Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


sandrine Lupin posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 8:10pm

I just want to let a small word about your work.
I really like this story it is a great idea and I'm not choked at all about your incorporation of religious things. (I think it is quite a good thing to have something you know confort you and give you self confidence even if God exist or not it's usefull, and perhaps wizard had understand that ...)
I read the story just this past two weeks (I'm french and I don't read english as fast as french) and I can't wait for the next chapter.
Tahnks a lot for that marvelous moments.

Melissa posted a comment on Saturday 10th February 2007 10:24am

American slang for kissing- Playing a game of Tonsil Hockey.

Hope this is helpful,
Yours, Melissa AKA Silentwings

sanghamitra posted a comment on Thursday 8th February 2007 5:14pm

nice idea , the color coding, just had to read that part and done for this chapter. really reading so many fanfics and keeping them structured and making sure not to mix up one harry from the other, one dumbledore from other, more so for a reader like me who'd read anything so long its well written, does someting to the brain. I can practically think of a solution to problem many different ways now all at the same time, or hold a detail in my mind and still look at the big picture, and all thanks to reading fanfiction and trying to keep hold of Who's Which Harry Does what this week !!
Aint that Cool

Fernir posted a comment on Sunday 4th February 2007 3:42pm

Very nice writing.

I personally find your incorporation of religion a very powerful and refreshing outlook on the metaphysics and belief structures of the Harry Potter universe.

Keep up the great work.

Hesuse posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 12:52pm

Truly a marvelous tale! I must comment though, on the oddness of creating a spell. For example, how does a arithmancer figure out what wand movements are needed for a spell, and how one can tell the difference between a summoning spell with many runes, and a mongered one with minimal. In no way do I mean to critize you, but it would be nice to see more depth into the process.
On the religious aspect, I find that the concept of faith in the Potterverse is often ignored, and particularly like your portrayal. However, being a practicing Sunni muslim, I do wish that you would include aspects from other religions, such as Harry exploring the tenets of other religions. It seems odd that a person at his age would not explore two or three different faiths before choosing. Again, I do not mean to criticize, but having just one religion seems a bit off to me.

Keep up the good work,

Murgatroyd posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 11:30am

I've been quite impressed with this story. You've managed to make both romance and religion into significant elements, without allowing either one to dominate the story. For most of the fanfic authors I've read, the introduction of either one of those elements leads to it taking over the entire storyline within a few chapters.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 12:06am

About those spells on the coach, if Harry figures out a way to make them last for several hours without any further input, the UK MOD, as well as other national defence establishments, would pay him quite handsomely for his services. In combination with natural methods of signature reduction, it could do wonders for "stealth" and associated combat and reconnaisance capabilities. *smile* I should know, I've worked a number of low-observables programs over the years.

Manatheron posted a comment on Wednesday 31st January 2007 6:43pm

If at all possible I would like the names of these other authors, I believe I have found one or two myself, and I am interested in seeing if we have the same people on our lists.

I would prefer you e-mail me as I rarely check for replies to my reviews, if this is acceptable please feel free to contact me,

thank you.

Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Wednesday 31st January 2007 4:52pm

As with all chapters that I have perused so far, your work shines with gentle artistry. Relax once in a while, you must be working too hard on these pieces of fiction.

PsychoJester posted a comment on Wednesday 31st January 2007 9:56am

I actually find it quite refreshing that you don't shy away from putting religion into your fanfiction. It makes for a much more enjoyable accounting of the AU you are creating... not to mention that Paladins where holy knights sworn to the Church in a historical sense... welp keep up the good work man and I anxiously awate the next installment.

The Jester

anonymous5 posted a comment on Tuesday 30th January 2007 12:22pm

I just reread the first two chapters a year or three after my first exposure to them, and I still can't say enough what a wonderfully evocative introduction they are to the story. Of all the fics I've read, this would make the finest short action film. With all the emphasis on hand-to-hand, you wouldn't even need much in the way of special effects... just a few really well-trained fight coreographers! I adore what you've done with flashback scenes, too... they really help set the tone.

