Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 11:35am

You really are very good at this.

Lots of things that needed to be said, were. With any luck, they'll be listened to.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:49am

Hmm, it seems that Hermione still has her fascination with books and authority, though it's slowly wearing off. I suspect this will work further on it. Good reading, both versions.

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:06am

Still think Harry laminating that battle barrier in place just to hose off Snape is one of the best parts of the chapter.

Hmm. Hermione getting all hot under the collar about his mongering . . . Not so sure that I agree with the "if she picks a fight with him, she likes him" philosophy. Considering canon, I suppose I can't argue it, though.

Looking forward to where this goes as it appears that the divergence is going to be growing more and more as the chapters progress.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 5:05am

Harry's certainly become very grown-up now, hasn't he? That's an interesting approach--acknowledging that DD's screwed up seriously mroe than once but setting it firmly in the past.

So what was with the Paladin girls going after Harry off schedule? And why didn't it effect Hermione when they met at lunch?

As for the differences between GS and GD, I thought Hermione was surprisingly unsupportive of Harry in GD. And poor Ginny barely shows up at all in either version. Not even a warm exchange of smiles when they met up...

Still, very good chapter(s), thanks for sharing them with us.

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 5:49am


First of, Thanks for writing The Granger Defense. I am a huge Harry and Hermione fan. My motto has always been I ship what is RIGHT over what is Easy ... or in other words ... Choose the Right.

I first became acquainted with your work based ironically on your use of Hermione's mother's name - Madge ... quite an unusual name and not very well known especially here in the United States unless you are a big fan of Madonna's.

Madge was my own mother's name ... she has been gone for these last 20 years - may she rest in peace. I began to be intrigued in the background that you created for Hermione's parents Ted and Madge are unique and marvelous characters and I love seeing them especially in action.

Your Paladin Program is very interesting, I do hope that you will post more of this marvellous story soon (The Granger Defense) As I said, I am a H/Hr shipper - I find shipping Harry with Ginny more on the lines of incest due in part because she looks like his mother minus the green eyes and the fact that he is in all ways a Weasley in all things but blood. To me it is not the RIGHT way to a relationship.

Your back story has been very interesting in regards to Ted's Military career as well as some of the other character's past histories. I have read what you wrote about Harry lecturing Hermione about Spell Mongoring *LOL* that was delightful too.

I can't wait to see what else you have planned for this story.

Take care and look forward to more of your work. For now, I am going to go back to working on my NaNoWriMo project and hope for one day to be able to post my work on FFA.

As Always,
Muirnin Cocan

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 8:53am

Excellent chapter... I also noticed that you have this story on firewhiskey... I am glad that you are keeping both updated. I like that site, but I love this one as well.

The responses from people regarding the mongering of spells is rather interesting. I love how Harry is dragging his contemporaries into logical thinking... even if it is kicking and screaming!

Post more soon, please.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:46am


Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Jenni posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 4:33am

A most excellent chapter and worth waiting for.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 11:34am

Great chapter! Many thanks for sharing it with us.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 30th October 2006 4:38pm

I hadn't read this chapter(s) before now, and now I wish I had. It's an excellent chapter. :-)

The history of McG might benefit from mentions of her own Paladin experiences (you wrote she was one back in Chapter 5).

I enjoyed seeing the Paladin program and Spellmongering being more prominient.

I take it that nothing Harry can do (Pensieve memories or Veritaserum, etc) can 'prove' that the two aurors attacked him first?

Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us. I wish I had time tonight to read the next one. :-)

Fernir posted a comment on Monday 30th October 2006 1:58am

Aaron, as always, your writing gives the reader a lot to think about. You have a powerful style which is very effectively used in your description of how Harry deals with his emotional baggage. This chapter is a very welcome continuation of a very intriguing idea; to your merit you seem to be doing it much more than justice.

I am looking forward to reading the conversations Harry has about Spell Mongering.


MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Sunday 29th October 2006 3:48am

Like the comparative views from Hermione and Harry about there first visit. Shows a subtle growing of there developing relationship. On the flip side I really like the Ginny visit and they way she dodged him and caused him to hit the door and split his lip.

Really like Sirius's will. Its very real amounts and not the silly amounts that make Harry a billionaire. Considering that 1000 Galleons was enough to set up Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes and for there huge holiday before third year 45,000 Galeons is a lot money in the Wizarding world.

Like the back story for Harry's parents during his talk with Remus. I like stories of his parents that aren't all fluffy, its very real what is described about Lilly loosing a friend to the war.
Love this phrase; the proverbial unstoppable force about to meet the unmovable object. When talking about Lilly.

But I must say - like many before me - you look just like James, but with your mother's eyes. However you are so much more. You have the best of both of them in you."

Greatest compliement for Harry in the world, ever!

Really like the snippets from the "storyteller" because the bits about a possible future are interesting but the comparison between Quantum Physics and your term Quanta that is in essence is magic is frighteningly interesting and brilliant!


Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 1:10pm

thanks so much for updating here - this is where i 1st saw your works and learned to love and admire them. Your ability to be internally consistant while respecting canon, and clarifying obscurities in it at the same time is truly remarkable.

thanks for the wonderful story - I am excited to see how you work around the differing maturity levels to get Harry and Hermione together here.
Warmest regards

RiskyWombat posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 12:45pm

I have to say that while it's good this fic is difficult and frustrating to read. You jump plases and time so often that it disrupts reading experience, like Harry's fight where suddenly while Harry is fighting for his life you jump to Ginny in Mrs. Figgs house and i'm like what the f*** Harry is out there changing deady curses and you make us read Ginny having tea party (not literally, but...)

Then there is sections that doesn't seem to really add much to the fic like the long "ramblings" about the pasts of the three professors and Filch witch in the end could be summed up to say that they fancied each other.

Allthough it can be just that i'm so used to read fics that focus on Harry and company that i'm unable to really appreciate these parts that gives more depth to other characters.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 11:02pm

Good chapter.


Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 2:50pm

Oh wow, I loved this update. I'm so curious about Spell Mongering and everything to do with it. I can't wait to see what happens next.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 1:13pm



Crys posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 12:46pm

Father Martin not shoving religion down Harry's throat is a good idea. He's simply there and willing to discuss nearly anything Harry asks of him.

Harry growling at the group was fun.

Looking forward to the discussion with AD. Let's see how open-minded he really can be when slapped in the face by what he's been raised to believe is a Dark Art.

The magical theory stuff is fun to read. Having a foil in the Grangers there makes it easy to explain to us dumb (muggle) readers.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

David Thacker posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 11:35am

Was any of this posted befor you finished?

Uldihaa posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 9:40am

Damn, I like this story! I love the idea of Spell Mongering. I wonder if the reason someone has to buy a Mongered spell is because it's bound to it's creator and by giving something both see as valuable it acts as something like a primitive ritual of transferrance? I think you mentioned this earlier, but I can't remember ;p

Looks like Harry might be having a whole new set of problems with the 'visits' since he's now further along, if you go buy the way he acted with Hermione's 'visit'. I'm really looking forward to seeing more.

This fic is truely a delight to read.