Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


gtgrouch posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2014 6:56am

This is a cute little ficlet, ending in something that has been my bane: "How do I teach something when they don't get it?" Thanks for posting it!

Nytefyre posted a comment on Saturday 9th March 2013 2:19am

Interesting new twist on spell creation and I like the explanations and ties to science. Thanks for posting. posted a comment on Thursday 8th April 2010 10:16pm

Awesome story!!!!

riegert8 posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 12:04pm

It interesting that Harry would lecture to Hermione, But at the same time I wonder if it would hurt Harry's friendship with Hermione. Hermione is considered one of the smartest witches in her year and maybe for an long time, I would think that it would hurt her pride that Harry could have learn something that she can't. Sometime proud could end a friendship.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2008 2:00pm

Spell Mongers bludgeon, bang, anneal, cajole, forge, shear, and render the material of the universe to their will

Fantastic language you've employed here! Thanks ~

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 8:59am

LOL! The death of Microsoft caught my attention more then any other bit. Hermione just didn't seem to be in character, she acted more like a pureblood who had been indoctrinated into believing something since the cradle. Just wasn't the behavior I'd expect of a muggle born witch.

leo posted a comment on Friday 9th February 2007 11:21pm

hy harry's leo!pls rraspundemi si tu!

Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 8th August 2006 2:16am

I really like this. A good representation of an indepth conversation between Harry and Hermione about something Harry knows more about than Hermione does. Not the usual setup. Thanks for writing. pms

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 5:21am

Nice and fits well with the story. thaks for it.

Quizer posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 4:03am

I'm still almost as confused as Hermione after reading this. But I guess that's understandable since Harry has only just discovered the journal in the real story. What baffles me the most is the 'profit aspect' of spell mongering, as it's called here. Why has the spell to be sold? Does it have to? Can it only be used by people who bought the spell?
I suppose these questions will all be answered in due time during the course of the story, but it still leaves me wondering right now...
Hope you'll finish another chapter soon!


Asad posted a comment on Sunday 16th April 2006 3:33pm

KutGW = Keep up the good work.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 4:09am

Nice little snippet, not to mention a preview of what is to come in the Paladin universe. Thanks!

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks my friend.

Asad posted a comment on Saturday 1st April 2006 11:30am

Nice! KutGW!

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for your kind words and for reading.

Er, what does KutGW mean?   I don't leetspeak.   I even feel odd using the word
 using the word 'leetspeak.'

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 5:31am

Ohhh - cool! Spell Mongering... I like that! Taking matter "out of thin air" and create what you want or need is definitely a neat ability. Love these palatin drabbles.


Aaran St Vines replied:

Quantum Physics has become a hobby reading subject for me recently.   Weird, I know.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 7:18am

interesting.... Very very interesting...

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for your kind words and for reading.

Rich posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 9:22pm

Just noticed the 3 Explanations to your world, and found them facinating. Perfect for killing time while I wait for the next installment of Great Scot!

The mix of magic and technology in particular stood out for me.

The Muggle governments of the world combined forces to bomb old Redmond, Washington, USA off the face of the globe in 2038, five months after Windows 2035 shipped

Oh and I loved that bit about the world blowing up Redmond!!!

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

I find the idea of the core science behind magic and physics a fascinating concept I am enjoying exploring.

I have changed this short to mention that the bombing of Redmond idea is very loosely based on a small segment from a book based on the Val Kilmer movie, "Red Planet."   The bombing did not occur in the movie, but Peter Telep wrote a book of the same title released at the time of the movie.   A similar idea was broached in the book.


David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 1:03pm

Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 1:54pm

Very interesting.

Is the word 'monger' used as a verb a common British usage?

If it weren't for your NSNS status, I'd be having some rather different expectations about 'Paladin visits'. ;-)

Aaran St Vines replied:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

I have heard since writing about this that an iron monger in Great Britain is a hardware store in US-Speak.   Monger is not a complimentary word, and that is the point.   The word has been trashed in Muggle and magical vocabularies to besmirch Spell Mongery.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 2:10pm

Very nice tying in of magic and technology. I keep wondering what would/will happen when some bright wizard/witch with a muggle background decides to try combining the two.

Aaran St Vines replied:

In roughly chapter ten or eleven, Harry will explain in some detail about physics and magic as he understands it regarding Spell Mongering.   I can't wait to write it.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Arkeus posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 1:43pm

very good, i was afraid it would turn into hermione bashing, but it couldn't be farther than that :-)
enjoying your universe a lot.
kinda hoping you are working twelve hours a day on it:p

Aaran St Vines replied:

I am working close to twelve hours a day, but in the real world mostly.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.