Okay, enough gushing. Thanks again for posting a wonderful read.

DaZZa posted a comment on Tuesday 30th January 2007 10:25am

I'm enjoying your story more and more - especially now that you've posted the difference between this one and "Great Scot!" - I read this one because I'm tired of all the Harry/Ginny stories, and I'd rather see him diversify. :-)

Minor nitpick from this chapter - "We can easily talk while we go, and arriving in the Hogwarts coach is an impressive site." - should read "We can easily talk while we go, and arriving in the Hogwarts coach is an impressive sight."

As far as the religion thing goes - I think people flaming for a story including religious aspects is as stupid as those who complained about the under-age sex references that caused Kinsfire to remove several stories from this site. Ignore 'em and keep doin' what you're doin' - if you write anything excptionally religiously intolerable from my point of view I'll just skip that bit. :-)

cisham posted a comment on Tuesday 30th January 2007 9:00am

I like that you have added religion. It's nice to read a story where Christianity plays a part in a logical way. I really enjoy this story - more power to you.

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 30th January 2007 2:36am

Awesome chapter! Great job on all the politicing and the setup for the meeting with the vamps and the representatives. Excellent discussions between harry and dumbles. And the discussion with hermione and their emotional reactions were well done too! Cheers!!!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 29th January 2007 5:35pm

Great chapter. Harry's really coming into his own.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Monday 29th January 2007 4:44pm

Oh, this was an amazing chapter. I love the politics that have developed. I think that, especially with the Bulgarians, Harry should be able to gain plenty of foreign allies to hold Fudge in check for a while. Something definitely needs to be done about him regardless. I also like the scenes with the Goblins and Lee's sister. I will eagerly await your next update.

Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 29th January 2007 4:43pm

A great chapter.
The usage of faith in HPfic is not a problem for me. I liked your useage of it. And Harry's logic behind it. "if there's evil, there's got to be good."

The vampires were nice. It almost was "Harry gets along well with the goblins" cliche, but as the pompousness of the situation was getting silly, it was a nice change to see Harry do well.

This chapter had a few long speeches in it -- but then again, this is your story and the speeches needed to be made.

ONe last comment: The Flying Squad.
Will this come up again in the future? Or will it be just s small part? I got the feeling that it would be bigger, espcially since Harry didn't really comment on the "We're part of the Flying Squad" statement. He's either heard of it before or chose not to ponder it at the moment. Hope to see something come of it.

Good work.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 29th January 2007 3:41pm

Outstanding story and a great chapter. I really enjoy this story and the Christian parts fit well. It is your story, tell it your way. If someone doesn't like it they can stop reading.


John8 posted a comment on Monday 29th January 2007 8:21am

Excellent. The only grammatical/spelling issue is roughly midway through the chapter, when Harry and Dumbledore are speaking in the office with Snape present. You typed 'wave,' and I believe that it is actually 'waive.' But that nitpicky detail aside, this chapter was very well written.

arcrose posted a comment on Monday 29th January 2007 6:46am

I love your story (and it's "Great Scott" counterpart). I can't wait for the next chapter, and hope you can maintain a regular updating schedule. I also appreciate the dual story lines. Personally, I have no favorite pairing, but it's interesting to see how the different pairings affect things.

Onto other matters, the fallout from so thoroughly ignoring and undermining Fudge should be interesting. So should the school year, with Harry taking on the position of TA, not to mention all the foreign students. If the pure-blood Brits got so upset about American influence they changed 'Apparation' to 'Apparition,' their response to foreign students learning at Hogwarts, and possibly corrupting their prescious spawn should be interesting.

I also look forward to learning more about magic and spell mongering as Harry and his partner start on their research.

I eagerly await the next update.