Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


atlantis-rob posted a comment on Wednesday 24th January 2007 2:37am

Awesome chapter, I totally loved the mongering harry did while explaining and the different reactions of the watchers. Great dialogue on how ron and herms talked and harry and ginny. And father martin rocked the church as usual! Cheers!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd January 2007 2:20pm

Another fine chapter in a ine story. Good writing.


Lufio posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 9:11am

Those bits of magical history you dangle to us readers in your stories are quite fascinating. I'm glad to see you connect the Thunderfire charm with your Ollivander story, but it's a shame that you couldn't squeeze the background info into the story proper.

a_wanderer posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 5:51am

One diplomat diced, baked and served on toast!

I like.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 4:03am

Yippee, an update! I really enjoyed this. I like how you have Harry interacting with both Ginny and Hermione. The bits with the Goblins were fantastic, very respectful of differing cultures. I look forward to more as your muse permits.

loralee posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 3:09am

petty little men need to be taken down a notch or three, go Harry.

Also loved the authors notes with the added info.

Wonderful chapter thanks for sharing

DrT posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 1:31am

A fun-filled chapter. I really enjoyed it.


UdderPD posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 9:02pm


James Barber posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 8:51pm

This is just an amazing story. I first remember reading this I believe in I guess couple of years ago but it had ended right after the grangers were safe, with the main objective of mr. granger and his duty with sas and his knife fighting skills.

But then I found it here on this site last year sometime and been reading up on it ever since.

You have definitely progressed this into one hell of an outstanding story. I love every minute of it and whats amazing is you have this in just a slightly differnet version too. not much just slightly. Hopefully this will go on for quite a while and nothing ever happens that will stop you from actually finishing this great epic!

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 1:37pm

Fun theory on why Hermione is so damn obsessive. Okay, five didn't kiss. Harry became the ultimate dueller. Hermione is Harry's ultimate protector/worrier. Ron thinks things through better. Neville . . . long distance runner?

Who was the last one? Huh. I just re-read the passage in both chapters that recounted Neville's situation. The lady in question is NOT named. She was on a stationary bike (strange thing to find in a wizarding home, come to think of it), but is skillfully never named.

That overview of Mongering was absolutely fascinating to read. You've clearly put a huge amount of thought into this and it's showing. Kudos to you, sir.

I spotted that thing with Lee's sister coming from a mile away. BUT you went into a great deal more depth with it than anyone else has ever done. Those boring yet very real details are the kind of thing that makes this story such an incredibly good read.

Almost expected Lee to offer to do her books, though. *shrug*

F&G's points about having to have a whole network of people working toward the same overall goals . . . Interesting to see if that idea makes it into the story again in a meaningful way. It's aboslutely true, but such things make for difficult storytelling.

The whole Goblin / business subplots are fascinating to read.

> I'm just tired of the Ministry acting like I should be grateful for how they've treated me.
*cheer* You tell 'em, Harry! That entire scene with the ambassador was brilliantly done.

Great idea on what to do with the money, BTW.

If I understand what you said about Thunderfire correctly, I think you've painted yourself into a corner. Nobody new has learned Thunderfire since the last Monger died. This means that anything Harry Mongers can be sold by him, but cannot be taught to anyone except by him, correct? So any spell he makes can't be added to the curriculum and used forever after?

Excellent, excellent story. Eagerly looking forward to more.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 12:20pm

Very good. The concentration on setting up a new business was unexpected, but all the new bits about mongering were great.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

vl100butch posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 10:36am

I'm just glad to see both stories moving forward...just want to know what Harry finally does to Fudge :-)

slasheh posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 3:35am

i love your story, though i must admit i have been wondering why you haven't updated it here, while other sites have 2 chapters more available.

potterfrkintx posted a comment on Saturday 23rd December 2006 2:49pm

Other words for kissing could be... lip lock, tonsil hockey, tongue wrestling, there are others but I can't think of anything right now.

Great chapter by the way. Spell mongering sounds fantastic. :D * Can't remember any of my other reviews if I've left them. lol * Keep up the good work and update soon!!


DJ posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 5:37pm

Ok I first I love this whole story. Second I love th bit with Harry and Dumbledore grate stuff. Third I do NOT care who Harry is with Hermione,Ginny or any Female but you have got to put H&Hr on the same page. Even when she is all about the rules she watchs his back in this last bit she is not doing that she is just being a pain in the but. I hope you get them togher soon even if not in a love sence whitch seems ware you are going at some point. Last sorry for the ramble and I hope you update soon.

Papa MidNite posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 5:27pm

Great story so far, the chapter 8 battle was one of the best Ive read so far. I also think it is interesting that you invoive religion, Ive never seen that in a fanfic

loralee posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 1:09pm

Great chapter, I love this story.
I haven't looked at the reviews so sorry if i duplicate anyone's suggestions.
swaping spit, playing kissy face, tooth swabing, and smootching

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 12:12am

Hey outstanding story but I noticed something if this was real life then all these explanations wouldnt be happening would it?

but anyway its the same ole story: Hey I'm a parselmouth but does that make me evil? or hey I own a wand that with two words can kill does that make me evil? or hey I can go buy a gun and with one pull of the trigger can kill does that make me evil? no it is the intent of the user that determines if you or the item is evil or not!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:46pm

Outstanding chapter. How about "Double Lip Lock"


DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 2:44pm

This is grate I love it. Is Great Scott, Potter, This is War part two of this story? If it is why are you writting both at once? Anyway I am looking foward to the rest of this work of yours.