Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Orion posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 7:18am

Oh . . . wow

Aaran St Vines replied:

Glad you liked it.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 9:04pm

I like it even it is not realy wizarding world. but it does get the message across.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Then I have achieved my purpose.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Lostchyld posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:48pm

Is this storyline going to diverge with Great Scott or should I be prepared to skim one or the other on a regular basis?

Aaran St Vines replied:

These stories diverge slowly, but do so quite a bit at times.   i will endeavor to draw distinctions.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Michelline posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 8:15am

This was beautiful. The speech by Mr. Granger was awesome. Sent chills down my spine. Very nice...

Aaran St Vines replied:

I had to make a believable reason for Harry to go forward quickly after the death of Sirius.   This is it.

I am grateful you've found these effective inner stories.

Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 4:48pm

Hmmm I see that we have decided to start out the bludgeoning romance with a bit of teen angst hmm? so tell me (Or don't) Is Luna about to say somthing along the lines of 'sorry but i'm already dating Neville (/Dean/semus/draco/ et all) or does harry get his shot and is hermoine and ron forced together for a while to cause some extreame tension furthor down the fic?

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

I just love Luna.   If you've read on you know what happened next.   Luna has uniques boyfriends ahead in each parallel universe.


David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 2:22pm

Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.

Brady Dixon posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 12:26am

I really like this story and i hope you have more on tap and quickly to keep and get more people hooked. Thanks for writing!!!

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing

I am peddling as fast as I can.

Olafr posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 6:12pm

Excellently written and captivating. I was so taken with this that I sought out the remainder of the story written to date on

I see that you're making a few changes as you post the story here, changes that I feel are probably for the better. I do have one thing to say, though - please do some research on rank markings. The NZ'ers use the British system of rank markings - one pip for 2nd Lieutenant, two pips for Lt., three pips for Capt, a crown for Major, crown and one pip for brigadier, etc.

Very much looking forward to more,

- Olafr.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for your ongoing and far ranging interest in my work, and for reviewing.

Interesting info on NZ military lore.


Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 9:52am

I was a bit shocked when I read the name you had for Hermione's mom..

Madge... that was my mother's name (may she rest in peace)

A rather unusual name and very old fashioned... I think for the most part this entire series has been very interesting...

I look forward to reading more...

As Always,

Aaran St Vines replied:

Too many people make Hermione's parents Dan and Emma, the movie star's first names.   Clever but cliche by now.

I see her as a Madge (or a Sylvia).

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Jay-F posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 9:06am

well i have run in to this fic on various other sites and have liked it, however i have never seen it progress past the ninth chapter, i am rather hoping that you will take this to compleation this time, also i very much liked this fic on sugar quill (where i read it) but i think i may like it even more here because i have always rather liked the H/H ship.
so good luck and thanks for wrriting,

Aaran St Vines replied:

I had some difficulties getting this posted that I will not discuss.

But It WILL go to forward here, if no where else.

Thanks for your ongoing interest and for reviewing.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 2:05pm

Several DEs, armed with wands, vs. two Muggles, armed with a knife and a machine pistol. And the DEs lose, and lose *permanently*. Not merely *dying* Death Eaters, but very *dead* Death Eaters, killed by two Muggles. If Tom gets *this* piece of news, he's going to be handing out Crucios like door prizes for the next several days.

Aaran St Vines replied:

I don't like writing Riddle, but I might have to after reading this review.


Hagrid posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 1:33pm

Welcome aboard! I've been followin' this story on Portkey, and glad ter see the powers that be here see yer writin' fer what it is, good enough to be alongside thiers. An' now, on ter the next chapter.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for being a fan.   FFA allows me to do the parallel thing I have going.

Thanks for reading and for your kind reviews.


millercommamatt posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 5:33am

I'm glad to see you on Welcome to the site. By the way, I still like this story. I'm looking forward to more of the series.


Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for the welcome and for all of your kind reviews.

TeeBoo posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 3:10am

I am really enjoying this story line. I know this is a Harry/Hermione story but I hope it doesn't to long for them to get together. I con not wait for this next chapter.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

I am still as I write this not sure when they will get together.

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 3:10am

and stabbed the sharpest end deeply through Pew's left eye socket.
-on every read, that is my favorite line in this chapter.

I feel the need to reread this fic after coming across too many where the Grangers are snuffed without so much a whimper.

For another fic of Muggles vs. Magic take a look at

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for being a long time reader and fan.

I have to imagine I would be able to fight back at least in some way.


Kinsfire posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 1:56am

There occured the loudest Disapparation noise she had ever heard. It sounded as if time and space were being insulted right there in her sitting room.

This may well be the best description of a first time Apparation that I have ever seen.

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for commenting on this particular bit of phrasing.

I was particularly proud of it, and you are the first to mention it in a review.

I am honored you are reading and reviewing.
