Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


James Barber posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 1:39pm

Hey great chapter and outstanding battle scenes, but you are forgetting something major: You yourself said something in the chapter before this that could help if not end the war with voldie and take away the power of fudge/umbitch/sheets in the wizengamot: and that is remember when the squib female was explaining about what percy weasley did for the americans and how that got the weasley fortune taken over by malfoy family and the weasley votes given to umbitch family for 10 GENERATIONS! Well those ten generations are over and the Weasleys should now be able to claim those votes back from umbitch and that will virtually take the power in the wizengamot away from the fudge/umbitch/sheets power brokers!

I sure hope you use this, cause that scene where they bring up the truth in the wizengamot and then legally take umbitch votes away from her and give them to Arthur Weasley! who will then vote with Potter/Smith queqe that would be so cool!

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 1:02pm

I've read other reviews comparing Fudge to Chamberlain, and likewise I can honestly see one man taking the position of Churchill.

Percy Weasley will offer no quarter, and while he is extremely young and inexperienced, a man filled with passion and a mission is much more dangerous than Harry, who is too idealistic even now to make much of a dent in the pureblood power block.

Also, it wouldn't surprise me overly if Percy didn't have some priceless tid bits of blackmail on Umbridge amongst others.

Thanks for writing,

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 11:35am

Sort of amazed that Moldie attacked right at the celebration and that he didn't arrive and have fun himself
Wouldn't the removal of arms and legs at the shoulder/hip be more effective?
Even though there were no official Aurors there, for some very strange reason that implies that Fudge really thought he had a peace, wouldn't they have still been there to celebrate or protect?
Do the goblins have a brain in their head? Where were they to protect theirs?

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 10:31am

Wow. I'll say it again, you are one of the most intense writers of battles, be they physical or political in fanfics today. To start out with Harry and his handling of the MID man, and the DE's who attacked there from the Wizangamot meeting, and then the last battle in the Alley, with a weak simpering Fudge, I can honestly hope and pray that this is going to be his downfall at last, as I cannot see the Wizangamot let this go unless they are marked DE's. Loved that moment with Harry and Hermione, and that Harry finally let his feelings be known, and that McNair got his good.

Tumshie posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 10:25am

Wow, absolutely fantastic, thank you once again.
I really enjoy your Paladin stories, off to read the alternative version.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 9:07am

Great chapter! Go Harry and Hermione! Glad to see he finally got his thumb out of it and got on with their relationship.

MacNair got off easy. I would've said "To the Pain," and used the punishement Wesley threatened Humperdink with in 'The Princess Bride', that was hands, feet, eyes, nose and tongue(or was it lips?) if I remember correctly, with the hearing left intact so that he could hear the screams of horror from all who beheld him.....

jimnjoye posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 8:46am

Great chapter! I've always liked the combination of Ginny and Neville. Ginny is just the girl to stand up to Augusta when she needs a dressing down. I look forward to all of your updates.

dougal74 posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 8:25am

ANother well written chapter and welll worth the wait.

If Fudge is your Chamberlain; does this make Harry your Churchill?

I await you nxt installment with glee.

warpwizard posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 7:01am

Great chapter. Lots of good conflict and action. Nice job.

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 6:47am

V intense chapter, esp. at the end. Tell me, if there's a lull, will Fudge proclaim 'Lord Thingy has missed the knight's bus'?

I hope Harry hurries and gives Hermione the info on 'the old ways' -- he's going to have to know them!

gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 6:24am

Ooh, you do write great battles. Now, why do i have the feeling that this will all have been Harry's fault at the next Wizened game meeting?


bonnie posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 4:58am


takon65 posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 4:09am

This was a powerful chapter. I enjoyed it immensely. Your writing is very addictive, I can't wait till the next chapter. Thank you very much.

Asad posted a comment on Saturday 13th September 2008 5:48am

I just read chapter 21 over at Portkey. It was a surprise seeing it available there and not here first.

Regardless, an excellent chapter as usual with a good blend of politics and action. The Peace day initiative with Fudge was doomed from the start. I wonder if this will sway him away from Umbridge and Sheets in the Wizengamot. Harry seems to be gathering allies and boosting the favorable votes which is good politics. However, I await his probably attack on the Sheets and Umbridge votes. The return of the Weasley votes from Umbridge to Arthur would be icing on the cake if and when it happens.

I also wonder if the attack at the end of the chapter will be reason enough for a vote of no confidence for Fudge.

The fight was nice and realistic. There should be some loses on the light side too apart form the injured.

Harry claiming Patron Protector at the end was foolish in light of his apparent lack of knowledge about it. This will certainly have interesting repercussions later on which will make the story more interesting though I do fear that in light of all the politics and Wizarding history put in the chapters, this story might lose focus from the story itself.

Keep up the good work, Ted, and I hope for an update soon. :)

SophiaJoanna posted a comment on Thursday 4th September 2008 1:09pm

What a fantastic opening! Excellent writing with correct grammar and spelling. All this and H/Hr - I love the ship but rarely find H/Hr fics that I like and so far so good.

pav posted a comment on Monday 18th August 2008 7:01am

So far this is a truly impressive creation and i assume you intend to come pretty close to the size and richness of Sacrifices Ark.
The only thing i do not understand is why the industrial magical USA does not conquer the weak feudal magical Britain.
And i am afraid under the circustances your Harry will have to force the world to accept his plans through a real bloody revolution.

pav posted a comment on Monday 18th August 2008 6:15am

I have a strong suspicion that since canon or at least PS is a parody on Eton the word behind the m-word is a forgotten derogative Cambridge and Oxford aristocrats used against those without an English public school experience.The cussword was troglodyte or trog or trogle.

pav posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2008 8:05am

Of course the HP universe must have a religion.It is rather sad fandom has not yet invented one.
I would like to say,as a historian to a fellow one,that it is not the beliefs and denominational and doctrinal matters that worry me about the religious aspects of fanfics.I just hope to see the compatibility of depicted society with its proposed faith.Any monotheism i know about is allergic to the concept of magic.Wizardfolk might as well be Christians,nothing wrong with that,but then,i am afraid,they would incorporate some specific teachings like muggles have no souls for example.There were times when medieval societies thought women have none so i am not imagining things.Christianity is gentle,universal and egalitarian while wizarding world is agressive,individualistic and meritocratic.I have no problem with story,my dear Author,these are just my purely theoretical worries.
Your novel is great and marvelous.It is my pleasure to read probably the best researched story of the HP fandom.

Clell65619 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th July 2008 1:16am

A most interesting history there... So the Boston Tea Party was a bunch of pure blood twits screwing up? Wonderful.

- I kept waiting for James Madison to be a descendant of Mattie...

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 11:19am


I've read both versions of this chapter, and in both cases, the couple (Harry/Ginny in "Great Scott", and Harry/Hermione here in GD) become revolutionaries in a way that Riddle should have seriously considered. As smart as Riddle was, why is it that he never even remotely considered Mongering? (Especially since supposedly Darker than the Dark Arts.) Believe it or not, Harry's Mongering is so classically Salazar-meets-Ben Franklin that Grindelwald should be equally ashamed *not* to have considered it. (Honestly; if you look at the Founding Fathers, even George Washington, and especially Jefferson, Sam and John Adams, how many of *them* would have fit right in with the ideals espoused by the non-Dark members of Slytherin House?)