple best-selling f&sf authors with history major backgrounds (David Weber, Eric Flint, and Harry Turtledove immediately come to mind) and they generally do a pretty fair job of managing the "info dumps" required by the story; your extended version didn't do at all badly in that regard, either. I presume that some of this info will be pertinent at a later date in the story.

thewisesirivanthes posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 5:27am

I can understand the bizarreness of people not being interested in the history you create for your stories. I am an AP US History student and I love history. I for one am immeasurably happy that you write such detailed background information like you do. It gives your stories a depth that is not oft seen these days.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 4:21am

Very good chapter.
